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Multi Cal Suppressor ?

multi cal suppressor mystic x

Multi Cal Suppressor Application

When we desgined our multi cal suppressor, we wanted to make it enduring. The Mystic X is the best multi cal suppressor in our opinion and here is why we think so. First of all, it has legacy and has a decade of refinement under its belt. This also makes it one of the most refined silencers on the market too. It doesn’t have a ton of flashy widgets like screw together segments or use ultra exotic metals. Well, maybe titanium and high grade stainless steel are such metals after all…

Mystic X Silencer

The Mystic X is, in our opinion, the perfect first time buyers silencer. This goes hand in hand with a great multi cal suppressor as well. Since it is a great split purpose suppressor, it works really well on a whole plethora of firearms. The first time buyer is one who usually wants to test the waters to see what guns they prefer to silence. The Mystic X silencer is perfect for this role since it covers such a wide range of calibers. The silencer is also a perfect match since it has a take apart design allowing for easy cleaning. The end user is able to clean the suppressor after shooting particularly dirty calibers. The 22LR family as well as the 9mm and cast 38 Special calibers are all particularly dirty when it comes to cleaning the suppressor.

Pictured above is the Mystic X with a MAAD Mount and our H.A.T.E. Ring adapter for just one of many QD operations.

If you have been looking for a first suppressor, the Mystic X is really worth a look. The feature set alone makes it a great contender. We look at things like mounting options and even offer to make custom mounts if needed. Where else do you get that kind of service? No where is the answers to that! Aside from all those reasons, the next thing is that we are here to support you if needed. The Liberty team will answer the phone or call you back if we are busy at that moment and take care of your concern.

The support system for the Mystic X alone makes it a great choice for a multi cal suppressor. That is what we think of when we think of a multi cal silencer. We think you will agree when you see one too.

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IDF 10/22 Clone Integrally Suppressed System

idf 10/22 clone reference photo

You can see in the picture above what is believed to be an IDF soldier fielding an original Ruger 10/22 Integral built rifle. The IDF 10/22 Clone project was basically a modified standard 10/22 with a big fat silencer to hush up the whole thing. They built the original gun for supersonic ammunition is my speculation. They most likely ported it to bleed off velocity to prevent the rounds from reaching the supersonic threshold. I am speculating a lot here as I have never been able to lay eyes on an original sample. On top of that, I have also not been able to see one dismantled either.

IDF 10/22 Clone by Liberty Suppressors

When we designed our clone of this exotic weapons system, we chose to use a standard 10/22 as well. Instead of porting the barrel on our IDF 10/22 Clone, we chose to simply recommend subsonic ammunition. Subsonic ammunition is plentiful today and ported designs are maintenance nightmares for the end user. The whole space where the porting occurs will build up material very quickly requiring a stringent maintenance regimen. The silencer will soon fail to work properly. The rounds easily going supersonic due to the port region being plugged with debris.

We also chose to make the design different in another way simply because of US late regarding the ownership of silencers. Choosing to use a stainless steel core and a titanium tube made the build much more durable. We would have liked to use aluminum like the original no about had, but it is not maintenance friendly. This is not a problem for any army as they will simple destry the non-serviceable unit and simply buy a new one to replace it with.

IDF 10/22 clone suppressed barrel
IDF 10/22 suppressed barrel

I have here a picture of our IDF 10/22 Clone and you can see some of the subtle differences. The first difference is that we cut our knurling in a turning center and the original is traditional french knurls. We diligently worked on making our clone look as close to the original as possible. We wanted the end user to have a better experience as the original military personnel that fielded these rigs.

This project is one of our favorite integrals to shoot and for good reason. It is absolutely dead ringer quiet. Give us a call or shoot us an email and we will get you squared away ASAP.

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.308 Suppressor Thoughts

.308 Suppressor Designs

There are a ton of .308 suppressor designs out there on the market today. We have stayed with the monolithic core design for several reasons though. Our silencers in this category have several features that are not available in other assembly techniques. Things like being able to replace the core if it gets damaged is a big one. The rear mounting section can be easily replaced if say you drop it on the threads. We offer models that have replaceable front and rear caps so it is a simple operation to replace these items should they become damaged.

The Amendment 308 silencer is a great .308 suppressor.

Options for many uses

We make many different models that will cover this wonderful caliber. Models like our Mystic X for one can be used as a .308 suppressor even though it is actually a great multi caliber suppressor. Our Amendment is a no frills model that is great if you want to dedicate a silencer to one host weapon and just leave it there. Our Sovereign is a great titanium suppressor that has a plethora of features that run the gambit of options available.

The Mystic X while being fairly small, works really well in this class for suppression. The Mystic X is used regularly by many as a hunting rifle silencer once it is outfitted with one of our suppressor covers. It’s light weight combined with the massive catalog of adapters makes it an obvious choice for this role.

The Amendment is our latest addition to this caliber. This silencer was designed from the outset to cover the bases needed and nothing more. It doesn’t have interchangeable…anything. It direct threads to a 5/8-24 threaded muzzle and just makes it quiet. No fancy front cap machining or anything like that makes it VERY budget friendly when it comes to a great .308 suppressor.

sovereign rifle silencer .308 suppressor

The Sovereign is our flagship .308 suppressor and should be considered if you are serious about weight reduction compared to stainless models. The excellent suppression and the ability to mount it over our muzzle brakes and flash hiders as well. We love this silencer in particular for these features and the fact that it looks so darn cool as well. Did I mention it ships with an Armageddon Gear mirage cover so it works better in the field as well.

No matter what your .308 suppressor needs we have you covered here at Liberty Suppressors.

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Best Integrally Suppressed 300 Blk Upper or Muzzle can?

Best integrally suppressed 300 BLK upper points to consider

W have been building some the best integrally suppressed 300 blk upper designs for over 10 years at this point. The first time we debuted our original Leonidas integral at the Silencer Shoot in Dallas TX, it was received with much praise and loved by everyone. This is a photo from that day, just look at all those vintage widgets on that thing!

We love taking the Leonidas integral AR15 to the range for people to shoot. Best integrally suppressed 300 BLK upper
We love taking the Leonidas integral AR15 to the range for people to shoot.

We did a bunch of special things in that design that were never really done before with an AR15 upper integral in a centerfire caliber. One of the most curious things was that we designed the silencer in such a way that we captured the gas block inside the suppressor module. This allowed two things to happen at once that we liked.One thing was that it captured the leaking gasses from the gas block inside the suppressor. The other thing it did was allow us to make the internal volume of the silencer much larger. Did I mention that larger is better? There old adage that “there is no replacement for displacement” rings true not only in the car industry. This same adage rings true in the silencer world too.

This broke the boundary of suppression for this cartridge when we did this and made the best integrally suppressed 300 blk upper a distinct possibility for our Leonidas project. Do we know with absolute certainty that it is the best integrally suppressed 300 blk upper? No, because we can not possibly know where all these build reside nor do we have the ability to test them scientifically. But one thing is for cure, we had a winner with the original…

Enter the next evolution…

Leonidas Gen 2 main image - 300 blackout integral rifle silencer - best 300 blackout

This build was well received for many years but we here at Liberty can not leave well enough alone and over time, Noah saw things he felt could use improvement with the Leonidas project and after much discussion the Leonidas Gen 2 was born! With the Leonidas Gen 2 we were able to shorten the over all length by 1.5″ thereby moving the center of gravity back some. We also updated the barrel with a tighter twist rate and length to better match more modern loads and heavy bullets at subsonic speeds. We also changed the supplier of the rail and upper housing to Aero Precision with their monolithic design with M-LOK support. All of this and we still shaving a whopping 9dB off of the sound signature! You have heard of the fictional guns that sound like a pneumatic stapler? This is one of those guns…

Here is another little tidbit that goes into these kinds of builds, we brought a lot of tech from the Gen 1 Leonidas over to the Gen 2 version, but we also made many updates to improve the weapon system overall. One such change is the gas block, we have long since made our own gas blocks for our Leonidas builds here at Liberty Suppressors, but with the Leonidas Gen 2 we sent a step further and add a gas adjust to the gas block so now you can tune the gas system to your specific cartridge for best performance overall.

All of this while still maintaining a single stamp footprint! It seems the best integrally suppressed 300 blk upper just got a whole lot better! Sop if you interested in one of the best integrally suppressed 300 blk upper designs out there, look no further than Liberty…

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A 308 Suppressor Understanding

308 Suppressor Information

When the term 308 suppressor comes up, most people never bat an eye at their favorite rifle silencer and just what is going on in that thing when you use it on your favorite rifle. The need for a silencer that can handle 15,000 PSI momentarily and the shock of going from ambient atmosphere to this kind of pressure also requires certain design specs.

sovereign mount 308 suppressor

Silencer Material

The material for a 308 suppressor needs to have certain characteristics. Things like high strength and shock resistance are really obvious, but it also needs to be light weight to be able to be fielded without causing undue fatigue with the end user. A hunter carrying a rifle equipped with a silencer doesn’t want a lot of additional weight hanging on the end of the barrel. The only adage of ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain still applies no matter how cool you look with your suppressor… It also needs to have good thermal properties as well. The metal needs a really high melting point…for obvious reasons, but it also needs good thermal reactance or minimal growth from heating. This allows the suppressor to maintain it’s original form longer and this reduces deviations in the suppressor so point of impact is altered less. This equates to a better grouping suppressor and rifle combination.

308 Suppressor Size

This seems obvious also, but you have to consider that we have been in the business so long that we have seen several trends come and go over the years. Trends like the 10″ long rifle cans (which produced a wonderful deep tone by the way) to the super short “knocking off the edge” stubby rifle cans of a few years ago to the newer mid range and larger diameter designs of today that range in the 7 to 8″ size frame but are 1 5/8″ to 1 3/4″ diameter size instead. All of these designs have their own merits but the team at Liberty has always thought that sound performance should be the first and foremost spec. Due to this philosophy, we have never really embraced the little tiny silencers but have stayed true to our mission and kept them more reasonable in size. This means we made 308 suppressor designs that were longer at times to get better tonal performance or we made specialized baffle designs like our fabled Square Bore Technology in the Freedom series of silencers. I hope these things have shed some light on your 308 suppressor needs and help you to understand what makes a silencer like this good.

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Best Multi Caliber Suppressor Attributes

best multi caliber suppressor

Best Multi Caliber Suppressor Idea

When thinking of what makes the best multi caliber suppressor, one has to look at what they need in a silencer like this. The suppressor needs to be versatile, yes, but it also needs some other things to make it more useful in a variety of roles. We have been making multi purpose silencers for a very long time, so we feel we can speak on this subject with confidence.

The first thing that comes to mind is obvious, the best multi caliber suppressor needs to handle a huge amount of caliber variations. This can be genre specific or it can cover a ton of different areas. Things like rimfire firearms and centerfire pistol calibers are just a few.

Rifle/Pistol/Rimfire or what?

Does a multi purpose silencer have to fit every role imaginable? No. It only has to fit the roles it is designed for really well. The Infiniti X fits many roles well and several incredibly well. Just to name a few things that this suppressors has been used on with great success are.

  1. Booster Operated Pistol Silecner
  2. Non-booster Operated Pistol Silencer (Usually Rimfire but some centerfire too)
  3. Direct Thread Hunting Rifle Suppressor
  4. Direct Thread Carbine Suppressor
  5. Direct Thread Precision Rifle Suppressor
  6. Direct Thread Rimfire firearms in general.

I am sure there are more but I cant think of them at the time of this writing. The Infiniti X excels at all of these roles and weighs almost nothing while doing it. The weight is actually why it works so well in pistol and hunting rifle applications, it is not a burden to carry.

There are other silencers that have been classed as the best multi caliber suppressor, but the opinion of Liberty Suppressors is the Mystic X silencer are the absolute best. Some might consider our opinion biased, but it can be right too… We love our multi purpose silencers and we feel you will too. If you want to know more, you can find more info on our website at the links embedded in this blog post or just give us a call. We are here to help you find the right silencer for your needs.

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A 350 Legend Suppressor…

Choosing a 350 Legend Suppressor is easy.

OK, now we have to look a little at what makes a good 350 Legend Suppressor. We just happen to have a one so lets take a closer look and see what we have.

The first thing a good 350 Legend Suppressor needs a to be made from durable materials. This is why we don’t use aluminum here, it has two strikes against it right out of the gate. One is low tensile strength and the other is fatigue life. The problem with aluminum for me is that fatigue issue, when it fails, it fails catastrophically when it does. This is cool if you want a dramatic show, but not so much when you want to keep your rifle nice and quiet.

silencer suppressor carbine AR15 goliath 350 legend suppressor

Special metals we do like

Metals like titanium and high grade stainless steels are our preferred metals. These metals have good cost versus features for our needs. You see, there are technically better metals out there, but they are very expensive to buy and work with in general. So it winds up costing so much more to use these special alloys. You see, no one wants to pay the price it would cost to use them. Because of these factors alone, we chose 17-4PH Stainless Steel and 6AL4V Titanium for our needs.

