When you are looking for the absolute quietest 300 blackout suppressor, look no further than the Leonidas Gen 2.

The Leonidas Gen 2 is in a league of its own and for good reason. The Leonidas Gen 2 300 blackout suppressor is an evolution in design from Liberty Suppressors. You see we have been building super quiet 300 blackout suppressor designs for over 10 years now and with the refinements that come with time, have produced a design that is small and yet super quiet too.
The design is very deliberate also. We made the silencer specifically so that it would only incur the stamp for the silencer module and not be classified as an SBR as well. This saved the end user significant money and hassle in the long term. The fact that it is not a SBR (short barreled rifle) by the standards of the NFA means it can travel over state lines to states that allow silencer possession with out any other paperwork. The SBR designation does require additional forms to be filed each time the silencer goes over a state line. This can be a huge hassle should you live in a border town along a state line…
Another benefit to making it an integral is that there is significant volume in an integral design over a thread on muzzle silencer. The 300 blackout suppressor is best served with lots of volume and what we can “low pressure” baffle engineering. This produces better tone as well as lowers blow back significantly. The design is also done in such a way that it is a tensioned barrel design and can be more accurate this way as barrel tensioning has shown in the past to more accurate.

Another benefit to an integral 300 blackout suppressor build is that is can also be shorter overall than a standard carbine with a thread on muzzle silencer. This can be as much as 8″ shorter too, with the whole of the build almost being under the hand guard of the AR15 railed fore arm. This system is also free floated which has been proven to be a more accurate design element as well.
These are just a few of the parameters that make the Leonidas Gen 2 300 blackout suppressor worth considering and if you have any more questions about it, just give us a call. Till next time, keep your powder dry!