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Why get a 22 silencer, also called a 22 suppressor, at all?

Well, the short answer is, it is just plain fun!

Adding a 22 silencer to your rimfire firearm, whether it be a 22 rifle or a rimfire pistol, makes the whole shooting experience more pleasurable. We have always recommended using something like the Regulator Ti for new shooters when they are just learning the fundamentals of accuracy. This silencer is so light that its doesnt weigh down the gun and it takes the loud bang out of the event so there is a lot less problems from flinching.

Regulator rimfire silencer

Also, when a 22 suppressor is added the sounds the the user hears instead come out since the firearms “bang” is eliminated, I have heard all sorts of things that were not possible till I started using a 22 silencer. Noises like the sound the bullet makes when it hits the target, the action of the firearm, or the bullet passing through the air is another odd sound that you normally don’t hear. It is actually kind of fascinating to know all those other sounds are there too…

So what is the best 22 silencer for the beginning shooter? I would reccomend one that is light weight and that is a proven design with high performance sound suppression as the main target item of the design. Our Regulator series is a perfect example of these kinds of 22 suppressor designs as you want the initial experience to be the best possible and absolute suppression will give this result.

kodiak tl rimfire silencer core

Another thing to consider is the reduction in noise pollution that a quality 22 silencer can bring to the table, maybe you are at a gun range that only allows firing during certain hours , but suppressed, subsonic 22 suppressor use can happen anytime as it is almost silent. This is just another benefit to using rimfire silencers when shooting, the rules can get singed for you in these kinds of situations.

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The benefits of a 22lr suppressor

We sometimes dont realize how beneficial a 22lr suppressor can be for other reasons than it is super cool to have one… Well, lets take a look at some not so obvious reasons.

The Regulator 22lr suppressor

The first one comes with teaching new people the fundamentals of marksmanship. A 22lr suppressor on a quality host firearm will allow the new shooter to learn the fundamentals of sight alignment, trigger press and follow through without the usual down sides. Things like people closing their eyes or flinching and jerking the trigger and such are usually associated with the loud bang from the gunshot. If you can eliminate this noise, then the firearm doesnt seem near as “Scary” and people are able to stay focused of the firearm. A good 22lr suppressor design like our Regulator makes the whole experience fun instead of intimidating…

The next thing that most people dont think about when it comes to a 22lr suppressor is the hearing protection it affords. You would think this is more common, but honestly it takes a back seat to the actual sound and the cool factor. People do understand that silencer designs like the Regulator Ti are great for making a rimfire rifle hearing “safe” but they actually dont think about the hearing protection it affords. You see, the rimfire firearm is still actually quite loud on the measuring instrument when measured even with a high quality 22lr suppressor attached. To the point that most audiologists would recommend using additional hearing protection along side the silencer. Even the best rimfire silencers will only get the sound impulse down to maybe 108 to 110dB, this is still really high compared to the normal world around us. Now, to not get into the weeds too deep here. Just understand that we dont recommend using any firearm without hearing protection, even if there is a silencer installed on it. The 22 suppressor does help greatly though and this coupled with high quality hearing protection will make your hearing last much longer…normally… than not using these precautions. The government has done extensive studies on hearing loss coupled with combat (gunfire) and it is pretty bleak. Most veterans come home with SIGNIFICANT hearing loss… keep that in mind when your talking to one of them and they ask you to repeat what you said, they probably didnt hear you.

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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22LR Silencer – Regulator Ti

Why do we make a premium 22lr silencer like the Regulator Ti?

When we decided to make the Regulator Ti, it was because people kept asking us for a all titanium version comparable to the Essence that we once offered. A 22lr silencer like the Essence was not easy to find in the marketplace as most people flocked to the more budget friendly designs made mainly from aluminum.

When we made the Essence, we wanted to offer the absolute best option for people when it came to a rimfire suppressor. It had an all titanium construction with a replaceable stainless steel blast baffle insert. This insert was factory replaceable should you shoot enough 22 WMR or 5.7mm FN through it to erode the insert down. This was a design aspect implemented to extend the life of an already well built silencer ever further.

Later we redesigned the base model suppressor and that became the Regulator. At this point we dropped the prior model the Kodiak TL and kept the Essence as our premium offering. But something else happened along this time that caused us to eliminate the Essence from the lineup…the ammo shortage.

The regulator Ti is one of the lightest rimfire silencers on the market today.

You heard right, about that time there was a huge rimfire ammunition shortage and people just were not buying rimfire silencers at all. So we pivoted and let our love of rimfire silencers settle for a while. But we didnt stop all together. Some discerning people would occasionally call us and inquire about an all titanium alternative to the Regulator, wanting something that would be insanity in weight and still have that incredible sound suppression that the Regulator had became famous for…enter the Regulator Ti.