Our Goliath while being primarily designed for the 458 SOCOM and the 338 Lapua Magnum works exceedingly well. It can be used on many big bore cartridges available today and the 350 Legend is no exception. It is constructed mainly of titanium with a few parts made from stainless steel. The core and tube being titanium makes this silencer very light for it’s size. This was one of our primary design requirements aside from sound suppression. We wanted it to not be a burden to deploy into the field when on a hunting trip.

Sound Suppression can not be overstated…

This catagory is where we put almost all of our emphasis when we design a silencer. We feel the whole point of having the suppressor on your firearm is to reduce the sound signature. This first and foremost spec leads us to make some “out of the box” designs to make sure our users are happy. For one we design specific baffle geometry for each model that is specific for the type of rounds being used. We will sacrifice other specs for this, like size is an easy one to think of here… This is why the Goliath silencer is 2″ in diameter, it just makes sense when suppressing a 338 Lapua or 350 Legend.

All that aside a 350 Legend Suppressor like the Goliath will serve most anyone perfectly for many years. This is why we recommend it so much when we do, it just works and works really well. Be sure to consider all the aspects of a silencer when looking for your 350 Legend Suppressor and not fall for clever marketing. I hope this has helped eve na little when looking for your big bore silencer needs. If you have more questions, just reach out to us either by email or phone and we will do our best to answer your questions. Stay safe!

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Multi-purpose Silencer or Dedicated Suppressor

When choosing a silencer for your project, it is important to choose one that fits your needs in the scenario that you will be using it in. This is the most common stumbling block for most first time buyers and even veteran silencer owners. Let’s take a quick look at what can be some of the criteria that should be looked at for choosing a silencer for multi purpose use or a dedicated application.

multipurpose silencer suppressor

Multipurpose Suppressor

When most people decide to get a silencer for the first time, they usually gravitate to the multipurpose silencer. This makes a lot of sense too as it gives the most versatility of use that can be had for the purchasers dollar. Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes this is a problem. The problems come in when you want a very specific application and this application has criteria that the multipurpose suppressor can not fit in. Things like small carbine builds for mounted operations. You would definitely not want a something like the Mystic X in a situation like this. Now, multipurpose designs do have merit though so things like a rimfire rifle as well as a centerfire hunting rifle is a great application where one day you are on the square range shooting steel targets with your Infinti X multipurpose suppressor, then the next day you are in your tree stand hunting whitetail deer with your Savage Model 110 in 308 Winchester. This dual application setup is a perfect example of what a multipurpose suppressor is supposed to be used for. There are many more but this is a good one to start with

suppressor silencer carbine

Dedicated Suppressor Designs

This area is where I normally steer a more seasoned silencer owner as this is where you start to dedicate silencers to specific firearms. The most common applications for dedicated suppressor designs is like the photo above of a 556 NATO short barreled rifle and that it will see heavy use on the firing range. The Constitution 2 silencer seems to be the unit of choice for this application actually.

Another application for a dedicated silencer is on a rimfire pistol, these are very popular setups and for good reason. When people goto the range the first time to shoot a suppressed 22LR firearm, the pistol is usually what it is. If you have never used a high quality rimfire suppressor on a rimfire pistol host you are missing out. This is one of the true joys in life for the firearms enthusiast, to experience the exhilarating pleasure of shooting a quiet rimfire firearm.

My conclusion to all of this…

So here is my conclusion to this topic, at first almost all people should get a multipurpose suppressor to “dip their toes in the water” so to speak but once they have done that, the next one will be a dedicated unit to be “married” to a certain firearm. This is the logical progression in the United States with the way the process is currently structured for silencer ownership. Some people will obviously fall outside this area, but most will fit nicely inside this box and that is ok. Get your silencer and go have some fun with it.

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22 LR bliss with a silencer

22LR Silencer choices

When people start looking for a 22LR suppressor, they normally look for one that has as many options as possible for calibers as they want as many choices as they can get for the same dollar spent. This makes perfect sense as the user would be wise to do this…for a multipurpose silencer…

A 22LR silencer should fill that role really well and not really any other. The only real exception to this is other rimfire calibers like 17HMR and 22WMR. But you will want it to be as quiet as possible on 22LR as the main suppressor application. We tend to get hung up on options here in the United States for some reason and that is not always a good thing.

The right choice…

22LR is a caliber that is special in that is can be made to be subsonic without too much work. this is different from almost all other calibers on the market. The 22LR is the right combination of bullet weight and velocity that there are several choices of ammunition that can easily be driven to the subsonic level without much effort. One brand that comes to mind right away is CCI Standard Velocity, even with it’s claimed supersonic velocity on the box, it routinely comes in as subsonic. It works so well in fact that we use it exclusively for our testing ammunition here at the facility!

So if you like to shoot 22LR, just get a suppressor to fit that round and one that works really well for it and don’t worry if it can handle 22-250 or some such. Are you REALLY going to be shooting these other calibers on your rimfire can? Most people will answer “No” if they are honest with themselves here.

When you choose your rimfire silencer, simply be honest with yourself and if you wont be shooting it on anything other than 22LR (and this applies to most people) Then save yourself the headache and just get a really good 22LR silencer. We make two different ones and they both excell at two different things well. The Regulator is just drop dead quiet, that is it’s claim to fame. Ridiculous suppression and a light weight package. The other suppressor is the Vector and this silencer, while not as quiet as the regulator, is designed for ease of maintenance in mind. This way you can choose based on which camp you live in. The ease of maintenance camp or the absolute suppression camp.

vector silencer

I hope this little article has helped someone and if you want to know more, just shoot us and email and support@libertycans.net or go here and fill out the contact us form. Thank you!

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Understanding the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi Caliber Suppressor

The Versatility of a Multi Caliber Suppressor

The Infiniti X Lightweight Multi Caliber Suppressor is a game-changer in the firearms industry. With its innovative design and advanced technology, this suppressor offers unmatched versatility for shooters. Let’s delve into three key aspects of this exceptional product.

Multi caliber suppressor like this Infiniti X are great for carbine use.

Enhanced Performance Across Calibers

The Infiniti X Lightweight Multi Caliber Silencer boasts an exceptional ability to seamlessly adapt to a wide range of calibers, making it a standout feature. Whether you’re utilizing a pistol, rifle, or submachine gun, this suppressor consistently delivers top-notch performance. Its versatile multi-caliber capability enhances its appeal, especially for shooters who own multiple firearms and seek a single suppressor solution. This adaptability ensures optimal sound reduction and recoil mitigation across various firearm platforms, providing shooters with unparalleled versatility and performance.

Durable and lightweight construction of a premium multi caliber suppressor

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail using premium-grade materials, the Infiniti X Suppressor is engineered to endure the demanding conditions of frequent use. Despite its robust construction, this suppressor retains an impressively lightweight profile, effectively reducing the additional burden on your firearm. Its sleek and compact design enhances maneuverability and facilitates seamless operation, rendering it an optimal selection for shooters who prioritize both performance and convenience in their firearms accessories.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Shooting Experience

In conclusion, the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi Caliber Silencer is a must-have accessory for any firearm enthusiast. Its versatility, durability, and compliance with regulations make it a standout choice in the market. Enhance your shooting experience with the versatile Infiniti X Suppressor, crafted to elevate accuracy, reduce noise, and amplify enjoyment. Investing in this suppressor allows you to unlock the full potential of your firearm, taking your shooting skills to new heights. Whether you’re aiming for precision, seeking a quieter shooting experience, or simply looking to enhance your overall enjoyment on the range, the Infiniti X Suppressor delivers exceptional performance and versatility to meet your needs. Elevate your shooting game and experience the difference with the Infiniti X Suppressor.

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Multi caliber suppressor by Liberty Suppressors

Multi caliber suppressor is a term we basically were involved in the invention of. We went down this rabbit hole a long time ago and have stuck to this mantra ever since. The use of high grade stainless steels and titanium in our multi caliber suppressor designs has really brought us to the forefront of the multi caliber suppressor community.

Mystic silencer
Mystic silencer

A little multi caliber suppressor history…

When we made out first true multi purpose silencer, it was the 22 suppressor designs that we started with. we made these designs to be able to handle all the new rimfire cartridges of the period. When new rimfire rounds were added, we chose to work those into the designs as well. Later came the true multi purpose designs though and that is where the story gets interesting. The Mystic is where it all began. We even made a little video back in the day showcasing it a little.

Why multi caliber suppressor evolution

The Mystic paved the way for an entire industry, bringing fresh thinking to the scene. Everywhere one looks these days, they can find a multi-caliber suppressor. Embracing fresh thinking allows many minds to work on this idea, breeding great innovation. It has always been believed that innovation stems from a large group of people collaborating. This perspective aligns with the core belief of seeing the industry thrive through constant innovation is what makes progress possible.

Innovation being the key construct of the Mystic silencer, the next evolution was the Mystic X suppressor. While the Mystic was a wonderful design for a suppressor, the Mystic X excelled way beyond the world that the Mystic lived in. Liberty Suppressors went all out on this design and even continues to revise and improve it to this day as we discover things that will make it better. Then comes the variants where you get to have them in different metals or finishes. This is also driven by innovation as we have improved the coating over the years to a more durable CeraKote finish instead of the moly resin of the old days.

Wrapping up

We take innovation very seriously and will continue to do so as long as we are able. Liberty Suppressors looks forward to seeing what the future brings to the silencer world and hopes to be there when the next big breakthrough occurs.

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Suppressor Insights: Exploring Their Significance in Firearms

A suppressor, often referred to as a silencer, plays a crucial role in the firearms industry. Contrary to popular belief, their purpose extends beyond mere stealth; they also enhance shooting comfort and safety. Liberty Suppressors, a leading manufacturer, offers a range of high-quality suppressors designed to meet various needs.

The Functionality of a suppressor

At their core, suppressors work by trapping and dissipating gases expelled during the firing process. This reduces the audible report of the firearm, making it more comfortable for shooters and less disruptive to bystanders. Additionally, suppressors can mitigate recoil and muzzle rise, improving accuracy and follow-up shot capabilities.

Exploring Liberty Suppressors: A Trusted Name in Quality

Liberty Suppressors has earned a stellar reputation for its commitment to quality and innovation. With a diverse lineup of suppressors catering to various calibers and firearm types, they offer solutions for virtually any shooting application. From compact pistol suppressors to high-performance rifle models, Liberty Suppressors delivers reliability and performance.

Enhancing shooting experiences with a suppressor

Utilizing suppressors brings a multitude of benefits to shooters. Aside from the obvious reduction in noise and recoil, they also contribute to shooter comfort and safety. Moreover, a suppressor can help preserve hearing by mitigating the harmful effects of loud gunfire. Liberty Suppressors’ products excel in providing these benefits, ensuring an enjoyable shooting experience for enthusiasts.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Shooting Experience with Suppressors

Incorporating suppressors into your shooting arsenal can profoundly enhance your overall experience across various shooting activities, including recreational shooting, hunting, and tactical applications. These devices provide tangible benefits such as noise reduction, recoil mitigation, and improved safety. With Liberty Suppressors’ extensive range of high-quality products, shooters can confidently explore the advantages and elevate their shooting performance and enjoyment.

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9mm Suppressor Kit Revelation: Elevate Your Experience

Mystic X 9mm suppressor kit

When it comes to enhancing your shooting experience, few accessories offer the versatility and functionality of the 9mm suppressor kit. Liberty Suppressors’ Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor stands out as an exceptional solution for optimizing performance across various firearms. Let’s delve into the capabilities and benefits of this remarkable kit.

Understanding the Versatility of the 9mm Suppressor Kit

The 9mm suppressor bundle is designed to adapt seamlessly to different calibers, offering shooters unparalleled versatility. With Liberty Suppressors’ Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor, you have a single suppressor that can accommodate not only 9mm firearms but also a wide range of other calibers. From handguns to rifles, this kit ensures consistent performance and sound suppression across various platforms.

Exploring the Features of the Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor

The Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor is engineered with precision and innovation to deliver optimal performance in any shooting scenario. Its lightweight construction and durable materials make it a reliable companion for shooters seeking enhanced accuracy and control. Whether you’re at the range or in the field, this suppressor kit offers unmatched versatility and functionality.

