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A 10mm Suppressor you say?…

When you think of silencers, most people think of a 22lr suppressor, but there are several other calibers that are really fun to suppress and the 10mm AUTO is on of those rounds.

Why a 10mm Suppressor?

Part of the reason people like the 10mm AUTO cartridge is the power it delivers on target. Another reason is the cool factor. It being a relatively obscure cartridge, it isnt something that most people see everyday. Another thing about this round is that it is capable of taking on some pretty cool roles other than in a Glock model 20 pistol. It also responds to being suppressed really well and there is an active community of handloaders that make heavy, subsonic loads for it as well as the regular full power stuff.

The Cosmic is right at home on semi-auto handguns.

Enter the Cosmic and Goliath silencers

If you plan to put a suppressor on your 10mm AUTO, then you need something light, quiet, and durable like either our Cosmic or our Goliath suppressors. A 10mm suppressor needs to be able to handle the energy of the potent 10mm round as well as the gas volume this cartridge produces. Both of these silencers are capable of handling these criteria. The Cosmic suppressor will be better suited to pistol use where the user wants a semi-automatic handgun to cycle while firing. The Goliath, on the other hand, is perfect on builds like the CMMG Banshee in 10mm or the Hi-Point Arms 10mm Carbine

The Cosmic suppressor is designed from the outset for handgun use. This makes it smaller and lighter than it’s big brother the Goliath by nature, but this doesnt mean it lacks capability. The Cosmic will work really well for almost all applications that the Goliath can do PLUS it will cycle handguns too. Now that mean it is ALOMST as good as the Goliath in most applications, but not all. The Goliath silencer shines in the carbine applications for a 10mm suppressor. Things like the aforementioned semi-auto carbines as well as other unique builds like the TC Encore single shot builds in this caliber as well. These are the ones where the build can be tailored to subsonic rounds and the Goliath will be magical on these builds. With the volume of the Goliath, combined with the baffle technology, this would literally be “hollywood quiet” as the old saying goes…

The Goliath uses thread inserts to allow for multiple thread options.

So to summarize, if you are wanting a silencer for your 10mm build, we have a couple that will do the job really well. Go ahead and give us a shout so we can get your build started today and dont forget to keep your powder dry!

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What is the best type of suppressor in 2023?

Suppressors come in many shapes and sizes. So when you are looking for the best type of suppressor, we want to look at several factors like application, price, familiarity with the process of ownership, what other suppressors owned, ect. Let’s take a look at these factors and see if we can clear up some of the confusion for people looking to get a new silencer.


A lot of people that are new to silencers will want a one size fits all approach, but once this desire is filled, they start wanting another suppressor, but dont know exactly what they want. Here is my “secret sauce” test to see what I would recommend next for the person wanting another suppressor, but not knowing what that silencer is.

It takes a little time, but it works 100% of the time too. If you really want to get another suppressor and do the whole ownership process and spend the money and time to do it, then do this test first. It will save you a lot of buyers remorse down the road.

Get one of the little pocket notebooks or even start a note on your iPhone and every time you goto the range, log what you shoot, roughly how many rounds with that gun, and then literally any notes about what you was thinking about like, “wanting to shoot 22LR suppressor today but only had my Infiniti X so I used that.” These journal entry notes will give you a crazy amount of clarity on what you really want in a silencer versus what the current hotness is that you are looking at online.

I recommend logging at least ten range sessions before reading the results too so you can have some data points that are starting to lead you in a direction. Standard engineering practice is to collect at least 30 data points minimum, but sometimes we dont want to wait that long on picking our next suppressor…

Agent 5.56 rifle silencer suppressor
Agent 5.56 rifle silencer

Suppressor Price

This is a big one for a lot of people. This is why there are literally dozens of suppressor companies out there now at all price points. People have different budgets, valuations and desires. Once you figure out the caliber, now you can start looking at silencers in this caliber area and considering what your specs will be based on price point.

Say you want a 556 suppressor now that you have seen you shoot tons of 556 at your range sessions. So there are low cost 556 direct thread suppressors, mid level QA 556 silencer, and even high end special application 556 cans including things like the Zulu integral and titanium silencers like the Agent.