This 22lr silencer is the pinnacle of thread mounted muzzle cans in the world of rimfire suppressor design. We made it with the best titanium available (Grade 5 – 6Al-4V) and gave it a nice Cerakote finish as well as redesigning the core to have the monolithic blast chamber design. This reduced stacking tolerance possibliites, made the silencer lighter and made maintenance simpler all at the same time. A better 22lr silencer has yet to be designed in our book…but we are working on it anyway…

So until we design something better…keep your powder dry!!!

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Both a 223 suppressor / 22 Suppressor Design

This is something that comes up more often that we suspected that it would. A suppressor for use as a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor in a single unit to save a tax stamp if possible. The main reason this is a problem is that the 22lr cartridge is wax coated and the was coating will build up in the silencer module requiring it to be dismantled for cleaning periodically. This is important because when you shoot the 223 rifle round through a silencer with 22lr buildup in it, it is possible to break look chunks of this material and then it floats around in the silencer and can possible contact the bullet in flight, this causes all sorts of problems like poor accuracy and worst of all… baffle strikes. These baffles strikes can also lead to catastrophic failure of the silencer as well. Not good outcomes. So we need to be able to dismantle the silencer to clean it…

Mystic X is a great 22 suppressor as well as a 223 suppressor.

First thing we have to do is eliminate the silencer models that we can not use so we know what we can pick from. The first to go are the sealed rifle silencers like the Sovereign and the Triumph. The next suppressor models to go are the dedicated 22LR silencer designs like the Vector and the Regulator. So what doest this leave? Let’s take a look at what silencers are optimal for this application.

The first model we would recommend is the most obvious. The Mystic X can do both of these calibers and has decent suppression on both with the 22lr suppressor option be really nice. This makes a lot of sense as it is a take apart design that has a baffle design that is strong enough to handle rifle calibers. Another trait of a suppressor design that can perform as both a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor is modular mounting if possible and the Mystic X also has this feature.

The next model we would look at is the Constitution as it is designed to be maintained by the end user in a capacity that would allow it to perform both as a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor both. This is because the tube can be removed by the end user for cleaning. It is not something we talk about a lot, but it can be done if the silencer is maintained at regular intervals to prevent tube lock. This design is also quieter than the Mystic X as it has a bore designed specifically for the 223 and smaller caliber cartridges. These two aspects make it great for a 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor in one package just like the Mystic X. While the Constitution does not have modular mount inserts, it is threaded in the most popular 1/2-28 thread that almost all 223 suppressor and a 22 Suppressor designs use so it will work in almost all applications.

So there you have it, two great options that allow use of both of those calibers. If you would like to discuss what your best solution would be for the calibers you want to suppress, give us a call at 706-661-6911 and we will help you figure out what you need. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The Best .22 Suppressor for You

When looking for the best .22 suppressor, we tend to get caught up in just numbers we read on the internet.

Dont get me wrong, those are important and even more so with a .22 suppressor, alternately there are several other factors you may or may not be considering. Let’s take a look at some of these factors toghether.

The first one is tone. Tone can make the best .22 suppressor sound terrible to the end user and everyone around them. This is because we perceive sound different from a sound meter does. The meter is a special instrument that can hear sounds WAY past the human ear, which is great for several reasons, but it doesnt information what the silencer sounds like to the ear. You see it will capture that peak sound or even plot it over time and show this amazing story of how great the silencer is going on paper, but if the pitch is really high, it will seem like it is whistling in the shooters ear and this isnt pleasant. So a nice deep tone is better even if it is a couple of dB higher than one that has a higher pitch tone. It will be perceived to actually be quieter even though the meter says otherwise.

The next thing the best .22 suppressor should have is a quality build, this means being made with high quality materials, a good engineering design, simple construction and so on. If the system can be dismantled and then it is not intuitive to be reassembled correctly, then it is not the best .22 suppressor choice in our opinion. Metals like titanium and stainless steel make for a durable and strong 22 silencer that will last many lifetimes. Finishes like Cerakote and Nitride coatings also greatly add to the life of the best .22 suppressor options out there. So dont forget things like this.

The next thing we would say to look at is size. It seems everyone wants to keep making their 22 silencer smaller and smaller. This is fine if they do, but we have found that there is a sweet spot between maximum suppression, back pressure and over all size when it comes to a great 22 silencer. When making a small design as quiet as a larger one, we end up with greatly increased back pressure most of the time causing firearm and ammunition fowling and sometimes overworking the action of the host weapon. So a slightly bigger design that allows the pressure to flow forward more will lower back pressure while maintaining a nice deep tone (remember that part?) as well. This seems to be overlooked for a great number on a spreadsheet these days and we dont understand why…

These are just some of the things we look at when we evaluate a choice for the best .22 suppressor in our eyes and we hope you have gotten something out of this that helps you with our choice. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Which 22lr suppressor option is right for you?