Maximizing Performance

With the 9mm suppressor bundle, shooters can maximize their performance by reducing noise and recoil. By mitigating these factors, the Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor allows for improved accuracy and follow-up shots. Whether you’re a competitive shooter or a recreational enthusiast, this kit enhances your shooting experience by providing smoother operation and better control.

Optimizing Comfort and Convenience with the 9mm Suppressor Kit

In addition to performance benefits, the 9mm suppressor kit also prioritizes shooter comfort and convenience. The Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor’s lightweight design ensures minimal added weight to your firearm, allowing for comfortable handling and maneuverability. Its modular construction makes it easy to disassemble and clean, ensuring hassle-free maintenance for prolonged use.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Shooting Experience

In conclusion, the 9mm suppressorbundle offers shooters a comprehensive solution for optimizing their shooting experience. With Liberty Suppressors’ Mystic-X Multi-Caliber Suppressor, you have a versatile and reliable accessory that enhances performance, comfort, and convenience. Experience the power of the 9mm suppressor kit and elevate your shooting to new heights with Liberty Suppressors.

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Elevate Your Shooting: Mastering Versatility with the 9mm Suppressor Kit

Unlocking the Power of the 9mm Suppressor Kit: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Versatility of the 9mm Suppressor Kit

When it comes to firearm accessories, versatility is key, and the 9mm suppressor kit delivers just that. Liberty Suppressors’ Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor offers shooters a comprehensive solution for their 9mm firearms. Let’s delve into the versatility and functionality of this exceptional kit.

infiniti x suppressor kit 9mm suppressor kit

Exploring the Features of the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor

The Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor is designed to adapt to various calibers, including the popular 9mm. Its innovative design and construction ensure optimal performance across different firearms, making it a versatile addition to any shooter’s arsenal. With its lightweight build and multi-caliber capability, this suppressor kit offers shooters unparalleled flexibility and convenience.

Maximizing Performance

Whether you’re at the range or in the field, the Infiniti X kit enhances your shooting experience by reducing noise and recoil. By mitigating these factors, shooters can maintain better accuracy and control, ultimately improving their overall performance. The Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor’s ability to maximize performance across different calibers, including 9mm, makes it a valuable asset for any shooter looking to elevate their game.

Optimizing Shooting Comfort with the Infiniti X Suppressor Kit

One significant benefit of the 9mm suppressor kit is its ability to improve shooting comfort. By reducing the noise and recoil generated by firing a 9mm firearm, this kit allows shooters to enjoy a more pleasant shooting experience. Whether practicing at the range or engaging in extended shooting sessions, the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor ensures greater comfort and less fatigue for the shooter.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Shooting Experience with the Infiniti X Suppressor Kit

In conclusion, the Infiniti X suppressor kit offers shooters a versatile and effective solution for enhancing their shooting experience. With features like multi-caliber capability, lightweight construction, and improved shooting comfort, the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor stands out as a top choice for shooters looking to maximize their performance. Experience the versatility and functionality of the 9mm suppressor kit and take your shooting to the next level with Liberty Suppressors.

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Unlocking Enhanced Shooting: The Nielsen Device’s Role in Pistol Silencers

Exploring the Physics of Pistol Silencers: The Role of the Nielsen Device

As gun owners, let’s delve into the intricate world of firearm accessories, particularly for pistol silencers. Among the crucial components of these suppressors is the Nielsen Device, a mechanism that plays a vital role in optimizing their performance. Let’s explore the significance of the Liberty Suppressor booster in pistol silencer applications.

Cutaway booster assembly
AKA nielsen device

Cutaway view of a silencer booster showing how the parts fit together.

Understanding Pistol Silencers: A Physics Perspective

Understanding the fundamentals of pistol silencers requires a grasp of the mechanics behind sound suppression and recoil management. The Nielsen Device, also known as a recoil booster assembly, is a key element in achieving these objectives. Its innovative design allows for the effective management of recoil forces generated by the firing process.

The Nielsen Device: Harnessing Physics for Recoil Management

At its core, the Liberty Suppressor booster operates on the principle of Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When a pistol is fired, gases are expelled from the barrel, propelling the bullet forward. Simultaneously, an equal and opposite force is exerted backward, causing recoil.

Here’s where the Nielsen Device comes into play. By harnessing the energy of the recoil, this ingenious mechanism redirects it to facilitate the cycling of the pistol’s action. This not only ensures reliable functioning but also minimizes felt recoil, resulting in a smoother shooting experience.

The Ingenious Design of the Nielsen Device

The Liberty Suppressor booster achieves this feat through a clever arrangement of springs and pistons. As the pistol recoils, the device allows for a brief period of free movement before engaging the piston. This delay in action ensures that the pistol’s slide can cycle fully, extracting the spent cartridge and chambering a new round without interruption.

silencer recoil booster assembly

Selecting Quality Nielsen Devices for Enhanced Performance

When selecting a pistol silencer, it’s essential to consider the presence of a quality Nielsen Device. Liberty Suppressors offers a range of recoil booster assemblies that are specifically designed to enhance the performance of pistol silencers. With features such as durable construction and precise engineering, these devices ensure consistent and reliable operation.

Conclusion: Optimizing Pistol Silencer Performance

In conclusion, the Nielsen Device plays a pivotal role in the functionality of pistol silencers, allowing for effective recoil management and sound suppression. As a second-year physics student, I appreciate the intricate physics behind this essential firearm accessory and recognize its significance in optimizing shooting experiences.

Bulletin Board

Unveiling the Power of the 308 Suppressor: A Closer Look at the Amendment Rifle Suppressor

In the realm of firearm accessories, suppressors play a pivotal role in enhancing shooting experiences. For enthusiasts of the potent 308 cartridge, finding the ideal suppressor is paramount. Liberty Suppressors presents the Amendment Rifle Suppressor, engineered to meet the demands of 308 rifles. Let’s delve deeper into this impressive accessory and understand why it’s a must-have for firearm aficionados.

Engineering Excellence: The Backbone of the Amendment Rifle 308 Suppressor

Crafted with precision and expertise, the Amendment Rifle Suppressor stands as a testament to engineering excellence. Its robust construction and advanced technology ensure optimal performance, delivering unmatched sound suppression and recoil reduction. With the Amendment Rifle Suppressor, shooters can experience a smoother and more enjoyable shooting experience, even with the powerful 308 cartridge.

Unparalleled Performance: Taming the Thunder of the 308 Cartridge

The 308 cartridge is known for its formidable power and thunderous recoil. However, with the Amendment Rifle Suppressor, shooters can tame this beast with ease. Thanks to its innovative design and superior materials, this suppressor effectively mitigates noise and recoil, allowing shooters to maintain focus and precision shot after shot. Whether on the range or in the field, the Amendment Rifle Suppressor delivers unparalleled performance.

Versatility Redefined: Adapting to Various Shooting Scenarios

One of the standout features of the Amendment Rifle Suppressor is its versatility. Designed to accommodate a wide range of shooting scenarios, this suppressor proves its worth in various environments and conditions. Whether engaging in long-range precision shooting or tactical applications, the Amendment Rifle Suppressor rises to the occasion, providing consistent performance and reliability.

Legal Compliance: Peace of Mind for Firearm Enthusiasts

Navigating the legal landscape surrounding firearm accessories can be challenging. However, with the Amendment Rifle Suppressor from Liberty Suppressors, shooters can enjoy peace of mind. This suppressor complies with all relevant regulations and standards, ensuring that owners can fully appreciate its benefits without any legal hurdles.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Shooting Experience with the 308 Suppressor

In conclusion, the Amendment Rifle Suppressor from Liberty Suppressors stands as a pinnacle of performance and innovation in the realm of firearm accessories. With its engineering excellence, unparalleled performance, versatility, and legal compliance, it’s the perfect companion for shooters who demand the best. Experience the power of the 308 suppressor and elevate your shooting experience with the Amendment Rifle Suppressor from Liberty Suppressors.

Experience the Power of the 308 Suppressor: Get Yours Today!

Check out the Amendment Rifle Suppressor here and unlock the full potential of your 308 rifle.

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Exploring 350 Legend Suppressors: Goliath vs. Infiniti X by Liberty Suppressors

Unveiling the Power of the 350 Legend Suppressor: A Comparison

In the realm of firearm accessories, suppressors stand out as essential tools for enhancing shooting experiences. For enthusiasts of the potent 350 Legend cartridge, finding the ideal suppressor is crucial. Liberty Suppressors offers two exceptional options: the Goliath Big Bore Silencer and the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor. Let’s explore these suppressors and see how they cater to the needs of 350 Legend aficionados.

Goliath Big Bore Silencer: Harnessing Raw Power

Crafted to handle the immense power of big-bore cartridges, the Goliath Big Bore Silencer is a testament to engineering excellence. With its robust construction and advanced technology, the Goliath delivers unparalleled sound suppression and recoil reduction. The result? A smoother shooting experience that tames the thunderous roar of the 350 Legend, making it more manageable and enjoyable for shooters of all skill levels.

Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor: Versatility Personified

Versatility meets performance in the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor. Designed to adapt to various calibers, including the 350 Legend, this suppressor offers unmatched flexibility without compromising on effectiveness. Its lightweight design ensures maneuverability and convenience, making it a favorite among shooters who demand versatility and performance in their firearm accessories.

Optimizing Shooting Experience with the 350 Legend Suppressor

Both the Goliath and the Infiniti X are engineered to enhance the shooting experience for 350 Legend enthusiasts. By mitigating noise and recoil, these suppressors allow shooters to maintain focus and precision, whether at the range or in the field. The reduced noise signature not only enhances safety but also minimizes disturbance, making them ideal companions for hunting and recreational shooting activities.

Legal Compliance and Peace of Mind

Navigating the legal landscape surrounding firearm accessories can be daunting. However, with Liberty Suppressors, you can rest assured knowing that both the Goliath and the Infiniti X comply with all relevant regulations and standards. Liberty Suppressors prioritizes legal compliance, ensuring that owners can enjoy the full benefits of their suppressors without any legal hurdles.

Choosing the Perfect 350 Legend Suppressor

In conclusion, whether you opt for the raw power of the Goliath Big Bore Silencer or the versatility of the Infiniti X Lightweight Multi-Caliber Suppressor, Liberty Suppressors has you covered. Experience the unparalleled performance, versatility, and legal compliance that these suppressors offer, and elevate your shooting experience with the perfect 350 Legend suppressor from Liberty Suppressors.

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10mm Suppressor Mastery: Exploring the Cosmic as Your Ultimate Firearm Silencer

Unveiling the Cosmic 10mm Suppressor: The Perfect Fit for Your Firearm

In the world of firearms, precision and discretion are paramount. Whether you’re a seasoned marksman or a novice enthusiast, the importance of a reliable suppressor cannot be overstated. Enter the Cosmic 10mm Silencer from Liberty Suppressors – a game changer in the realm of firearm accessories. Let’s explore why this suppressor is the perfect fit for your 10mm firearm needs.

cosmic 10mm suppressor

Superior Engineering for 10mm Suppressor

The Cosmic 10mm Silencer is purpose-built to meet the demands of 10mm caliber firearms. Engineered with precision and attention to detail, it ensures optimal performance and compatibility with your weapon of choice. From the barrel to the muzzle, every component is meticulously crafted to deliver superior sound suppression and recoil reduction.

Versatility Across Platforms

Whether you’re wielding a 10mm pistol or a carbine, the Cosmic suppressor seamlessly adapts to various platforms. Its modular design allows for easy attachment and compatibility with a wide range of firearms chambered in 10mm. This versatility eliminates the need for multiple suppressors, providing a cost-effective solution without compromising performance.

Enhanced Shooting Experience

Shooting with a 10mm firearm can be exhilarating, but it often comes with a price – noise and recoil. The Cosmic 10mm Silencer mitigates these challenges, enhancing your shooting experience in ways that were previously unimaginable. With reduced noise signature and recoil, you can maintain focus and precision shot after shot, whether on the range or in the field.

Legal Compliance and Peace of Mind

Navigating the legal landscape surrounding firearm accessories can be daunting. However, with the Cosmic 10mm Silencer, you can rest assured knowing that it complies with all relevant regulations and standards. Liberty Suppressors prioritizes legal compliance, ensuring that owners can enjoy the full benefits of their suppressors without any legal hurdles.

