We sometimes dont realize how beneficial a 22lr suppressor can be for other reasons than it is super cool to have one… Well, lets take a look at some not so obvious reasons.

The first one comes with teaching new people the fundamentals of marksmanship. A 22lr suppressor on a quality host firearm will allow the new shooter to learn the fundamentals of sight alignment, trigger press and follow through without the usual down sides. Things like people closing their eyes or flinching and jerking the trigger and such are usually associated with the loud bang from the gunshot. If you can eliminate this noise, then the firearm doesnt seem near as “Scary” and people are able to stay focused of the firearm. A good 22lr suppressor design like our Regulator makes the whole experience fun instead of intimidating…
The next thing that most people dont think about when it comes to a 22lr suppressor is the hearing protection it affords. You would think this is more common, but honestly it takes a back seat to the actual sound and the cool factor. People do understand that silencer designs like the Regulator Ti are great for making a rimfire rifle hearing “safe” but they actually dont think about the hearing protection it affords. You see, the rimfire firearm is still actually quite loud on the measuring instrument when measured even with a high quality 22lr suppressor attached. To the point that most audiologists would recommend using additional hearing protection along side the silencer. Even the best rimfire silencers will only get the sound impulse down to maybe 108 to 110dB, this is still really high compared to the normal world around us. Now, to not get into the weeds too deep here. Just understand that we dont recommend using any firearm without hearing protection, even if there is a silencer installed on it. The 22 suppressor does help greatly though and this coupled with high quality hearing protection will make your hearing last much longer…normally… than not using these precautions. The government has done extensive studies on hearing loss coupled with combat (gunfire) and it is pretty bleak. Most veterans come home with SIGNIFICANT hearing loss… keep that in mind when your talking to one of them and they ask you to repeat what you said, they probably didnt hear you.
So until next time, keep your powder dry!