22lr suppressor 22lr silencer or 22 suppressor
So this could literally be a one sentence blog post, but I choose to not let it die that fast…lol
The fact is I have several 22lr silencer favorites , but there is one I keep going back to over and over and then there is another one I use a good bit too out of nostalgia or something like that.

The question is a little loaded too. If you wanted a general purpose 22 suppressor solution then it would be the Vector modular 22lr silencer. The reason is that it works really well on many different applications and it is utterly simply to take apart and clean at the end of a long range session. This is a big deal if you dont like taking your 22lr suppressor apart very often as it can be shot several thousand rounds and still be taken apart to be cleaned by hand…for the most part. There might be need for a 3/8 drive ratchet out of your tool box to get started but a lot of the time, it isnt needed…

If you wanted my choice for the absolute quietest 22lr silencer I have ever had the pleasure of shooting, then it would be the Regulator Ti 22 suppressor. This is because the Regulator Ti is so quiet and the tone is so nice that I cant thing of another 22lr suppressor that can even compare. Now keep in mind that it is not as easy to clean as the Vector silencer, but it is not really all that hard to clean as long as you stay on top of it. It is totally worth the extra work in the end though with the level of suppression that this 22lr suppressor has.

Here is the inside secret though, my all time favorite 22 silencer of all time is the Kodiak TL. This was my personal pet project of rimfire suppression. The Kodiak TL was a culmination of over a year in development just to get the silencer to perform like I wanted it to and then it was something like 16 iterations to get it to this level. This is the silencer that the Regulator program is based on and for good reason. The Regulator is a game changing 22 suppressor. It is that simple. So if you want to learn more about dB suppression then follow this link and read what is going on to get a silencer to over 40dB of sound reduction.
So until next time, get your 22lr suppressor out and go shoot it.