Unmatched 10mm Suppressor Performance and Durability

Crafted from high-quality materials and subjected to rigorous testing, the Cosmic 10mm Suppressor is built to last. Its robust construction withstands the rigors of regular use, maintaining peak performance even in adverse conditions. Whether you’re engaging in intense training sessions or venturing into the great outdoors, this suppressor delivers unmatched reliability and durability.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Firearm Experience with the Cosmic 10mm Silencer

In conclusion, the Cosmic 10mm Suppressor from Liberty Suppressors represents the pinnacle of performance, versatility, and reliability in the realm of firearm accessories. With its purpose-built design, compatibility across platforms, enhanced shooting experience, legal compliance, and unmatched durability, it stands as the perfect fit for your 10mm firearm needs. Don’t settle for anything less – unlock the full potential of your arsenal with the Cosmic 10mm Suppressor today.

Check out the Cosmic 10mm Suppressor here and experience the difference for yourself.

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Versatility Redefined: Exploring the Mystic X Multi Caliber Suppressor

Unlocking Versatility: The Mystic X Multi Caliber Suppressor

In the realm of firearm accessories, suppressors stand out as quintessential tools for reducing noise and muzzle flash. However, the Liberty Suppressors Mystic X takes this functionality to the next level with its innovative multi caliber design. Let’s delve into the realm of versatility and efficiency that this suppressor brings to the table.

1. Dynamic Caliber Adaptability

One of the most striking features of the Mystic X suppressor is its ability to adapt to various calibers seamlessly. Whether you’re shooting a .22LR, 9mm, .223/5.56, or even a .300 Blackout, this suppressor has you covered. This flexibility eliminates the need for multiple suppressors, streamlining your arsenal and enhancing convenience without compromising performance.

2. Compact and Lightweight Construction

Despite its impressive adaptability, the Mystic X maintains a compact and lightweight profile. Crafted from durable materials, this suppressor ensures longevity and reliability without adding unnecessary bulk to your firearm. Its streamlined design facilitates easy attachment and removal, making it an ideal companion for both recreational shooters and tactical professionals.

3. Superior Sound Suppression

The primary function of any suppressor is to reduce the noise generated by firing a weapon. The Mystic X excels in this regard, providing exceptional sound suppression across a range of calibers. Whether you’re engaging targets at the range or navigating sensitive environments, the reduced noise signature enhances safety and minimizes disturbance.

4. Enhanced Shooting Experience

By mitigating both noise and muzzle flash, the Mystic X suppressor elevates the shooting experience to new heights. Recoil reduction further contributes to improved accuracy and control, allowing shooters to maintain focus and precision in any situation. Whether you’re a seasoned marksman or a novice enthusiast, this suppressor enhances comfort and enjoyment with every shot fired.

5. Compliance and Legal Considerations

Navigating the legal landscape surrounding firearm accessories can be challenging. However, the Mystic X suppressor simplifies this process by adhering to regulatory standards and requirements. With proper permits and compliance measures in place, owners can enjoy the full benefits of this versatile suppressor while ensuring adherence to applicable laws and regulations.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Firearm Experience

In conclusion, the Liberty Suppressors Mystic X multi caliber suppressor represents a pinnacle of versatility, performance, and convenience. With its ability to adapt to various calibers, compact design, superior sound suppression, and compliance with legal standards, it stands as a testament to innovation in firearm accessories. Whether you’re a recreational shooter, a tactical professional, or anything in between, the Mystic X enhances your firearm experience in ways that were previously unimaginable. Unlock the full potential of your arsenal and embrace the future of firearm technology with the Mystic X suppressor.

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Multi caliber suppressor thoughts.

A multi caliber suppressor is something you need to look at more carefully than you think. When choosing a swiss army knife of sorts like this, you want to take all the things into consideration that you will need for it to fill your needs and do that well.


I personally love the Infiniti X silencer for use as my personal multi caliber suppressor when I grab one. This is because it can do literally everything the Mystic X can do. It weighs almost half what the Mystic X weighs though. You see, weight is a big factor when it comes to multi caliber suppressor choices. This is because there will be times when this silencer is pressed into service on hunting rigs. If you carry you gear for any length of time, you know that weight is the enemy of a good experience. So, I automatically gravitate to the Infiniti X because of this one item alone.

multi caliber suppressor
Infiniti X Multi Caliber Suppressor Front Cap


Another reason I love the Infiniti X for my use as a multi caliber suppressor is that it can handle calibers all the way up to 300 Win Mag. Those long range rifles are easily protected from excessive noise as well due to this fact. But the best use on a rifle is a lever action 357 MAG with 38 Special subsonic loads is magical. When it comes to rifles and silencers in my book this is the pinnacle. If you have never heard this combination, I highly recommend you find one and try it for yourself. It is life changing…


Another thing to consider is the choice of mounting solutions for your multi caliber suppressor. When looking to mount it on several different host weapons it becomes necessary to use many different mounts to get it on those weapons. Having a silencer that has a nice well established set of mounts is important to that development. This is another reason we love the Mystic X, Infiniti X, Cosmic and Centurion family of silencers, they have a huge selection of mounts for virtually any firearm out there.

So if your looking for something like this, dont hesitate to give us a call and talk to us about it, we are here for you. Till next time, keep your powder dry!

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Silencershop and other vendors…

When people start looking for a silencer, they will inevitably run across silencershop.com and a few other websites that will stock a plethora of silencers to choose from. The problem with these kinds of sites is that they are not all inclusive but rather they are fairly selective in what they offer, excluding some brands completely or only offering certain models from a maker. Not all places on the web do this, but most do.

Take silencershop for instance, they dont offer our suppressors even though they offer our brand name on one of their pages. This is why it is important to look past the first two or three hits on a google search before just clicking on the top result. Sometimes there are wonderful gems right there to be had for the taking right under these top results. You see, these juggernauts work tirelessly to improve their search ranking till it is at the top or very close to it. This is actually very smart for them as it taps into the part of human nature we all like…lazy. You see we are in a hurry most of the time and want to get the answer the easiest way possible so we simply click on the first result we find that looks relevant…I am guilty of this too. So you get what they offer and nothing else. Why bother right? They have plenty to choose from…

Well, this actually stifles innovation as you are corralled into an area where you can choose from a selectively curated list of makers of their choosing and all the startup companies that are doing the real innovation are now pushed out by these “big box stores” of sorts. Allow more people to play the game and the next real breakthrough has a much greater potential to happen. 3D printed silencers seems to be the way of the future…for now, what comes next though? Well, if you ask places like silencershop, it will come from one of the brands they offer on their page… or not at all.

If you goto their page and search our company, you will find our name and a ton of linked models on that page (albeit a quite dated description but it is there none the less), but there is a pseudo bait and switch it seems. When you click on the links it simply takes you back to the page of silencers that they currently sell, none of which are our silencers. It is like the links I have placed above of their name that links directly to our silencers webstore page. It says one thing on the name and takes you somewhere else. This will put it into the mind of the buyer that we as a company, are either out of business or our models are sold out so they simply choose something else from the list instead, this is powerful marketing that works. We know this because people have told us they though we were no longer in business just for this reason.

So in closing, if you want stuff that places like silencershop offer, then they are a great resource, but if you want to get a clearer picture of what is out there, look a little deeper then the big online retailers and you will find a whole other world of options out there. Go luck in your search and remember we are just a phone call or email away to answer your questions.

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Why choose the Constitution 2 rifle silencer?

When we set out to make the original Constitution silencer it was originally intended for use on the FN P90 in 5.7mm but quickly became a fan favorite in the 5.56mm community instead. While it did see some adoption by the 5.7mm community, we have sold so many to 5.56 NATO owners instead that we officially changed the caliber designation years ago to reflect this.

Pictured above is the original Constitution alloy steel silencer.

This silencer is rugged, simple and has great suppression. This is part of why it has become an almost iconic suppressor, but the main reason is that it is dead simple to use. You see the Constitution didnt have all those complex widgets or mounts or springs to get stuck. It is a simple direct thread suppressor that works. We found that most people are in one of two camps, they either want all the complexity of the QA mounting systems out there or they want something dead simple, literally just screw it on the rifle and go shoot.

We wanted to make the most user friendly design possible so we chose direct thread only here, we also wanted to keep costs down so it doesn’t have a ton of parts in the build. In fact it only has two parts. Yeah, two… The tube and the core is the whole thing, this does many things in a good way. One of those things is it all but eliminates stacking tolerance issues between parts since the rear cap, baffles, and the front cap are all one solid, homogenous piece of alloy steel. There are no part connections internally to get out of alignment. As long as the rear threads are square and the rear face is true to the bore, the can is good to go.

New 5.56 can, Constitution 2 rifle silencer.

When we decided to improve this venerable design, we decided two things right away. The first was to change the tube material from 4140 alloy steel to Grade 9 titanium reducing weight while not sacrificing strength. The next one was to change the core material from 4140 alloy steel to 17-4 PH stainless steel and have the core nitrided like the original suppressor to give it a gorgeous black finish as well as make it incredibly durable at the same time. Silencers like this are not easy to find today in a market filled with gimmicks and widgets. Do you want a quiet suppressor that wont break the bank? The Constitution 2 is your answer.

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Where do I see the silencer industry going in the future?

Where is the silencer industry headed? This is something that I get asked fairly often. I have thought about it from time to time, and the real answer is not so cut and dried.

First of all ,we have to look at the silencer industry as a whole first and foremost. The industry is strong with growth in many sectors like new companies are coming into the space and even large brands like Smith and Wesson and Ruger have even gotten on the band wagon.

silencer for a shotgun made from billet aluminum

What I see with most of this though is that people still feel that there is room for new ideas and want to share those ideas with the world. This is good as this means that innovation is not stagnate and that there will be newer and better designs come to market. This means there will be new technology used in the making of the suppressor and this leads to designs not previously feasible due to manufacturing costs. The easy one here is powdered metal 3D printing. This technology has evolved rapidly and even Daniel Defense is on this train. Another neat technology is the new idea of using a mig welder to build in 3D like they are using to make the Space X rocket tanks. This is possibly a type of manufacturing that would work well in the silencer world. Time will tell, but this seems like a perfect way to make complex silencer designs.

As for Liberty, we dont have a metal 3D printer at this time, but that is not to say we won’t get something in this space. We are intrigued with the idea of 3D printing as it “takes the gloves off” of traditional silencer making. We have drawn concepts that were only possible in the past through complex setup processes and were completely non-feasible to produce. This is why we make very specific designs and have to stick to those design parameters, cost to change manufacturing techniques is very high and usually involved a lot of time as well.

What does the future look like for Liberty Suppressors specifically? Well for now we will still be making some of the worlds best silencer designs. The next thing we will be looking at is 3D printing as well as more advanced stack baffle designs as we feel there is room in both of these arenas to improve and we want to try some ideas we have there… this will probably take a few years to produce something that is ready for the masses, but you dont get to the point of releasing something unless you start your prototyping now… I hope you enjoyed my view into the abyss of the US silencer scene and hope to see you soon!

Until next time, keep your powder dry.

Bulletin Board

AR15 Recoil Buffer Science

When we make an AR15 Recoil Buffer we make it to solve many common problems associated with this rifle platform.

Liberty Suppressors AR15 buffer

When we set out to make our AR15 recoil buffer, we knew that people would be using them with our Leonidas integrally suppressed upper assembly as well as the mate to it, the Zulu integral 5.56mm AR15 upper assembly. Knowing this led us to figure out what weight serves these users the best and it turned out to be 4 ounces. This is about 50% more than a “stock” buffer of 2 3/4 ounces but is enough more than stock to help with feeding of subsonic ammunition as well as dampening excessive bolt velocity on supersonic rounds as well.

One of the things we noticed right away was that it make ejection of spent brass more consistent as well. This comes from the extra mass of the buffer slowing down the velocity of the bolt carrier assembly slightly. Another benifit from this is that it reduces battering of the receiver extension because almost all 16″ carbines are way over gassed. The gas system on these builds are typically used from the 14.5″ builds and the shorter dwell time of these guns. By using this gas system we are great increasing the gas delivered to the carrier as there is significantly more dwell with an extra 1.5″ of barrel. The time is very short here, but the pressure is so high that any increase in dwell time will result in significantly increased back pressure.

The next time you are at the range, take a few minutes to watch how far the AR15 rifles eject their spent brass and if it is more than 8 or 10 feet, it is way over gassed. Most should be about 10 feet from the rifle is gassed correctly, this will clear the brass from the weapon system and not over work the rifle action to cause premature wear on the system. So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The Mystic X is a the best silencer available…

…that we can offer to the first time buyer. When a person decides to get into the NFA pool so to speak, they are inundated with choices for silencers out there on the market. Driving this point home, we offer 20 different models on our website alone! This gives people purchase paralysis and a lot of people simply just won’t buy one for fear of choosing the wrong one to start with.