In a previous post I discussed choosing the right 22LR suppressor for your needs. But what I didnt do was explain that there are many more options for a 22LR suppressor than dedicated silencers.

You see in the early days, there was caliber specific designs with very little leniency towards shooting other calibers out of your silencer. This was because people made them out of low cost materials and designed them around the caliber in question very deliberately. This works great when you want to suppressor a certain caliber only, but not so much if you want to suppress multiple calibers.

Original Mystic silencers circa 2010

Back in late 2010 we launched the Mystic silencer. This was ground breaking in that it was the first true multipurpose 9mm bore silencer that worked really well on a long list of other calibers as well as 9mm. The truly first multipurpose silencer was born.

This gave rise to people actually using their Mystic as a 22LR suppressor. This was made possible by the team at Liberty Suppressors making the Mystic to where it could be easily dismantled by the end user for cleaning. This also gave rise to another phenomenon in the silencer world…user serviceable suppressor designs.

Another often overlooked 22LR suppressor is the integral. IF you love shooting one specific type of firearm like a 22LR rifle or pistol of a certain kind, then an integral really makes a lot of sense and will quickly become the only firearm you get out of the safe. By building integrally on the host firearm we are able to significantly lower the sound signature of the firearm WAY past that of a thread on muzzle can. Things like integral 10-22 builds and such are really common but this kind of design really shines on bolt action builds. IT can literally be made to where the rifle sounds like you dry fired it. This is incredible levels of suppression and has to be expierienced to be understood.

IDF 10/22 suppressed barrel
IDF 10/22 suppressed barrel

When you start looking into the other areas for a suppressor to go on your 22LR build, just remember that there are many more than just the little 22LR silencers that you see on the shelf. We here at Liberty Suppressors will be glad to help you design your custom build to bring you dreams to life or to even get you a multipurpose silencer for your first time purchase to dip your toes into the world of silencers. Then again, there really is nothing like a great 2LR suppressor like the Regulator to get your favorite rimfire firearm super quiet… So there are three simple solutions for your rimfire needs that will give you next level performance and make your dreams a reality. So until next time, keep your powder dry!

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The Regulator 22LR Suppressor

It isnt often that a silencer catches my attention anymore. You see, I have been in this industry for almost 2 decades at this point and have seen an incredible amount of silencers. By far, my favorite one is a 22LR suppressor.

22lr suppressor

The Regulator is the current iteration of our venerable Kodiak TL and improves on that design significantly. We have this love affair with “movie gun quiet” silencers and to be honest… a 22LR suppressor is the only way to do that at all. You see, all other calibers have enough noise with them to push the sound up to where it isnt movie gun quiet. The action noise of say 9mm pistols alone is louder than this phenomenon. The little subsonic 22LR cartridge though is capable of astonishing accuracy and incredibly low sound signature levels. We personally have seen reductions OVER 40dB with our Regulator silencer. That is no small feat to be honest, even 30dB is significant, but with 22LR, it seems all things are possible…

What we do is literally optimize the baffle geometry for a specific caliber, working sometimes by trial and error and sometimes by using 3D modeling to create specific sound signatures.The Regulator was developed starting with the original Kodiak TL baffle structure that was built from trial and error designs. After we started with that step, we used the 3D solid model operations to further improve the design and at the same time, we simplified it as well. This helped up improve the sound performance without impacting costs, if fact we were able to keep costs down for longer due to this and we were able to pass this on to the end user ultimately with better value for your purchase dollar.

kodiak tl rimfire silencer core
Kodiak TL Baffle Structure was very complex.

The next thing to make a great 22LR suppressor is to make it look good. We always incorporate sound design into our aesthetics as well so even the decoration on the silencer has performance characteristics. I cant go into the specifics of this as it is trade secret, but rest assured that all the features are there to help with sound reduction as well as good looks. Another aspect is that we want to keep the package as small as possible, this usually means using special materials to maximize the internal volume, like using thin wall titanium tubing so we can increase the internal volume of the silencer, thereby lowering tone of the suppressor. Because we all know, volume is your friend in the silencer world.

Those are just a few of the things we look into when designing a 22LR suppressor and want to make it the best one we can possibly offer. So if you want to get that “movie gun quiet” sound, give us a call and let us know you want a Regulator or a Regulator Ti on the way to make that happen! Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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.22 Silencer Choices in 2023

22LR Suppressors

When people think about the 22lr cartridge, most dont consider how or why to even add a 22lr suppressor to it. They dont realize that a 22lr pistol without a good .22 silencer on it will still have sound energies well above the limit of 140db…well above it…

We always consider which silencer we will be planning to use when we are looking at our options for a new host weapon. We no longer look at the firearm as a stand alone item but rather, it is part of a system that includes optic, firearm, ammunition AND a .22lr suppressor. Without any one of these key components, the system is incomplete and in our opinion is not ready to be fielded. The lack of attention to the .22 silencer is in part from a few things. The lack of knowledge that the silencers are even legal is a huge hurdle. Most people simply do not know that they are legal. Another hurdle is the ATF paperwork that comes with ownership and the associated responsibility that comes with owning a .22 silencer. Another hurdle is in finding one at all. Most firearm dealers dont have the extra licenses to deal in NFA items (which is what a .22 silencer is considered).

