22LR Suppressors
When people think about the 22lr cartridge, most dont consider how or why to even add a 22lr suppressor to it. They dont realize that a 22lr pistol without a good .22 silencer on it will still have sound energies well above the limit of 140db…well above it…

We always consider which silencer we will be planning to use when we are looking at our options for a new host weapon. We no longer look at the firearm as a stand alone item but rather, it is part of a system that includes optic, firearm, ammunition AND a .22lr suppressor. Without any one of these key components, the system is incomplete and in our opinion is not ready to be fielded. The lack of attention to the .22 silencer is in part from a few things. The lack of knowledge that the silencers are even legal is a huge hurdle. Most people simply do not know that they are legal. Another hurdle is the ATF paperwork that comes with ownership and the associated responsibility that comes with owning a .22 silencer. Another hurdle is in finding one at all. Most firearm dealers dont have the extra licenses to deal in NFA items (which is what a .22 silencer is considered).
So let’s say you overcome all these hurdles and now are looking to get some .22lr suppressors of your very own. Which on do you pick? There seems to actually be no end to the options now a days. Well, here are a couple that we like…
The Regulator Ti .22LR Suppressor
This is the creme de la creme of silencers for a .22 silencer. The construction is titanium baffles and tube and on top of that, the over cap is light weight aluminum alloy so the whole thing on weighs 3.8 ounces! That is insane for any many 22lr suppressors out there today and the durability will last many lifetimes so there is no danger of ever wearing it out. The Regulator Ti also has world class sound suppression too. This makes it a .22lr suppressor that is perfect for virtually all rimfire applications.
The Regulator .22 Silencer
Now if all that titanium has you worried, there is another options out there. As far as 22lr suppressors go, the Regulator is one of the finest available. It provides class leading suppression, to the point of being considered a benchmark by many. This .22 silencer can do it all…except for one thing. This one thing is be shortened for use in rifle applications like the Vector can… This is why the Regulator .22lr suppressor is our best selling rimfire silencer. It just works REALLY well.
The Vector .22LR Suppressor
This is our newest design and most versatile .22 silencer ever. This silencer is designed from the ground up for ease of cleaning in mind and holds true to that feature. It can be dismantle easily even after 2000 rounds of rimfire use. This is no small feat as this would weld most other 22lr suppressors shut. The Vector also allows for modular use too, this feature was designed into it for use on rimfire rifles that didnt need a full size silencer. Most 22lr rifles using subsonic ammunition dont need much for a great sounding 22lr suppressor so this is easily done with the Vector in the short configuration.
So there you have it, three different solutions for a great .22lr suppressor that is readily available and work really well. So till next time, keep your powder dry!