This is the thread protector designed for the Fixed Barrel Adapters that are used with the Liberty Mystic X suppressor. Should you choose to leave the mount on your rifle, now there is a thread protector to cover the threads while the suppressor is not deployed on the mount. This device is backwards compatible with the Mystic and Infiniti silencers as well. Back by popular demand, we have  made them to where they give your carbine a cool look as well as protecting the threads! Get yours today!
FBA Thread Protector Link to Page
The special thing about this Mystic X silencer FBA thread protector is that it will also create a blast projector out of a full size FBA as well, this by default creates two devices out of one and gives you more versatility as well. These do a phenomenal job of their original purpose of protecting the threads on your Mystic X suppressor Fixed Barrel Adapter threads when the silencer is not mounted to the carbine. A lot of people have found that it is easier to leave the mount on the host weapon and simply move the suppressor module from one to the other host and then the Mystic X simply screws on to the adapter on each one. This gives a nice light weight appeal as well as dependable repeatability when the Mystic X silencer is removed and then reinstalled on the host, minimizing the shift in zero.
The FBA thread protector is made from high quality aluminum and is anodized for a long lasting finish as well. They are made in such a way as to prevent them from hanging up on things like car seat belts and backpacks as well. It also projects the sound forward so the weapon operator does feel quite as much sound energy as well. This is a huge benefit when the suppressor is not in use nor is it always appropriate to use it. Just some food for thought.