So let’s say you overcome all these hurdles and now are looking to get some .22lr suppressors of your very own. Which on do you pick? There seems to actually be no end to the options now a days. Well, here are a couple that we like…

The Regulator Ti .22LR Suppressor

This is the creme de la creme of silencers for a .22 silencer. The construction is titanium baffles and tube and on top of that, the over cap is light weight aluminum alloy so the whole thing on weighs 3.8 ounces! That is insane for any many 22lr suppressors out there today and the durability will last many lifetimes so there is no danger of ever wearing it out. The Regulator Ti also has world class sound suppression too. This makes it a .22lr suppressor that is perfect for virtually all rimfire applications.

The Regulator .22 Silencer

Now if all that titanium has you worried, there is another options out there. As far as 22lr suppressors go, the Regulator is one of the finest available. It provides class leading suppression, to the point of being considered a benchmark by many. This .22 silencer can do it all…except for one thing. This one thing is be shortened for use in rifle applications like the Vector can… This is why the Regulator .22lr suppressor is our best selling rimfire silencer. It just works REALLY well.

The Vector .22LR Suppressor

This is our newest design and most versatile .22 silencer ever. This silencer is designed from the ground up for ease of cleaning in mind and holds true to that feature. It can be dismantle easily even after 2000 rounds of rimfire use. This is no small feat as this would weld most other 22lr suppressors shut. The Vector also allows for modular use too, this feature was designed into it for use on rimfire rifles that didnt need a full size silencer. Most 22lr rifles using subsonic ammunition dont need much for a great sounding 22lr suppressor so this is easily done with the Vector in the short configuration.

So there you have it, three different solutions for a great .22lr suppressor that is readily available and work really well. So till next time, keep your powder dry!

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What is my favorite 22lr suppressor?

22lr suppressor 22lr silencer or 22 suppressor

So this could literally be a one sentence blog post, but I choose to not let it die that fast…lol

The fact is I have several 22lr silencer favorites , but there is one I keep going back to over and over and then there is another one I use a good bit too out of nostalgia or something like that.

The question is a little loaded too. If you wanted a general purpose 22 suppressor solution then it would be the Vector modular 22lr silencer. The reason is that it works really well on many different applications and it is utterly simply to take apart and clean at the end of a long range session. This is a big deal if you dont like taking your 22lr suppressor apart very often as it can be shot several thousand rounds and still be taken apart to be cleaned by hand…for the most part. There might be need for a 3/8 drive ratchet out of your tool box to get started but a lot of the time, it isnt needed…

If you wanted my choice for the absolute quietest 22lr silencer I have ever had the pleasure of shooting, then it would be the Regulator Ti 22 suppressor. This is because the Regulator Ti is so quiet and the tone is so nice that I cant thing of another 22lr suppressor that can even compare. Now keep in mind that it is not as easy to clean as the Vector silencer, but it is not really all that hard to clean as long as you stay on top of it. It is totally worth the extra work in the end though with the level of suppression that this 22lr suppressor has.

kodiak tl rimfire silencer core

Here is the inside secret though, my all time favorite 22 silencer of all time is the Kodiak TL. This was my personal pet project of rimfire suppression. The Kodiak TL was a culmination of over a year in development just to get the silencer to perform like I wanted it to and then it was something like 16 iterations to get it to this level. This is the silencer that the Regulator program is based on and for good reason. The Regulator is a game changing 22 suppressor. It is that simple. So if you want to learn more about dB suppression then follow this link and read what is going on to get a silencer to over 40dB of sound reduction.

So until next time, get your 22lr suppressor out and go shoot it.

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Which silencer is the most fun? A 22LR Suppressor of course!

So which silencer is the most “fun” to go to the range and use? The title kinda gives it away, but a lot of people dont know the fun that can be had by getting a good high quality 22LR suppressor. With one of these little silencers you can goto the range for pennies on the dollar compared to the bigger calibers while also getting better sound suppression.

Regulator rimfire silencer

Sound Signature of a silenced pistol.

Before we wander down this rabbit hole, I am not a audiologist nor am I able to give legal advice because I am not a lawyer, I am just some guy who loves to read and learn things about sound. With that lets get into what I have found over the years.

