When you think about a rimfire silencer, you think of things like the Regulator 22lr suppressor or the Vector rimfire suppressor, but there are other options as well.
You see, the new silencer owner also has other biases that they need to consider when choosing their first 22lr suppressor. These things include, clean-ability, sound suppression and weight as well as a host of other things like price and size. We will look at a few of these and a couple of silencer options that you might not consider as well.

22LR Suppression
Come on… we all know this is the real reason for buying the 22lr suppressor to start with. That “movie gun” sound that can only come from a suppressed 22lr is the magic that all suppressor owners strive for. We know that since this is the main criteria that we want to make sure to address this first and foremost. Even with other options on the table, the best suppressors for this task are the dedicated 22lr suppressor designs like the Regulator Ti and the Regulator. These are leading class sound reduction (with subsonic ammunition of course) and will last a lifetime with some routine maintenance. The next level up from this would be small bore rifle silencers. These would be very effective on suppression, but not practical as they are large and bulky compared to the design specific 22lr suppressor. Also, dedicated rifle silencers are not user cleanable for the most part and this poses a problem for rimfire use, cleaning…. This normally requires a trip back to the maker for cleaning and that can get costly.

Weight and Size
The next area that makes the most sense is in the physical weight and size of our choices. Now, of course, the dedicated models will be the best choice here again… (are you seeing the pattern yet?) But we can look at a few other ideas too. Another great choice for a light weight rimfire silencer is the Infiniti X multi caliber silencer. The Inifinti X is designed for maximum caliber choices (including all rimfire calibers) and light weight at the same time. So if oyu want options with your 22lr suppressor then you can also choose something like the Infiniti X as well as it will still allow light weight and excellent suppression too.

Here is where the point to be considered leans towards the dedicated 22lr suppressor. The price of the silencer is one of the biggest factors for many people and a dedicated rimfire silencer will almost always be significantly cheaper than any other option out there. So if you plan to only shoot rimfire ammunition and price is a major factor for you then you will probably want something like a Regulator 22lr suppressor. You still get class leading…or some might even say… movie gun quiet out of it, and you can save some money in the process.
As you can see, these are just a few of the possible factors to consider when looking for a 22lr suppressor, but these are the ones we see the most often and the solutions we find for them. So what do you think is a factor for you? We would like to know and until next time, keep your powder dry!