When looking for a silencer for your hunting rifle, there are several good choices out there.
Here are the choices we will be looking at today in this blog post. A rifle silencer for hunting, integrally suppressed hunting rifle designs, and our integrally suppressed bolt action build called the Whitetail.
There are two basic types of hunting rifle silencer design on the market today. The first is the common muzzle silencer. This is anything from a dedicated caliber design like the Sovereign to something more broad in capabilities like a Mystic X suppressor. The second group are the integral and custom built designs. So let’s take a look at each of the suppressors to see which one is best of your application.
Muzzle mount silencers

These suppressors are the most common on the market and are readily available as stock items at most dealers that sell silencers. Silencers like the Sovereign and the Amendment are in this category and work really well. When looking for a rifle silencer for hunting be sure to look for things like weight, mounting scheme and primary caliber. These will factor into how well it will work for you and how adaptable it will be for other calibers and such as that. Take for instance the Sovereign rifle silencer, it comes designated in 7.62mm caliber. This means it is rated outright for 308 WIN and such but can easily be used of sub calibers as well such as 243 WIN and even 223 REM should the owner wish to do that. Now a caliber specific unit will produce better suppression, but it will be adequate with an over sized silencer too. Any hunting is mainly designed to reduce the initial noise level of the shot taken on game to help preserve the hearing of the hunter.
Another class of rifle silencer for hunting is the now common multi caliber suppressor. These are known for their ability to be used on a plethora of host weapons and calibers and have a large suite of adapters to facilitate this transfer. Silencers like the Mystic X and the Infiniti X fit into this category. They are light weight, they provide adequate sound reduction and are VERY versatile in design. When choosing a rifle silencer for hunting, just decide which of these features best fits your needs and desires and you will know what you need.
Custom and Integrally Suppressed Bolt Action Designs
This is where the person who already has a bunch of common muzzle silencers will end up after a while. These suppressors are some of the finest designs on the planet as they as designed specifically for the calibers in question and work really well accordingly.

The first one I will mention is the integrally suppressed hunting rifle. This is usually the kind like our Leonidas Gen 2 AR15 suppressed upper receivers. These are designed from the outset for maximum suppression in mind and will be the most jaw dropping builds that are on the range that day. You can literally hear the bullet impact the target when using these uppers. They are usually built in a caliber that is really common and is also naturally designed for subsonic use or at least have subsonic bullet options.

The next is a integrally suppressed bolt action like our Whitetail integrally suppressed hunting rifle. This system is built on a host weapon and permanently attached to it for the life of the rifle, requiring a return trip to the maker to change things like the host weapon.With an integrally suppressed hunting rifle, you get the benefits of a nice bolt action rifle, and a purpose built silencer for that caliber. This helps mitigate things like blowback and sound at the shooters ear while maintaining accuracy and energy on target. So if you are looking for a integrally suppressed hunting rifle, then be sure to check out the Whitetail, Leonidas Gen 2 or even the Zulu 556 integral suppressor. All of these options will serve you well in the field and will make you the envy of the range at the same time. Until next time, keep your powder dry!