So which silencer is the most “fun” to go to the range and use? The title kinda gives it away, but a lot of people dont know the fun that can be had by getting a good high quality 22LR suppressor. With one of these little silencers you can goto the range for pennies on the dollar compared to the bigger calibers while also getting better sound suppression.

Sound Signature of a silenced pistol.
Before we wander down this rabbit hole, I am not a audiologist nor am I able to give legal advice because I am not a lawyer, I am just some guy who loves to read and learn things about sound. With that lets get into what I have found over the years.
This is the number one reason for getting a 22LR suppressor in the first place. The sound reduction of this caliber is on the order of 40dB or more sometimes and can literally turn a 22LR pistol into what sounds like a staple gun. You have to understand what 40dB means because the dB scale is logorythmic and the scale gets progressively stronger the higher the number. 10db is 10 times quieter, ok…what is 20db then? Well 20dB is 100, 30dB is 1000 and 40dB is a whopping 10,000 times quieter! At least that is how I understand it. Now this doesn’t mean that the sound is so low you cant hear it, what it does mean is that it will take a pistol that registers 150dB (what will cause immediate and irreversible hearing damage and make it 110dB which is well below the OSHA threshold of levels for short periods of time. We are taking those energies and converting them into other things like heat or spreading them out over time so the energy doesnt have as high of an maximum amplitude. You see a gunshot has a huge peak impulse then the sound falls off really fast, so if we can capture that energy and release it slower over time, then we can lower the maximum peak, making the perceived sound much lower. There is a law of physics that states you can neither create nor destroy energy, you can only alter it’s state. So what we are doing is altering the period of which the energy is released (since we can not destroy this energy, we have to do something with it) so that the over all amplitude is much lower. By spreading out the sound, the same amount of energy is present, but at a lower level. The Regulator Ti silencer does a wonderful job of this and can be used on pistols as well as rifles.
Cost of a 22LR suppressor.

The next thing most people learn about shooting rimfire ammo is that it is so much cheaper than centerfire ammunition. So this means that you can shoot more at an outing and more often for the same money as you could if you bought rifle ammo.
22LR also has another benefit from cost, it is easier to train a new shooter with 22LR than it is with centerfire ammunition. This is because the ammo that you will be shooting through the 22LR suppressor will be cheaper and they can train more plus the sound suppression will help them develop good habits instead of bad ones from reacting to really loud gunfire.
So if you are ready to tame that 22LR rifle or pistol, Liberty Suppressors has the tools you need. Until next time, keep your powder dry!