This is the number one reason for getting a 22LR suppressor in the first place. The sound reduction of this caliber is on the order of 40dB or more sometimes and can literally turn a 22LR pistol into what sounds like a staple gun. You have to understand what 40dB means because the dB scale is logorythmic and the scale gets progressively stronger the higher the number. 10db is 10 times quieter, ok…what is 20db then? Well 20dB is 100, 30dB is 1000 and 40dB is a whopping 10,000 times quieter! At least that is how I understand it. Now this doesn’t mean that the sound is so low you cant hear it, what it does mean is that it will take a pistol that registers 150dB (what will cause immediate and irreversible hearing damage and make it 110dB which is well below the OSHA threshold of levels for short periods of time. We are taking those energies and converting them into other things like heat or spreading them out over time so the energy doesnt have as high of an maximum amplitude. You see a gunshot has a huge peak impulse then the sound falls off really fast, so if we can capture that energy and release it slower over time, then we can lower the maximum peak, making the perceived sound much lower. There is a law of physics that states you can neither create nor destroy energy, you can only alter it’s state. So what we are doing is altering the period of which the energy is released (since we can not destroy this energy, we have to do something with it) so that the over all amplitude is much lower. By spreading out the sound, the same amount of energy is present, but at a lower level. The Regulator Ti silencer does a wonderful job of this and can be used on pistols as well as rifles.

Cost of a 22LR suppressor.

The next thing most people learn about shooting rimfire ammo is that it is so much cheaper than centerfire ammunition. So this means that you can shoot more at an outing and more often for the same money as you could if you bought rifle ammo.

22LR also has another benefit from cost, it is easier to train a new shooter with 22LR than it is with centerfire ammunition. This is because the ammo that you will be shooting through the 22LR suppressor will be cheaper and they can train more plus the sound suppression will help them develop good habits instead of bad ones from reacting to really loud gunfire.

So if you are ready to tame that 22LR rifle or pistol, Liberty Suppressors has the tools you need. Until next time, keep your powder dry!

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22LR Suppressor use on a Rimfire Rifle

Today we look at what is the optimal 22LR suppressor for a rimfire rifle and why we use one at all in this application.

Regulator rimfire silencer

There is a stark difference in the demands placed on the silencer when suppressing a pistol versus a rifle. The powder charge in a 22LR cartridge is consumed in the first 6″ to 10″ of bore in the gun barrel. What this means is that on a rimfire pistol we have unburnt gunpowder entering the silencer and then finishing the burn cycle. A 22lr suppressor is not actually designed for this application directly and it can cause wear to soft material baffles like aluminium. The term used for the damage that this can cause is ablative erosion, but that is for another blog post…

22LR Suppressor in a Rimfire Rifle

So , back to what I was saying. The rimfire pistol deals with the gas column in a different way from the rifle. The rifle is simply dealing with gasses and not burning powder particles. So since this is all the 22lr suppressor has to deal with on the rimfire rifle is can be optimized to work with this. What we have found is that it is imperative that you use subsonic ammunition in a rimfire rifle so the rounds do not break the sound barrier. This will make a lot of noise that there is no known technology to suppress. Once we know we have subsonic ammo, then we need some sort of silencer to capture the escaping gasses and allow them t expand some in a controller environment so they can lower their pressure and there by not reignite upon leaving the silencer.

Since all the powder is burned by this point and you are dealing with hot gasses only, the silencer can be a lot smaller. This is why we made the Vector 22lr suppressor modular in design. The extension module adds two more baffles to the system and this helps with use on a rimfire pistol. Since the gasses on a rimfire rifle are so much lower, the extension module can be removed and the shortened version can be used instead. This lends itself to a nice and lightweight package that is also fairly small too.

So if you are looking for a good, all purpose, 22lr suppressor then the Vector just might be the one you are looking for, for more info on the Vector and our other 22lr silencer offerings, just check us out at liberty cans.net
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Armageddon Gear Mystic X 9mm Suppressor Cover

Suppressors get hot during use. This is why we collaborated with Armageddon Gear to make a thermal heat shield cover for our most popular 9mm suppressor we offer.

Custom embroidery Armageddon Gear silencer cover.

9mm Suppressor Heat Problems

The 9mm suppressor that we are talking about here could be either the Mystic X or Infiniti X multi caliber suppressor. The silencers in use here also multi-purpose, so they are often used on rifles as well as pistols. The rifle use is really where we see the need for these suppressor covers from Armageddon Gear. When a suppressor is being used on a rifle it will absorb a tremendous amount of heat from the gas column passing through it. This heat is dissipated in two different ways. The first is regenerated back into the tail end of the gas column like a traditional gas regenerator and the second is through regular old conduction to the atmosphere around the outside of the silencer. This normally isnt a real problem, unless you want to see your sights and the target so you can line them up for a followup shot or something like that… Enter the suppressor cover, this wonderful device simply slips over the existing silencer and insulates it from the atmosphere temporarily to slow the radiation of the heat to the outside.

