Nobody likes cleaning take apart cans, especially us! It doesn’t take much shooting at all, especially 22 or 9mm, to get a suppressor so gunked up you can barely get it apart, let alone all the scrubbing and scraping to get it back to some semblance of clean. It’s one of those tasks that is definitely worth it, but never quite as satisfying as breaking down and cleaning your favorite firearm. When thinking about cleaning a take apart silencer, the old adage is ever true, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or, in our case, a few drops of CLP are worth an hour of scrubbing! When you get that new Centurion (or any other take apart can), take a few minutes to “clean” it first. Since it’s brand new, there isn’t any actual cleaning to be done, but getting a good, thin layer of quality CLP before the first shot will go a long way to cut down on carbon and lead buildup. We’re fond of Rand CLP around here and find it works well for this and many other daily functions. Starting out with a little CLP on the surfaces of the core and inner surface of the tube is no cleaning “magic bullet”, but it will help. And any time saved in cleaning is always a welcome surprise!