Out with the old mystic
Original Mystic Silencer

When we started out in the silencer market, we would recommend a different type of silencer for the first time buyer. A rimfire suppressor would be what we would call the “gateway” to more specialized suppressors later on. This worked really well for about 4 years or so, then Obama was elected president and the gun community collectively lost its mind for almost ten years with ammo hoarding and price gouging becoming the norm for … you guessed it… rimfire ammo. In particular, 22LR was the most hoarded ammunition of he period with record numbers of it being manufactured but no one was willing to goto the range like they once did and burn through 1000 rounds in a Saturday.

With this paradigm shift came a new caliber enthusiast, the 9mm shooter. We also saw a resurgence in cast lead use as resourceful people fell back on making projectiles out of wheel weights and other such metals. This raised a new need in the silencer world. A “take apart” 9mm suppressor so the people shooting cast lead bullets could clean them. Enter the Mystic silencer, it was a revolution in the game when released, being monolithic core and a simple design that you can not reassemble wrong, this was an immediate hit with the reloading community as well as the 9mm AR crowd.

As time marched on we refined the design and moved to stronger metals to improve on the Mystic suppressor, this led to the Mystic X and it is our current offering as of this writing. This silencer has it all, light weight, strong material choice, incredible caliber list. tons of attachments to allow use on an incredible amount of firearms and mounts. It is literally the perfect first time buyer’s silencer. It gives the first time buyer enough options to explore suppressing many different host firearms with a single silencer so that they can better determine what guns they want dedicated silencers for and what guns they simply want to put mounts of and things like that. It is almost like getting to test drive other silencers without the need to buy them first.

Some people take this one step further and simply just use the one silencer for all the different guns by buying the mounts for those guns and leaving the mounts on the guns and just adding the FBA thread protectors to the adapters to keep from damaging the threads. This way you simply screw the suppressor module off of one host weapon adapter and right onto the next one.

So if you are looking to get into the NFA game and get a silencer, but you have paralysis through analysis because there are so many choices, just get the Mystic X and use it for a while to see what you think you will need going forward and you cant go wrong…

Bulletin Board

Why dont we make welded core silencers at Liberty?

The simple reason is cost. The cost to setup to make welded core silencers is pretty high once the process for a machined silencers is established or should I say, the cost is really high to add it to our current system… let me explain.

silencers suppressor carbine AR15

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that go into making this design change. There is the cost of adding on to the building to make room for the needed machinery to make these new silencers. We currently dont have the room we would need for a stamping press or the bridge crane needed to handle the tooling and metal to make these designs with. We would also have considerable expense in specialized tooling to go in the stamping press as each component in the design has to have a set of tools (these are called dies: form die, draw die, trim die, ect.) for it. These can be quite expensive and time consuming to make, plus they require significant maintenance to operate properly and none of this is cheap. So how these pay off are in HUGE volumes. Your margin per part is a lot lower so you need to make a lot more of them and this is why stamped designs seem to be cheaper, they are spreading the cost of manufacture over a much larger batch of parts as to where we machine our silencers from bar stock, allows us to make smaller runs, but the cost per part is higher for us. This gives us flexibility in what we make as our machines can be repurposed almost instantly, but it makes our “per part” costs higher. This is what makes mass production so desirable for everyone. It lowers the “per part” costs due to incredible volume of manufacture.

Since we do not have the three primary machines (stamping press, special welding fixture/cnc welding machine, wire EDM to cut bores) to make stamped/welded core silencers, you dont see us offering them. So if you have ever wondered why Liberty has not gotten into making stamped baffle silencers ,these are the main reasons why. Another problem with these designs is that you can not easily make design changes to the product. It requires modifying the tools when you want to add or remove a feature, this also is very expensive to have done by die makers. It is pretty common to see stamping dies with interchangeable parts to change models and such, but if you are tinkering with the design and find something that improves performance a little, it costs too much to implement it in a stamping die to where with our CNC mills and lathes, it is a simple program change and the new feature is now integrated into the very next run cycle. We are about continuous improvement here and want our users to have the best possible device available. A great example of this is our Mystic X suppressor as it has went through several revisions over the years to be better and better.

Now the next question that comes up is why dont we outsource the making of the baffles or the welding/edm work? Well, to be quite honest with you, people just dont care about quality anymore (or so it seems). We tried this several years ago and it was nothing but problems. We had to reject so many parts and be late on deliveries so many times with our silencers that we simply decided to internalize all of our manufacturing and not to use subcontractors ever again. It is just too painful to get good parts delivered on time from third party suppliers…period.

Those are the two main reasons for not jumping into the stamped/welded core designs at this point. So when you are ready for a high quality fully machined silencer for your firearm, we are here to serve you. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

Why are QA silencers more appealing?

Today we take a look at why the Quick Attach silencer is so popular in the american suppressor scene.

It seems there is no shortage of makers who have their own take on the QA silencer design. Many of them work really well, while some do not. Still it seems that even the bad QA designs are more popular than direct thread suppressors. Why is this? Well…

First let’s look at some comparison specs:

  1. Are QA suppressors lighter? – Nope. The QA mount always adds to the weight of the suppressor and adding a mount to the host firearm also adds even more weight.
  2. Are QA suppressors smaller? – Nope. The length added to the back of the silencer by the QA mount makes it longer as well. Now some will argue ” over all added length” because they have also added a mount that the suppressor telescopes over, but in reality, this is misleading as the direct thread screws over the barrel and and QA mount will never telescope to the same point on the barrel as the mount will move the silencer forward somewhat almost every time.
  3. Are QA suppressors quieter? – Nope. They are the exact same model with a QA mount screwed into it. Also rifle silencers are not known for their “movie gun” suppression due to super sonic bullet flight noise, so even if it some how measures a dB or 2 better, it is still going to be in the 130dB range. This is still really loud so that is out.
  4. Are the cheaper? – Nope-a-roo… Adding the QA mount always adds to the cost of a design over a direct thread end-cap. This is basic economics, it simply costs more to make all the QA mount parts and the weapon mount that the silencer fits over than it does to make a simple end-cap.
  5. Do they have “Cool factor”? – Yep. This is where the magic begins to happens for the QA silencer. You see it looks more complex so it has this appeal to men as men typically like complex mechanisms for some reason.
  6. Do they have longer service lives? – Yep… usually. You see with the muzzle brake mount designs, the weapon mounted muzzle brake will act as a sacrificial blast baffle that takes the beating from unburnt powder granules and hot gasses so as to make the silencer baffles last much longer. Plus if you burn the bore out of your brake, simply replace the worn out brake with a new one and you are basically right back to the beginning of the service life cycle.
  7. Do they add versatility? – Not really. You see, some people will also argue that they can put the same mount of multiple weapons and simply move the can from one rifle to the next. They fail to mention that a direct thread silencer can do the exact same thing. The only real differences are that the direct thread takes longer since it takes more time to unscrew the silencer and screw it onto another rifle. (something like one minute) and the direct thread design leaves the muzzle threads of your rifles unprotected so you need to either be more careful with them or use some thread protectors on the threads.
  8. Secret sauce… People are free to choose what ever they want. This is why we sell both kinds of silencers, some people want mounts, some people dont. We are all free to choose what ever we want for our rifles, but just know that slick marketing will try to tell you that the QA designs are the ones to get as they cost more which in turn increases the monthly sales numbers for your favorite silencer company…not because they are better…

This is all my personal opinion on why silencers with QA mounts outperform direct thread suppressor in sales for the most part. We have long felt that direct thread silencers were better and been very slow to adopt QA designs. We finally have done a few but we still recommend our Amendment and Constitution suppressors regularly over our more expense QA designs like the Sovereign and Agent.

Food for thought, hope you have a great day and keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

Does a silencer actually protect your hearing?

In a nutshell, yes and no. Silencers aid in protecting your hearing but are not the end all of the task.

When silencers began to become more mainstream some 20 years ago there was all this hype about “hearing safe” silencers and how they had to be under this level or that level to “protect” your hearing. What this is based on is the OSHA threshold of 140dB and to be honest about it, this is still too high…

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Liberty Suppressors Carbine Buffer

When you think of Liberty Suppressors, you dont normally think of an ar15 buffer, but we do offer a couple of things that apply to our suppressors and help our users get the most out of there guns. This buffer is one of those items.

When we set out to make our own ar15 buffer, it was from a need to have one that was heavier than stock but not overly complicated with a ton of interchangeable parts or things that can get lost easily. We also wanted it to be completely reliable as well. This meant that we could not make it to where it could be altered by the end user and needed to fit into the existing buffer footprint perfectly.

We also wanted it to have a sort of “signature” of our making, so we chose to make it out of stainless steel, the same that we have used is some of our silencers in fact, and it needed to look good to boot. We achieved both of these with room left over. This buffer comes in at 4 ounces which is about 50% heavier than stock and this slows down the action somewhat to reduce the effects of over gassing. We documented the results in video and it is noticeable in that the ejection angle is modified when the heavier buffer is used. This also smooths out the recoil cycle in the firearm making it easier to control and faster follow up shots and such…

This ar15 buffer design is a simple drop in modification that simply requires the end user to remove the old buffer from the carbine and just insert the new one in its place. It is literally that simple. No muss or fuss, just drop it in and have better performance. What could be simpler?

The extra weight makes it easier on the user when it comes to excess gasses as well since it delays the unlocking of the rifle slightly longer, making more of the gasses go out the muzzle instead of the ejection port. There you have it, some simple reasons to add the Liberty Suppressors carbine AR15 buffer to your AR15 style rifle. Till next time, keep your powder dry!

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Why are suppressor adapters needed?

When using a suppressor on your project, there is always a lot of things to consider and one of those is whether or not to use a sized silencer or an adapter to couple a suppressor of a different thread to it.

Small adapter to couple 30 caliber rifle silencers to 556 rifles
Small adapter for rifle silecners

We are always looking to make the dollars we have go a little further and adapting a silencer is an easy way to do that. Most suppressors on the market come in one thread pitch or mounting scheme. So adapting those silencers to guns that are setup differently can be a great way to not have to buy a second silencer.

We make quite a few adapters that can couple three primary types of suppressors with them being in one of the following categories.

  1. Direct Thread with a Common Thread Pitch
  2. Mount coupled (The silencer fits a specific mount/device that stays on the host weapon)
  3. Modular mounting designs specifically designed to be used with a large quantity of adapter.

An example of the first one would be our Amendment 7.62 suppressor. This silencer comes threaded 5/8-24 and this is not able to be changed. So we have an adapter that will couple it to 5.56mm rifles typically threaded 1/2-28. This adapter is called the Freedom Coupling and is available on the website.

The second one is really common in todays world and an example of one of these would be our Sovereign rifle silencer. It has a mounting scheme designed to fit a set of mounts that we make for it. It couples to a large diameter thread and breeches on a taper for positive engagement. This can easily be adapted to our Mystic X family of adapters with the Sovereign to Mystic Adapter.

The mystic x kit covers most calibers

The last category is by far our most popular. The modular mounting silencer family. This is a specific family of suppressors and mounts to make adapting the suppressor easy and fast for a plethora of different applications. These mounts are almost endless and couple our popular Mystic X to everything imaginable. We have so many adapters for this silencer, that we have to make multiple pages on the site to cover them all. These can also be used to couple many other suppressors on the market to various host firearms and they are also popular with the project builders in the community. So if oyu have a Form 1 build you are working on, we have the thread spec available to make the rear of your silencer fit our mounts seamlessly.

If you have any questions about adapting a silencer to a firearm, just give us a shout and we will be happy to help.

Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Why get a 22 silencer, also called a 22 suppressor, at all?

Well, the short answer is, it is just plain fun!

Adding a 22 silencer to your rimfire firearm, whether it be a 22 rifle or a rimfire pistol, makes the whole shooting experience more pleasurable. We have always recommended using something like the Regulator Ti for new shooters when they are just learning the fundamentals of accuracy. This silencer is so light that its doesnt weigh down the gun and it takes the loud bang out of the event so there is a lot less problems from flinching.

Regulator rimfire silencer

Also, when a 22 suppressor is added the sounds the the user hears instead come out since the firearms “bang” is eliminated, I have heard all sorts of things that were not possible till I started using a 22 silencer. Noises like the sound the bullet makes when it hits the target, the action of the firearm, or the bullet passing through the air is another odd sound that you normally don’t hear. It is actually kind of fascinating to know all those other sounds are there too…

So what is the best 22 silencer for the beginning shooter? I would reccomend one that is light weight and that is a proven design with high performance sound suppression as the main target item of the design. Our Regulator series is a perfect example of these kinds of 22 suppressor designs as you want the initial experience to be the best possible and absolute suppression will give this result.

kodiak tl rimfire silencer core

Another thing to consider is the reduction in noise pollution that a quality 22 silencer can bring to the table, maybe you are at a gun range that only allows firing during certain hours , but suppressed, subsonic 22 suppressor use can happen anytime as it is almost silent. This is just another benefit to using rimfire silencers when shooting, the rules can get singed for you in these kinds of situations.

