Silencer maintenance
The subject of silencer maintenance comes up fro time to time at Liberty and we work hard to support our users with equipment and information to help them with their suppressor experience. The main thing that comes up after how to install a suppressor is how do I take care of this thing? Do I clean it with the same stuff I use on my gun? Do I just use it and never maintenance it? These and many more come in regularly.
We suggest different regimens for different silencers. Take for instance, the Mystic X, this silencer is even marketed as take-apart. This tells the user that it is intended to be dismantled for cleaning or inspection. So people do just that, but sometimes they are not properly equipped to do this job. The proper tools will enable the user to take the suppressor apart and reassemble it without damage to the finish and it will also make the job easier at the same time.

To give you a simple run down for different silencers, follow this general guideline. If the silencer is a rimfire gun, then it needs cleaning every time the gun gets cleaned. Rimfire is very dirty and makes the silencer very dirty at the same time, so this means you should never shoot rimfire through a silencer that is not take apart in design. 9mm suppressor use is also a very common application and this is also a very dirty operation that requires regular maintenance and will serve you well to have the Liberty Tool Kit. Almost all rifle use does not normally need to clean the silencer. The rifle build up is minimal and for most people the time it takes to build up enough material to make a difference is decades. Heavy 556 use can fill up a suppressor in a year or two, but this is normal and is not a warranty item, so rebuilding the suppressor at the factory every few years is normal service work if you shoot tens of thousands of rounds per year and should be factored into the maintenance costs of using the rifle/suppressor combo. The same as replacing worn parts on the rifle, the silencer also have to be serviced. It is normal to have to do this, so just keep that in mind.
The proper tools…
The proper tools to maintain your silencer can vary from can to can. These tools are specially designed to work with your suppressor specifically and will be the best solution for your needs. The Liberty Tool Kit is designed for the Mystic X, Infiniti X, Cosmic and Centurion silencers specifically. These are all engineered with the same basic concept of assembly and these tools will work on all of them equally well. The Liberty Tool Kit contains a special tool that is not normally purchased by our silencer owners. This is the driver tool, it is used to protect the internal threads of the core when removing it from the tube and it also helps with holding the core while cleaning off material buildup.
Other tools in the Liberty Tool Kit are the ring wrench that is used to remove the tube retaining ring, the Liberty Multi-wrench and a nylon pouch to store the tools in when not in use. The ring wrench is the one tool we see not used the most as the retaining ring can get stuck from carbon build up and people will use pliers to remove it, lacking the ring wrench. This is terrible as it always chews up the retaining ring. This kit solves that. So when you grab your Dakota Tactical D54 and your Infinti X silencer, know that you can maintain this system properly with the Liberty Tool Kit.