Notice I said it “slows” the radiation of heat, this is because it doesn’t stop the heat, but simply slows it down. The heat will eventually soak through and then the cover and suppressor will have to cool before use. Also, if your cover isnt made from special high temp materials, you can get the suppressor hot enough to melt covers like this Armageddon Gear suppressor cover. This cover is not a severe duty design to prevent burns at extreme temps but is designed to reduce heat mirage for follow up shots in a hunting situation. Those applications are different from the purpose of this one. So at the end of the day, this cover works perfectly for hunters and recreational target shooters or even entry teams that fire minimal amount of rounds on an entry. Another benefit from the cover is that since it is not metal, when it rubs on a limb in the woods, it will have a much more subdued sound opposed to the high pitched sound of titanium tubing rubbing on a branch in the forest.

Armageddon Gear suppressor covers just keep giving…

Another benefit from using a suppressor cover is that it breaks up the color pattern of the black part on the end of the barrel. It basically camouflages the firearm somewhat by adding the color to the end. Then finally there is one last benefit of using a suppressor cover…it helps you not to get burned! Yep, it will reduce the chances of getting burned from a hot suppressor. LOL I had to throw that in just for fun. Anyway, these are just some of the benefits of using the Armageddon Gear suppressor cover. Until next time, keep your powder dry.

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What ammo do I need for my 9mm suppressor?

When looking over things that people frequently ask us about the world of suppressor ownership, one of the main things we find is ammunition choice for a 9mm suppressor.

Ammunition comes in two basic flavors in the world of 9mm suppressor ownership, and you need to start thinking in these terms if you want to get the most out of your 9mm suppressor. Super-sonic ammunition and subsonic ammunition.

Super sonic ammunition for 9mm silencer use.

When shooting super sonic ammunition through your 9mm suppressor, it will suppress the gun’s “bang” but there is a second noise that the silencer can not suppress.The supersonic flight noise of the projectile flying to the target is much louder than most people realize and is the number one complaint of a new silencer owner when they goto the range for the first time without knowing about this kind of ammunition to use. This is a common complaint and we have tried many different methods to educate people on it, but it is still a problem with new owners. For 9mm use, ammunition is running right at the super-sonic threshold and sometimes goes over this point. This speed is approximately 1070 feet per second and varies with all sorts of parameters, but understand that it is close to this number and if you go too fast, it will “crack” because the projectile is make a mini sonic boom as it flies down to the target.

Subsonic ammunition of 9mm suppressor use.

This is the most desirable ammunition for most applications. We understand that in some applications that certain ammo is needed, but for the most part this will be the ammo that you will want to use. The easiest way to know if the ammunition is subsonic is to shoot it. If it sounds super good and like a staple gun then it is subsonic, lol. At least that is how it should sound coming from one of our 9mm suppressors like the Infiniti X pistol silencer. All joking aside, some ammunition will be marked on the box as such. Another way to tell is to look at the bullet weight of the rounds you are thinking about using. if the bullet weight is 124 grains or less it is almost certainly super sonic ammunition. If the bullet weight is 147 grains or heavier then it will almost always be subsonic ammunition. There are instances where this doesnt work, but for the most part, it does.

Cutaway booster assembly
(Cutaway view of a booster showing component layout.)

Another thing to remember is that some 9mm subsonic ammunition is designed to be slow enough by reducing the energy of the powder charge. This will normally produce two things at once. The first is a nice sounding suppressor, the second is erratic cycling or failed cycling of the host weapon entirely. We have seen this often with handholds, the speeds are crazy slow and super quiet, but the gun wont cycle reliably. The recoil booster on the pistol silencer will help sometimes with this, but not always, there has to be enough energy to overcome the guns system as designed and some additional drag from the suppressor as well or it wont operate as intended.

These are the main things we look for when looking for ammunition for our 9mm systems with silencers installed on them. So if you have anymore questions, click on this link to be taken to the website for help.

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What is the best type of suppressor in 2023?

Suppressors come in many shapes and sizes. So when you are looking for the best type of suppressor, we want to look at several factors like application, price, familiarity with the process of ownership, what other suppressors owned, ect. Let’s take a look at these factors and see if we can clear up some of the confusion for people looking to get a new silencer.


A lot of people that are new to silencers will want a one size fits all approach, but once this desire is filled, they start wanting another suppressor, but dont know exactly what they want. Here is my “secret sauce” test to see what I would recommend next for the person wanting another suppressor, but not knowing what that silencer is.

It takes a little time, but it works 100% of the time too. If you really want to get another suppressor and do the whole ownership process and spend the money and time to do it, then do this test first. It will save you a lot of buyers remorse down the road.