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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What about the 6.5 creedmoor suppressed?

What is it with us not making the 6.5 creedmoor suppressed with a dedicated muzzle suppressor? Well let’s take a small look at why.

When we started working on our newest rifle designs like the Sovereign and the Agent, we wanted to make them work as good as possible on as many calibers as possible right out of the chute. This meant testing them on a host of different guns over time and seeing what the numbers say on the sound meter.

What we learned out the 6.5 creedmoor suppressed platform is that we need to be able to make it work on other calibers as well. You see, there really isn’t a huge demand for a dedicated 6.5 creed moor suppressor at this time. The PRS community uses them some but not extensively so we dont see a huge demand for a specialized version of a silencer just for this caliber. What we do see are people wanting a good 308 suppressor that they can also use on their 6.5 creedmoor.

Enter the Sovereign, with the titanium construction and the high pressure optimized baffle structure, these silencers work surprisingly well as a 6.5 creedmoor suppressed platform. When we designed the baffles they were specifically designed to work with our muzzle brake so the rifle can be shot with a brake in places where the silencer cant be employed. Then simply screw the silencer over the brake to turn the brake into a sacrificial blast baffle of sorts for the silencer. The brake does two jobs this way and the end user benefits the whole time…

What we did for a 6.5 creedmoor suppressed platform ultimately was to build a dedicated integral to be able to maximize the silencer for the 6.5 creedmoor and make it as small as possible to keep weight and size to a minimum for the hunter who is fielding the rifle all day. This project which is called the Whitetail is what we feel is the perfect deer rifle for 99% of north american big game.

So ultimately, you have to decide which path is right for you in your silencer journey, do you need a suppressor for a PRS rifle that you will also want to use on your hunting rig or will it only be the hunting rifle and this one will get lots of use? We can help you sort out these questions and much more, so if you need some help with your journey, dont hesitate to give us a call! Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Making a 50 BMG suppressor

When you make a 50 bmg suppressor, there are things to consider. Things that need consideration are like pressure, gas volume, weight and size. All these come secondary to sound suppression but must be considered.

These are the four main things aside from sound performance we looked at when we made the Behemoth 50 bmg suppressor. So lets take a little closer look at those specs.

Pressure… is a funny creature. It can do work, it can be destructive, it can be a byproduct of another job, all sorts of things but for us, it is a problem. We have to design the 50 bmg suppressor to handle incredible levels of pressure as this cartridge is propelling a 750gr bullet at almost 3000 feet per second. This kind of energy delivery takes a lot of pressure. Like from 9000 to 11,500 PSI in most modern bolt action sniper style platforms. So you have to design the silencer to absorb this pressure and then be able to mitigate the noise signature at the same time.

The gas volume of the 50 BMG cartridge is enormous to say the least. There is 290 grains of gunpowder in a 50 BMG round, compare this to a 308 Winchester which has 41 grains of gunpowder and you start to understand how massive the 50 bmg suppressor has to be to handle it. That is 7 times the gunpowder… So this necessitates that a good 50 bmg suppressor be fairly large. We need to be able to capture that gas column and hold onto it momentarily to be able to do the things with it we do and then let it go under controlled conditions.

Weight is an obvious spec that has to be addressed. This is because these guns are meant to be man portable and not crew served. Since we are having to carry this thing in a pack of some sort, we have to keep weight manageable or the soldier will not deploy with it. He will simply choose to leave it behind to conserve space and weight. This is why we chose to make it out of titanium, almost exclusively. We had to keep weight under 3 pounds and titanium allowed us to do that. Another great benefit to titanium is that it is incredibly strong as well as light, these two things made it the obvious choice for the Behemoth.

Size is the final spec we are talking about today with this design. The size is dictated by volume as well as bore t bore aspect ratio. When we decided to build a 50 bmg suppressor, we knew it would be fairly large, but we had no idea it would be as big as it turned out. This was in part due to us also wanting it to be hearing safe at the shooter’s ear. This basically means we wanted it to meter below 140dB at the shooters ear since that is the person that will be closest to the rifle when it is being used. We achieved this metric and then some with it consistency measuring 134 to 136dB at the shooter’s ear. This was only possible through the use of titanium and the size we finally chose to work with.

There was a lot more to designing the Behemoth 50 bmg suppressor, but these are some of the highlights and this gives you a glimpse into the world of making a suppressor for one of the largest rounds out there for civilian use today. Hope you enjoyed this little peek behind the curtain so to speak and until next time, keep your powder dry!

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What makes a good 5.7 suppressor?

When looking at the 5.7 suppressor choices out there, it becomes abundantly clear that most companies (including us at one time) just beefed up their 22 lr suppressor designs and used those for 5.7x28mm as well.

This is not a great idea, in that these suppressors have been designed around a different caliber entirely and will not perform really well on a more powerful cartridge like the 5.7mm. First off, a good 5.7 suppressor should have more volume than a 22LR suppressor has as it generates a larger gas column. This is evident in that is has a higher chamber pressure and the chamber is physically larger, this means there is more gas to deal with. Now this doesn’t mean we just need to use 5.56 suppressor modules instead, although a good 5.56 suppressor would work just fine. But rather, something in between is needed for a great 5.7mm suppressor. We have tinkered with the design in the past, but there really wasnt a lot of interest in the caliber until recently when there was a resurgence in AR15 uppers in this caliber.

Our latest designs (which have used in custom builds so far and have not seen enough demand to make a production items yet) involve a tube of 1.25″ in diameter and an overall length of 6.5″ and contains a titanium core to keep weight to a minimum. When using premium material like this the price is driven by the cost of supplies to build it like the raw titanium bar stock and tubing are quite expensive and make the base cost of the silencer much higher than if we had used something like 316 stainless steel.

Liberty Triumph next to a Liberty Essence silencer for size.

This is another thing that makes a good 5.7 suppressor unique. We see it needing to be lightweight in design, so this is why we chose the titanium tube and core. It is not a take-apart design though so it is not to be used in rimfire applications. We did this to maintain repeatability in the design so the can doesn’t get assembled with changed to the structure over time like changes in torque or assembling it differently causing point of impact shift. So we opted to build it as a rifle can that does not come apart like the rest of the world has done. The last thing to consider is the baffle design, which is optimized for high pressure rifle cartridges and not low pressure rimfire rounds. This makes it work much better with the whole system and keeps accuracy high on the list of priorities.

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The benefits of a 22lr suppressor

We sometimes dont realize how beneficial a 22lr suppressor can be for other reasons than it is super cool to have one… Well, lets take a look at some not so obvious reasons.

The Regulator 22lr suppressor

The first one comes with teaching new people the fundamentals of marksmanship. A 22lr suppressor on a quality host firearm will allow the new shooter to learn the fundamentals of sight alignment, trigger press and follow through without the usual down sides. Things like people closing their eyes or flinching and jerking the trigger and such are usually associated with the loud bang from the gunshot. If you can eliminate this noise, then the firearm doesnt seem near as “Scary” and people are able to stay focused of the firearm. A good 22lr suppressor design like our Regulator makes the whole experience fun instead of intimidating…

The next thing that most people dont think about when it comes to a 22lr suppressor is the hearing protection it affords. You would think this is more common, but honestly it takes a back seat to the actual sound and the cool factor. People do understand that silencer designs like the Regulator Ti are great for making a rimfire rifle hearing “safe” but they actually dont think about the hearing protection it affords. You see, the rimfire firearm is still actually quite loud on the measuring instrument when measured even with a high quality 22lr suppressor attached. To the point that most audiologists would recommend using additional hearing protection along side the silencer. Even the best rimfire silencers will only get the sound impulse down to maybe 108 to 110dB, this is still really high compared to the normal world around us. Now, to not get into the weeds too deep here. Just understand that we dont recommend using any firearm without hearing protection, even if there is a silencer installed on it. The 22 suppressor does help greatly though and this coupled with high quality hearing protection will make your hearing last much longer…normally… than not using these precautions. The government has done extensive studies on hearing loss coupled with combat (gunfire) and it is pretty bleak. Most veterans come home with SIGNIFICANT hearing loss… keep that in mind when your talking to one of them and they ask you to repeat what you said, they probably didnt hear you.

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

22LR Silencer – Regulator Ti

Why do we make a premium 22lr silencer like the Regulator Ti?

When we decided to make the Regulator Ti, it was because people kept asking us for a all titanium version comparable to the Essence that we once offered. A 22lr silencer like the Essence was not easy to find in the marketplace as most people flocked to the more budget friendly designs made mainly from aluminum.

When we made the Essence, we wanted to offer the absolute best option for people when it came to a rimfire suppressor. It had an all titanium construction with a replaceable stainless steel blast baffle insert. This insert was factory replaceable should you shoot enough 22 WMR or 5.7mm FN through it to erode the insert down. This was a design aspect implemented to extend the life of an already well built silencer ever further.

Later we redesigned the base model suppressor and that became the Regulator. At this point we dropped the prior model the Kodiak TL and kept the Essence as our premium offering. But something else happened along this time that caused us to eliminate the Essence from the lineup…the ammo shortage.

The regulator Ti is one of the lightest rimfire silencers on the market today.

You heard right, about that time there was a huge rimfire ammunition shortage and people just were not buying rimfire silencers at all. So we pivoted and let our love of rimfire silencers settle for a while. But we didnt stop all together. Some discerning people would occasionally call us and inquire about an all titanium alternative to the Regulator, wanting something that would be insanity in weight and still have that incredible sound suppression that the Regulator had became famous for…enter the Regulator Ti.

This 22lr silencer is the pinnacle of thread mounted muzzle cans in the world of rimfire suppressor design. We made it with the best titanium available (Grade 5 – 6Al-4V) and gave it a nice Cerakote finish as well as redesigning the core to have the monolithic blast chamber design. This reduced stacking tolerance possibliites, made the silencer lighter and made maintenance simpler all at the same time. A better 22lr silencer has yet to be designed in our book…but we are working on it anyway…

So until we design something better…keep your powder dry!!!

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Building a 300 blackout suppressor

This is something that I have personally enjoyed working on over the years. The perfect 300 blackout suppressor is one that has size, weight and sound performance at the forefront of the list of attributes that is has to have. So let’s take a look at my favorite 300 blackout suppressor.

Leonidas Gen 2 main image - 300 blackout integral rifle silencer - best 300 blackout
Leonidas Gen 2 ready to go!

The first and absolutely best 300 blackout suppressor that we know of it the Leonidas Gen 2 integrally suppressed AR15 upper. This is a personal pet project that has evolved into one of the very best suppressed 300 blackout rifles on the market in our opinion. We use titanium in the construction of the core, there is very specific geometry to prevent things like gas pinging that makes the silencer ring like a bell so to speak. We also have VERY caliber specific baffle geometry that is optimized for the subsonic variant of the cartridges that are on the market. This doesnt mean that you cant use supersonic rounds in the Leonidas, it will work great with those too, but to see the real magic, you need to shoot subsonic ammunition in it.

There are so many little nuanced things that have been done to this design over the years to improve it that I could probably write an entire book called ” The Ultimate 300 Blackout Suppressor “… Things like putting the gas block inside the silencer module allows us to capture leaking barrel pressure gas around the gas block as well as adding significant volume to the expansion chamber to lower to pressure of the gas column so the baffle stack can handle it easier. We also have improvements in barrel technology as well by using specifically designed barrels that have a tighter twist rate to help stabilize the heavy, subsonic bullets available today for this caliber.

The Leonidas Gen 2 300 BLK Integral Silencer
The Leonidas Gen 2 brings a smile to everyone’s face!

If you would like more information about the Leonidas Gen 2 integrally suppressed rifle, just shoot us an email or give us a call and we will do our best to answer your questions! Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Why are rifle suppressors still loud?

Let’s take a short look at what makes a rifle silencer seem loud when they are obviously still making the gun quieter.

When we think of what a rifle with a silencer sounds like, we automatically think of movie guns. Suppressor sounds in the movies for a long time have been creatures of the imagination of the foley artists and nothing more. This gives the general public a misconception of what a silencer should actually sound like.

30 cal suppressor, suppressor for 6.5 grendel, integrally suppressed rifle
Sovereign 30 cal suppressor on a long range rifle.