You are the only person that can decide how much a silencer should cost for you. Choosing a integral suppressor is a big decision and one that you will have to live with for quite some time, maybe even till you depart this realm. This being said, you should consider how much you will enjoy this purchase over the next few years and only you can decide this. Suppressors in the USA are built very well since the NFA makes ownership more complicated, so picking one that fits your desires is critical.

suppressor silencer integral suppressors

Process of Ownership (in the USA)

The process of ownership in the USA is kinda burdensome, and that is probably by design. Normally when congress passes a law about something they dont like, they will make the legal path to that activity very cumbersome for the person wanting to participate legally in the activity. Suppressor ownership is one of these activities and the process of ownership has to be factored in. The process for suppressor ownership in the US is something like this. You purchase the suppressor and then file some forms with the NFA branch of the ATF to transfer ownership to your from the gunstore. This process can take upwards of a year and I have seen it happen very fast too, you just really dont know for certain, but normally it take 8 months or so from the averages I have seen for the forms to clear. Then once the forms clear the ATF, you goto the gun store and pick up your suppressor with a traditional 4473 like any other gun purchase. This is the super simplified version, but you get the idea.

What other suppressor designs do you own?

The reason this one matters is that most people dont want to have redundant silencers to start out. They look to expand the range of guns that they can suppress and this usually involves getting different kinds of suppressors so they can cover these guns. The world of suppressor ownership is unique in that we have literally “do everything” silencers and the opposite end of the spectrum…integral suppressors. The integrals are the ones that most people become infatuated with after owning a couple of suppressor designs that are more versatile.

With all this I want to say, that there are no hard and fast rules to choosing your next suppressor, but these are the typical routes that most people follow. The integrally suppressed rifle is something that a lot of people wont find appealing in the beginning as it is a “one trick pony” and they can only use it like this, but after a while, this starts to look more and more appealing and people will gravitate to these eventually. Just seems to be human nature. Anyway, hope this was helpful and until next time, keep your powder dry!

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Suppressor Tips – Finding the Best Suppressor

Tips for Finding the Best Suppressor

With so many suppressors on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. The team at Liberty Suppressors offers high-quality suppressors. In today’s blog post, our silencer shop is here with some tips for finding the best suppressor. Learn more about how to buy a suppressor that fits your needs and shop our selection at Liberty Suppressors today!

gun with silencer in urban environments

Determine the Type of Suppressor You Need

There are different suppressors for different types of firearms, so you ‘ll need to figure out which one is right for your gun. For example,  if you have a rifle, you’ll need a different suppressor than if you have a handgun. 

You can find suppressors designed for specific types of guns at Liberty Suppressors. If you’re not sure, our team can help you choose the right suppressor based  on the make and model of your gun.

Close up of a hunter holding a gun

Get Your Paperwork in Order

In order to purchase a silencer, you’ll need to fill out an ATF Form 4 packet and get your documents in order. The process can seem daunting, but our team at Liberty Suppressors is here to help. Once you’ve found a dealer, you can pick up a pre-filled ATF Form 4 packet. From there, complete the packet and mail it to ATF. Once it’s received, you can pick up your Liberty suppressor or silencer kit!

Leonidas Gen 2 main image - 300 blackout integral rifle silencer - best 300 blackout

Know the Laws

Suppressors are regulated by the National Firearms Act, so it’s important to know the ins and outs of the law before making a purchase. For example, you’ll need to have a clean criminal record and be 21 years of age or older to purchase a silencer. You should also be aware of the transfer process, as suppressors can only be transferred to individuals in your state.

Liberty Suppressors Gun Suppressor

Shop at Liberty Suppressors

When you’re ready to purchase a suppressor, shop at Liberty Suppressors. We offer a wide selection of suppressors for different types of firearms. Plus, our team can help you with the paperwork and answer any questions you have about suppressors.

Visit Our Suppressor Shop Today

Whether you’re learning how to buy a suppressor or ready to start the process of equipping your gun with a suppressor, you’ve come to the right place. Liberty Suppressors— a Georgia-based company — is here to offer high-quality suppressors made with the very best materials. Shop now!

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