Get one of the little pocket notebooks or even start a note on your iPhone and every time you goto the range, log what you shoot, roughly how many rounds with that gun, and then literally any notes about what you was thinking about like, “wanting to shoot 22LR suppressor today but only had my Infiniti X so I used that.” These journal entry notes will give you a crazy amount of clarity on what you really want in a silencer versus what the current hotness is that you are looking at online.

I recommend logging at least ten range sessions before reading the results too so you can have some data points that are starting to lead you in a direction. Standard engineering practice is to collect at least 30 data points minimum, but sometimes we dont want to wait that long on picking our next suppressor…

Agent 5.56 rifle silencer suppressor
Agent 5.56 rifle silencer

Suppressor Price

This is a big one for a lot of people. This is why there are literally dozens of suppressor companies out there now at all price points. People have different budgets, valuations and desires. Once you figure out the caliber, now you can start looking at silencers in this caliber area and considering what your specs will be based on price point.

Say you want a 556 suppressor now that you have seen you shoot tons of 556 at your range sessions. So there are low cost 556 direct thread suppressors, mid level QA 556 silencer, and even high end special application 556 cans including things like the Zulu integral and titanium silencers like the Agent.

You are the only person that can decide how much a silencer should cost for you. Choosing a integral suppressor is a big decision and one that you will have to live with for quite some time, maybe even till you depart this realm. This being said, you should consider how much you will enjoy this purchase over the next few years and only you can decide this. Suppressors in the USA are built very well since the NFA makes ownership more complicated, so picking one that fits your desires is critical.

suppressor silencer integral suppressors

Process of Ownership (in the USA)

The process of ownership in the USA is kinda burdensome, and that is probably by design. Normally when congress passes a law about something they dont like, they will make the legal path to that activity very cumbersome for the person wanting to participate legally in the activity. Suppressor ownership is one of these activities and the process of ownership has to be factored in. The process for suppressor ownership in the US is something like this. You purchase the suppressor and then file some forms with the NFA branch of the ATF to transfer ownership to your from the gunstore. This process can take upwards of a year and I have seen it happen very fast too, you just really dont know for certain, but normally it take 8 months or so from the averages I have seen for the forms to clear. Then once the forms clear the ATF, you goto the gun store and pick up your suppressor with a traditional 4473 like any other gun purchase. This is the super simplified version, but you get the idea.

What other suppressor designs do you own?

The reason this one matters is that most people dont want to have redundant silencers to start out. They look to expand the range of guns that they can suppress and this usually involves getting different kinds of suppressors so they can cover these guns. The world of suppressor ownership is unique in that we have literally “do everything” silencers and the opposite end of the spectrum…integral suppressors. The integrals are the ones that most people become infatuated with after owning a couple of suppressor designs that are more versatile.

With all this I want to say, that there are no hard and fast rules to choosing your next suppressor, but these are the typical routes that most people follow. The integrally suppressed rifle is something that a lot of people wont find appealing in the beginning as it is a “one trick pony” and they can only use it like this, but after a while, this starts to look more and more appealing and people will gravitate to these eventually. Just seems to be human nature. Anyway, hope this was helpful and until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

Best 22LR suppressor for a new owner

When you think about a rimfire silencer, you think of things like the Regulator 22lr suppressor or the Vector rimfire suppressor, but there are other options as well.

You see, the new silencer owner also has other biases that they need to consider when choosing their first 22lr suppressor. These things include, clean-ability, sound suppression and weight as well as a host of other things like price and size. We will look at a few of these and a couple of silencer options that you might not consider as well.

vector 22lr modular silencer

22LR Suppression

Come on… we all know this is the real reason for buying the 22lr suppressor to start with. That “movie gun” sound that can only come from a suppressed 22lr is the magic that all suppressor owners strive for. We know that since this is the main criteria that we want to make sure to address this first and foremost. Even with other options on the table, the best suppressors for this task are the dedicated 22lr suppressor designs like the Regulator Ti and the Regulator. These are leading class sound reduction (with subsonic ammunition of course) and will last a lifetime with some routine maintenance. The next level up from this would be small bore rifle silencers. These would be very effective on suppression, but not practical as they are large and bulky compared to the design specific 22lr suppressor. Also, dedicated rifle silencers are not user cleanable for the most part and this poses a problem for rimfire use, cleaning…. This normally requires a trip back to the maker for cleaning and that can get costly.

Weight and Size

The next area that makes the most sense is in the physical weight and size of our choices. Now, of course, the dedicated models will be the best choice here again… (are you seeing the pattern yet?) But we can look at a few other ideas too. Another great choice for a light weight rimfire silencer is the Infiniti X multi caliber silencer. The Inifinti X is designed for maximum caliber choices (including all rimfire calibers) and light weight at the same time. So if oyu want options with your 22lr suppressor then you can also choose something like the Infiniti X as well as it will still allow light weight and excellent suppression too.