The first thing we have to understand is that the bullet exiting a 30 cal suppressor, like the Amendment silencer, is basically traveling Mach 2.7 right out of the gun. So with something going this fast, there will be an associated sonic boom as the bullet passes through the sound barrier. This sonic boom is proportional in size to the object so it makes a loud “pop” instead of a boom like we are used to hearing when a fighter jet passes over that is supersonic (which as I understand it, they are not supposed to do)… This pop is very loud at about 135dB usually, this makes the bullet in flight, the loudest part of the gun firing when there is a suppressor for 6.5 grendel, integrally suppressed rifles or any other rifle silencer installed IF the measured sound comes in at about that number. Since we have no way of suppressing this level of sound this will make it to the sound meter no matter what.

The usual 30 cal suppressor, a suppressor for 6.5 grendel (we recommend the Sovereign suppressor for this application), and even integrally suppressed rifles all suffer from this phenomenon. These are some of the carbines and rifles we see that have silencers installed on them that will also have people question why the silencer doesnt make it quieter. Once we get the bullet below the speed of sound, integrally suppressed rifles in particular sounds much better.

The Zulu integrally suppressed 5.56mm AR15 rifle is a great option.

Lastly, understand one other thing about rifle silencers as well. They are dealing with a lot more energy than pistol or rimfire calibers firearms. This fact alone makes designing a 30 cal suppressor that is super quiet a daunting task right out of the gate. We have done it with several of our models, but it is not easy to do. Even our integrally suppressed rifles like the Leonidas or Zulu are great examples of this concept. So if you have questions concerning getting a suppressor for your rifle, or just need to ask us about something we make in general, just reach out to us at 706-661-6911 and we will be happy to help. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Both a 223 suppressor / 22 Suppressor Design

This is something that comes up more often that we suspected that it would. A suppressor for use as a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor in a single unit to save a tax stamp if possible. The main reason this is a problem is that the 22lr cartridge is wax coated and the was coating will build up in the silencer module requiring it to be dismantled for cleaning periodically. This is important because when you shoot the 223 rifle round through a silencer with 22lr buildup in it, it is possible to break look chunks of this material and then it floats around in the silencer and can possible contact the bullet in flight, this causes all sorts of problems like poor accuracy and worst of all… baffle strikes. These baffles strikes can also lead to catastrophic failure of the silencer as well. Not good outcomes. So we need to be able to dismantle the silencer to clean it…

Mystic X is a great 22 suppressor as well as a 223 suppressor.

First thing we have to do is eliminate the silencer models that we can not use so we know what we can pick from. The first to go are the sealed rifle silencers like the Sovereign and the Triumph. The next suppressor models to go are the dedicated 22LR silencer designs like the Vector and the Regulator. So what doest this leave? Let’s take a look at what silencers are optimal for this application.

The first model we would recommend is the most obvious. The Mystic X can do both of these calibers and has decent suppression on both with the 22lr suppressor option be really nice. This makes a lot of sense as it is a take apart design that has a baffle design that is strong enough to handle rifle calibers. Another trait of a suppressor design that can perform as both a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor is modular mounting if possible and the Mystic X also has this feature.

The next model we would look at is the Constitution as it is designed to be maintained by the end user in a capacity that would allow it to perform both as a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor both. This is because the tube can be removed by the end user for cleaning. It is not something we talk about a lot, but it can be done if the silencer is maintained at regular intervals to prevent tube lock. This design is also quieter than the Mystic X as it has a bore designed specifically for the 223 and smaller caliber cartridges. These two aspects make it great for a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor in one package just like the Mystic X. While the Constitution does not have modular mount inserts, it is threaded in the most popular 1/2-28 thread that almost all 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor designs use so it will work in almost all applications.

So there you have it, two great options that allow use of both of those calibers. If you would like to discuss what your best solution would be for the calibers you want to suppress, give us a call at 706-661-6911 and we will help you figure out what you need. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The Best .22 Suppressor for You

When looking for the best .22 suppressor, we tend to get caught up in just numbers we read on the internet.

Dont get me wrong, those are important and even more so with a .22 suppressor, alternately there are several other factors you may or may not be considering. Let’s take a look at some of these factors toghether.

The first one is tone. Tone can make the best .22 suppressor sound terrible to the end user and everyone around them. This is because we perceive sound different from a sound meter does. The meter is a special instrument that can hear sounds WAY past the human ear, which is great for several reasons, but it doesnt information what the silencer sounds like to the ear. You see it will capture that peak sound or even plot it over time and show this amazing story of how great the silencer is going on paper, but if the pitch is really high, it will seem like it is whistling in the shooters ear and this isnt pleasant. So a nice deep tone is better even if it is a couple of dB higher than one that has a higher pitch tone. It will be perceived to actually be quieter even though the meter says otherwise.

The next thing the best .22 suppressor should have is a quality build, this means being made with high quality materials, a good engineering design, simple construction and so on. If the system can be dismantled and then it is not intuitive to be reassembled correctly, then it is not the best .22 suppressor choice in our opinion. Metals like titanium and stainless steel make for a durable and strong 22 silencer that will last many lifetimes. Finishes like Cerakote and Nitride coatings also greatly add to the life of the best .22 suppressor options out there. So dont forget things like this.

The next thing we would say to look at is size. It seems everyone wants to keep making their 22 silencer smaller and smaller. This is fine if they do, but we have found that there is a sweet spot between maximum suppression, back pressure and over all size when it comes to a great 22 silencer. When making a small design as quiet as a larger one, we end up with greatly increased back pressure most of the time causing firearm and ammunition fowling and sometimes overworking the action of the host weapon. So a slightly bigger design that allows the pressure to flow forward more will lower back pressure while maintaining a nice deep tone (remember that part?) as well. This seems to be overlooked for a great number on a spreadsheet these days and we dont understand why…

These are just some of the things we look at when we evaluate a choice for the best .22 suppressor in our eyes and we hope you have gotten something out of this that helps you with our choice. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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A Silencer for 450 Bushmaster

This is a subject that has been coming up more and more. A silencer for 450 bushmaster is a interesting proposition to be honest. When looking at this cartridge, one has to consider the huge volume of gas as well as the large bore diameter the suppressor needs for this caliber.

We always suggest something like the Goliath for this cartridge as it has the best sound characteristics when it comes to a silencer for 450 bushmaster. Nothing that we are aware of beats this silencer for sound signature. It also has the ability to be a suppressor for marlin 45-70 as well. The 45-70 is a very similar performing cartridge as the 450 bushmaster so they will perform very well with the Goliath .458 socom suppressor.

What makes the Goliath silencer so good? Well, three things in particular. The material of construction is almost all titanium so it is incredibly light weight for it’s size. It is large enough to deal with the huge volume of gas that these cartridges produce and lastly, it is engineered specifically for these large bore, high volume calibers.

silencer suppressor carbine AR15
Goliath makes a great 308 suppressor as well.

We chose titanium to do tow things in particular, one was to dissipate heat rapidly. which titanium does well. The second thing was that we could make the silencer light weight as titanium is a very strong material as well. Titanium is also very rigid so there is little to no baffle flex with these powerful rounds and this translates into better accuracy on target and more repeatable results over time. Another thing to consider is that this silencer can also be used on other calibers as well since it will clear anything in diameter smaller than 45 caliber. Things like the 338 Lapua Magnum and 408 Chey Tac are perfect examples of large caliber rounds this silencer can work with. IT is also light enough from the use of titanium to be a viable hunting silencer as well. It can basically do everything you need in a rifle silencer and we also ship it with an Armageddon gear suppressor cover so when you shoot the mighty 450 Bushmaster through it, you wont have to deal with heat mirage for several rounds on your hunt.

So if you have questions about the Goliath silencer and how it works as a silencer for 450 Bushmaster, just call us at 706-661-6911 or shoot us an email, which is plastered all over the website. Till next time, keep your powder dry!

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What makes a premium 308 suppressor…premium?

When looking at 308 suppressor choices there is an amazing amount of models to consider. Well, the one that no one seems to talk about is the premium suppressor. So today we will look at our premium 308 suppressor and go over what makes it “premium”.

Sovereign 308 suppressor on a hunting rifle.

The first thing is material it is made from. The Sovereign is made from titanium almost exclusively. This metal is a wonder metal by almost all measurements, it is lighter and stronger than steel. It handles heat really well with a melting point 400 degrees higher than that of steel. There are only two real issues with it…the cost and how difficult it is to work. Both of these factors drive up the price of a premium silencer too. The raw material is several times more expensive than stainless steel so that automatically passes through to the retail price by necessity. The other factor drive price through several channels like: increased tool usage, slower cycle times which translates into less productivity with the same fixed costs, greater difficulty in finishing tasks like deburring and such. All of this adds additional machine hours, man hours and tooling costs to the final product. So when you look at the Sovereign and wonder why it is so much more than an Amendment silencer, these are some of the reasons why.

The next thing that makes a premium 308 suppressor “premium” is adaptability. This comes in several forms but the most common is multiple mounting solutions like QD mounts or what we have with the Sovereign, TOMB mounts. TOMB is an acronym meaning Thread Over Muzzle Brake and is where the connection for the silencer is part of the rear of the muzzle brake where the suppressor can be screwed over the brake so the brake does not have to be removed from the gun when the silencer is not in use. This does a couple of things for the end user, like protect the muzzle of the rifle when the silencer is not installed from impact damage like banging it into things. The muzzle threads are also not worn from repeated install and uninstalls of the silencer module. It also leaves a very effective muzzle brake on the rifle for when the suppressor is not needed…although I would argue this is never…

Sovereign silencer flash hider mount installed.

Another feature of premium 308 suppressor designs is exit aperture options. This comes in the form of replaceable front caps so if there is a front cap strike, then it can be repaired easily without having to scrap the whole silencer. Also other end cap options are available like the muzzle brake front cap where we add up to 10% additional braking with a muzzle brake on the end of the silencer. We all know the most effective brakes are nearest to the muzzle of the rifle as this is where the gas pressure is the greatest, but we still get moderate braking at the end of the Sovereign silencer as well, so we offer this option.

Sovereign silencer muzzle brake front cap

Finally there are the accessories, like the Sovereign comes with a Armageddon Gear mirage cover that protects the view of the shooter for many round from heat mirage distortion in the optical view. This is not a fireproof cover, but is instead a high insulation factor thermal protection device to reduce thermal mirage from obscuring the shootings view of the target. All covers will eventually “soak” through with heat, but this one is the best one we have found for this application so it is bundled with the Sovereign for this reason.

Custom Armageddon Gear covers are shipped with the Sovereign 308 suppressor.

There you go, a few reason why premium rifle silencers like the Sovereign 308 suppressor are a little more costly than other models and now you have some information to help you decide if these reasons fit your needs.. If you need more information then you can call us (706)-661-6911 or email (it is on this website everywhere) and we will be happy to help. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The Amendment: A simple yet effective 308 suppressor

When you think of a 308 suppressor, a lot of the time what comes to mind is all these fancy QD silencers that are on the market. That is fine and all if your wanting to build out a complete system and install special adapters on your rifles for them.

The Amendment 308 suppressor is simple to install and use.

What we have found though, is that most people that want a 308 suppressor typically want it for their hunting rig. This ends up being a bolt action rifle for the most part and it is also one that goes in to the field. That last part is important. Carrying a rifle for more than 30 or 40 yards to the shooting line at a rifle range, is way different than taking your rifle to the stand in the field where you might be carrying it for hundreds of yards and even up to miles… A few ounces doesnt seem like a big deal on paper, but ounces turn into pain when that gun strap is sitting on your collar bone for several hours.

Eliminating all the bulk and weight of QD mounting items and special modular designs with interchangeable widgets makes the silencer simple and light without the need for super exotic alloys to keep weight manageable. This makes the Amendment in a class by itself since it has good suppression, weight and size all in a affordable package that can be left to a dedicated rig. Another aspect that fits this well is that it works so well in this application that most people install the silencer and zero the rifle with it installed and leave it on the rifle till the season is finished…or they never remove it…

We have many silencer options to fits the needs of the end user.

This gives you the simplicity of knowing that the zero is this or that IF… it is just zeroed. Get it out and use it. Adding a 308 suppressor to the rifle system should be simple and the Amendment is that. It has the threaded socket on the back that fits the standard 5/8-24 threads and you simply screw it onto your rifle and your done. Nothing to time or shim, just put the silencer on your rifle and goto the range to zero it. Your done. So if it your planning on setting up your hunting rig with a dedicated silencer, just give us a shout and we will be happy to help you sort out what would be best for you. Till next time, keep your powder dry!

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Liberty Suppressors Zulu Integrally Suppressed AR Upper Receiver

When looking for an integrally suppressed AR, there is only one true option to choose. The Zulu is literally designed around the 5.56 NATO cartridge and is optimized for the AR15 platform. We made the decision to build the silencer into the upper as an integral part of the rifle to see just how good we could get the build.

We made several design decisions that we felt incorporated the gas impingement design. Things like putting the gas block inside the silencer module to capture the gas that leaks out of the gas block in the areas when it meets the gas tube and barrel. This done another thing, we were able to extend the back of the silencer module past the gas block which allows for a significant amount of volume to be added to the blast chamber. This added volume allows us to lower the initial blast pressure dramatically before entering he subsequent baffle chambers. This lowers overall tone and reduced gas spitting to some degree.

Another innovative feature of the Zulu integrally suppressed AR upper receiver assembly is the peripherally ported front cap. This allows pressure to bleed off at a controlled pace to further lower internal pressure and to also reduce back pressure even more.

The next trick we employed was the use of all that titanium in the construction of the suppressor module. We figured that this would do several things at once for our idea of the perfect integrally suppressed AR upper assembly. The first thing is the most obvious though in that it makes the fact that there is a silencer on the rifle not even noticed, it is incredibly lightweight and points very easily. The next thing that the titanium does is to help with heat dissipation where it will lot hold the heat very well, there by reducing the amount of stored heat from shot to shot a lot less than what we would have had with stainless steel. Dont get me wrong, this girl can get feisty! But with just a short period of time to cool, it can have decent manners much faster than if we have used other metals.

So when you are looking for integrally suppressed AR builds, we feel this is the best you can find.

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

5.56 suppressor variations and why?

There is no shortage of 5.56 suppressor designs, and we have several here to choose from as well.

The reason for all of the variations in 5.56 suppressor designs is that there are many needs for the Suppressors. When you are looking for a suppressor for your 5.56 rifle I would suggest that you decide what is most important first. Cost, weight, or suppression are all factors that need to be considered. Once this has been determined, you can move forward with your choice at that time.

The constitution is right at home on your 556 SBR as well as a host of other guns.
The constitution is right at home on your 556 SBR as well as a host of other guns.

The first thing that most people need to decide is weight. Weight is a big factor for a carbine and with a really heavy muzzle silencer it causes some problems and solves some problems. Our Constitution direct thread 5.56 suppressor works well with SBR designs and makes for a cost versus weight balance that is hard to beat. The weight on a short barrel rifle causes transition muzzle over-shoot when transitioning from one target to the next it also makes the gun more stable in the hand, so there is less sight bounce. But on a longer target rifle style firearm, it will cause the muzzle to drop a little from the added weight on the end of the barrel, adding bullet drop to the position of the aim.

Once this has been decided, the next thing is cost. A lot of people have very specific needs and do not want to spend large quantities of money on a silencer and it is important to decide how much money you wish to invest in your suppressor for your 5.56 suppressor. Things like material choice, or design will affect price. Another thing to consider is integral designs like the Zulu. It will cost more but adds significant accuracy and sound suppression in one package.

The Zulu integral 5.56 suppressor in a completed build.

Once you have decided these things, the next step to get one in process. This is really easy if you just reach out to us, we will be happy to assist you in getting the ball rolling. So until then, keep your powder dry!

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Why use silencers?

When I get this question, it brings back memories of a time before I knew I could own these mythical devices. As silencers grew in popularity I was drawn to using them on every gun I owned. This was because there is an allure to not having to deal with the enormous bang associated with the gunshot. Once you have used firearms without silencers for a while, you get accustomed to the report of the firearm. This conditions you to respond in like kind, typically with a flinch for most people as the sound is so loud that it trips the “fight or flight” response temporarily. This is because sounds this loud are not normal in nature. You see, even if you dont know it, your brain does. This means that humans should never be around sounds over 120dB in normal circumstances, and even the lowly 22LR is louder than this with the use of silencers.

9mm multipurpose silencer suppressor 7.62 suppressor 9mm silencer

We normally suggest people get a suppressor for their favorite gun first then once that one is understood as to how a firearm should sound, we suggest getting another one. This gives the user time to get comfortable with the aspect of using the silencer and all the benefits that come with it. A great starter silencer is the Mystic X as it allows the user to put a silencer on many different firearms with really good results. It even has excellent results on several calibers even though is it not optimal on for them. Given the numerous mounting options that come with the Mystic X silencer, this also makes it easy to adapt to a large variety of firearms. It is literally a “Swiss army knife” in the silencer world. Many silencers work well in specific applications, but the Mystic X stands alone in the world of multi caliber suppressor designs. This is just a little taste of what information is out there for the silencer user, so until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Choosing a 308 suppressor…

OK, now this seems obvious, but let me explain, a 308 suppressor is something of an anomaly these days.

You can get silencers in all kinds of flavors these days in all sorts of metals and finishes. But which ones are really best suited for your 308 Winchester rifle? Well, let’s take a look at a couple of viable options today.

The sovereign is a very versatile 308 suppressor.

The first option is the obvious one. The Sovereign silencer is a 7.62mm suppressor designed for rifle use. Just the other day we were shooting a Sovereign silencer on a 7mm Remington Magnum rifle and it worked flawlessly. The combination of titanium tube and core makes this silencer light weight and a perfect fit for your 308 suppressor needs. It has a ton of features like the interchangeable from plates that even include a muzzle brake cap design. The rear is also a adapter design allowing the use of several different interchangeable mounts to allow fitment to 1/2-28 threaded rifles, 5/8-24 threaded rifles and we also have muzzle brakes and flash suppressor mounts that fit it as well.

The Amendment 308 suppressor is a bargain for the casual shooter.

The next choice that is readily available and works really well is the Amendment 7.62mm silencer. This 308 suppressor is designed from the ground up for the 7.62mm bullet at rifle power levels. This includes many calibers other than 308 Winchester, but it is a great option for this round. The Amendment is also very economical coming in at almost half the cost of the Sovereign silencer. This is because we eliminated everything from the design that isnt absolutely needed for it to function. So it only have the 5/8-24 threaded socket on the end and this is made into the silencer. Honestly, a 308 suppressor is almost always going to be attached with this thread anyway so that is why we chose it for the Amendment silencer. It also doesn’t have any of the interchangeable features of the Sovereign suppressor. This eliminates so many machining operations and time that the cost is dramatically reduced. Sound performance is still really good though so even though you are sacrificing several features, this is one that is not being sacrificed. To be honest about it, the Sovereign is still a little quieter, but if cost is an issue, this one gets you 90% of the performance for 50% of the price.

The Mystic X silencer would also be another great choice for your 308 suppressor needs.

Once last option for a 308 suppressor is a Mystic X multi purpose silencer, this is because it is considered the best multi caliber suppressor out there by many. It performs rather well on rifle calibers and has a plethora of mounts to choose from so it is easy to adapt it to your rifle. Oddball threads? No problem here, need a suppressor cover? We got you fam. This thing isnt called the sis army knife of silencers for nothing. So if you want versatility more than anything else, then the Mystic X will be your choice. It gives you so much versatility that it sometimes overwhelms the user with options… Dont worry though, if you need advice on a setup, just give us a call and we will be happy to help you sort out the problems.

So there you have it, three different 308 suppressor options that you might or might not have considered and if you need assistance, like I said earlier, just give us a call or shoot us an email, we will be happy to help. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Which 22lr suppressor option is right for you?

In a previous post I discussed choosing the right 22LR suppressor for your needs. But what I didnt do was explain that there are many more options for a 22LR suppressor than dedicated silencers.

You see in the early days, there was caliber specific designs with very little leniency towards shooting other calibers out of your silencer. This was because people made them out of low cost materials and designed them around the caliber in question very deliberately. This works great when you want to suppressor a certain caliber only, but not so much if you want to suppress multiple calibers.

Original Mystic silencers circa 2010

Back in late 2010 we launched the Mystic silencer. This was ground breaking in that it was the first true multipurpose 9mm bore silencer that worked really well on a long list of other calibers as well as 9mm. The truly first multipurpose silencer was born.

This gave rise to people actually using their Mystic as a 22LR suppressor. This was made possible by the team at Liberty Suppressors making the Mystic to where it could be easily dismantled by the end user for cleaning. This also gave rise to another phenomenon in the silencer world…user serviceable suppressor designs.

Another often overlooked 22LR suppressor is the integral. IF you love shooting one specific type of firearm like a 22LR rifle or pistol of a certain kind, then an integral really makes a lot of sense and will quickly become the only firearm you get out of the safe. By building integrally on the host firearm we are able to significantly lower the sound signature of the firearm WAY past that of a thread on muzzle can. Things like integral 10-22 builds and such are really common but this kind of design really shines on bolt action builds. IT can literally be made to where the rifle sounds like you dry fired it. This is incredible levels of suppression and has to be expierienced to be understood.

IDF 10/22 suppressed barrel
IDF 10/22 suppressed barrel

When you start looking into the other areas for a suppressor to go on your 22LR build, just remember that there are many more than just the little 22LR silencers that you see on the shelf. We here at Liberty Suppressors will be glad to help you design your custom build to bring you dreams to life or to even get you a multipurpose silencer for your first time purchase to dip your toes into the world of silencers. Then again, there really is nothing like a great 2LR suppressor like the Regulator to get your favorite rimfire firearm super quiet… So there are three simple solutions for your rimfire needs that will give you next level performance and make your dreams a reality. So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Need a firearm suppressor?

The web is filled with things to capture your attention these days and finding the information you need is getting harder and harder. So how do you navigate this mine field? Goto the source. for suppressor needs, you have come to the right place.


A suppressor is a very specific thing that most people need and just dont know it. With 100 million gun owners in the US now (estimated) the need for firearm suppressors has never been greater. We have realized this almost 20 years ago and have been supplying high quality suppressors for the industry and have also been constantly innovating on those designs as we go as well.

The need to innovate has driven us to create many class leading designs over the years in the suppressor world. To name a few, we would look to the Regulator rimfire suppressor that has some of the best suppression in the industry even though it is a monolithic core design.

Another design that leads in the industry is the Leonidas 300 Blackout integral suppressor. This integral was class leading in the original iteration and has been improved significantly with the release of the generation 2 variant. The world of integral suppressor design has always intrigued us here at Liberty Suppressors and we feel every gun should come with a silencer as standard equipment. Integrals are a natural evolution of this concept.

When you decide to add a quality silencer to your host weapons ,we are here to help with that. The process can seem burdensome to some, but in reality it really isnt. There is an extra form or two to fill and and an extra fee to pay one time, so it isnt that bad. We can explain it in detail when you call. If you are a first time owner, we have a couple other blog posts as to what we would recommend, but suffice it to say, the Mystic X usually gets the nod as it gives you the most bang for the buck…or is it the least bang… LOL

If you need to to talk to us about owning a silencer, just give us a call at 706-661-6911 or shoot us an email to support@libertycans.net and we will get you the information you need.

Well, until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

Which 9mm suppressor and why?

When choosing a 9mm suppressor, there is a few things to consider whether you’re a first time buyer or a seasoned owner. So let’s get into this and see what works for you from what we have seen.

9mm suppressor

The first thing to do is determine if you are looking to dip your toe into silencers or if you have already gotten one or two and are now looking for something specific. If it is a first timer, then we always recommend something like the Mystic X over a dedicated 9mm design more like the Centurion. The reason for this is that most people want to see how a silencer sounds on lots of guns when they get into the game and this allows them do it if the silencer is a multi caliber silencer.

So what people normally do is get a multi caliber silencer first then once they have one of these, they will normally get a more specialized suppressor next. This way they can cover lots of guns to start with then they can get one for their favorite gun and leave that as a set.Now the veteran suppressor owner will normally want something more specialized. This is where custom built integrals normally come into play as well. We see this in our office pretty regularly. A custom 9mm integral bolt rifle or lever gun is usually something chosen after they have a good multi caliber suppressor.

The best multi caliber suppressor in our opinion is the Infiniti X and for many good reasons. This mainly has to do with two things though, the material of choice and the design of the baffles. The baffle structure is such that it will suppress many calibers effectively and really well on a large percentage of them. The material is almost entirely titanium so it is super strong and also super light. This combination makes it arguably the best multi caliber suppressor ever made.

Now, when people move away from a multi cal silencer the idea of integrals really comes to the front just as we mentioned earlier. There is a another camp of owners that we have not mentioned yet. The camp that wants a dedicated suppressor for every gun they have.

These people will normally not care about ATF wait times or the cost of tax stamps, as they literally will buy a silencer every month or two and “always have something in transfer” so they seemingly dont have a long wait time between purchases. They people are the most awesome as they have learned how to game a system that is burdened with a ton of red tape. So which are you? Give us a call and talk to us about your next 9mm suppressor at 706-661-6911 and until next time, keep your powder dry!

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