Here is where the point to be considered leans towards the dedicated 22lr suppressor. The price of the silencer is one of the biggest factors for many people and a dedicated rimfire silencer will almost always be significantly cheaper than any other option out there. So if you plan to only shoot rimfire ammunition and price is a major factor for you then you will probably want something like a Regulator 22lr suppressor. You still get class leading…or some might even say… movie gun quiet out of it, and you can save some money in the process.

As you can see, these are just a few of the possible factors to consider when looking for a 22lr suppressor, but these are the ones we see the most often and the solutions we find for them. So what do you think is a factor for you? We would like to know and until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

Why the Liberty Kit is for True Patriots

At  Liberty Suppressors, we create some of the finest silencers on the market and provide you with some of the best merch and cleaning supplies to match it. We offer a huge variety of product packages to help you rep our brand and keep your silencer clean. The Liberty Kit is one of these packages and can help patriots all over America care for their suppressors.

Gun with a suppressor in the woods

Made In America

At Liberty Suppressors, all of our products are made right here in the U.S. When you shop with us, you are not only supporting an American-owned and operated company, but you are supporting American manufacturing companies in and around the U.S.

Close up of a hunter holding a gun

Keep Your Firearm Clean

Owning a firearm isn’t just about exercising your Second Amendment rights, having the ability to hunt with your firearm, or defending yourself. Instead, maintaining your firearm and your silencer is something that allows you to properly and patriotically own your firearm — and the Liberty kit helps you to do just that.

Man holding a gun with a suppressor

Rep Some Liberty Suppressor Merch

Liberty Suppressors is an American company that specializes in helping you to hunt, shoot, and defend yourself safely and effectively. The Liberty Kit is the perfect way to express your patriotism through supporting a company that helps you to exercise your Second Amendment rights effectively.

liberty team 2022

Support an American Company

As a United States company, we are committed to providing you with products made right here and supporting our employees in our Georgia community. If you are looking to support your neighbors, the Liberty Kit can help you do just that!

The Liberty Kit not only includes our suppressor cleaning kit, but also some sweet merch for everyday life. If you are looking to support an American company and safely utilize your silencer, the Liberty Kit is for you. Shop this kit and much more today!

Bulletin Board

Christmas Ideas that are easy!

When you think of silencers, you think that the process involves forms and time, but did oyu know that Liberty Suppressors also has a ton of other stuff that is not regulated like suppressors?

silencer liberty suppressors suppressor rifle silencer

We have all sorts of things like Cole-tac Boss Bags, Armageddon Gear suppressor covers and even Dead Air Keymo mounts!

If you think about it, the Dead Air Keymo mount is one of the best values in non-regulated items in the suppressor world. The Dead Air Keymo mount works on a large quantity of different silencers and in our opinion, it is the best QD mount available in 2022. So if the Dead Air Keymo mount is something that you have been looking at picking up, now is the time! We have limited stock on hand and they are ready to go.

Now, shifting to the body of the silencer, if you shoot long range or just target shoot more than a few rounds at a time, you know that heat mirage is a huge problem with scoped rifles. This is why we have the Armageddon Gear suppressor cover as an option for people on many of our silencers. The Armageddon Gear suppressor cover allows the user to shoot their rifle many more times than would be possible without the Armageddon Gear suppressor cover before heat mirage makes target acquisition possible. You see heat rises off of the silencer when you shoot and this heat causes mirage to distort the view through the scope or even mechanical sights… So if you hunt with your silencer another benifit of having a Armageddon Gear suppressor cover is that the noise of the suppressor rubbing against foliage is toned down and made to be more subdued and not sound so foreign in nature. Armageddon Gear suppressor cover is made of ballistic materials and this cloth has a more appropriate color in the field as well. It blends in really well.

Last but not least is the Cole-tac Boss Bag. This device is not for the silencer directly, but instead it aids in aiming the rifle and supports the shooter in odd positions. The Cole-tac Boss Bag is a support system that the PRS community has been using for a while now and is an invaluable resource for field ops as well. At the range, the Cole-tac Boss Bag keeps the gun nice and steady when confirming zero or shooting groups to confirm which handholds perform the best or even to just put your elbow on so you dont rest on the bench, it has tons of uses. The Cole-tac Boss Bag is lightweight and works really well when out hunting too. If oyu need a good steady bag at the lady of the rifle that is still lightweight, then the Cole-tac Boss Bag is just the thing for you. It just works and works and works…

Cole Tac Boss Bag

These are just a few of the things we have in the webstore that you can get without paperwork and we are here to get you going, dont hesitate to give us a call or goto the website and reach out via email!

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