Suppressors get hot during use. This is why we collaborated with Armageddon Gear to make a thermal heat shield cover for our most popular 9mm suppressor we offer.

9mm Suppressor Heat Problems
The 9mm suppressor that we are talking about here could be either the Mystic X or Infiniti X multi caliber suppressor. The silencers in use here also multi-purpose, so they are often used on rifles as well as pistols. The rifle use is really where we see the need for these suppressor covers from Armageddon Gear. When a suppressor is being used on a rifle it will absorb a tremendous amount of heat from the gas column passing through it. This heat is dissipated in two different ways. The first is regenerated back into the tail end of the gas column like a traditional gas regenerator and the second is through regular old conduction to the atmosphere around the outside of the silencer. This normally isnt a real problem, unless you want to see your sights and the target so you can line them up for a followup shot or something like that… Enter the suppressor cover, this wonderful device simply slips over the existing silencer and insulates it from the atmosphere temporarily to slow the radiation of the heat to the outside.

Notice I said it “slows” the radiation of heat, this is because it doesn’t stop the heat, but simply slows it down. The heat will eventually soak through and then the cover and suppressor will have to cool before use. Also, if your cover isnt made from special high temp materials, you can get the suppressor hot enough to melt covers like this Armageddon Gear suppressor cover. This cover is not a severe duty design to prevent burns at extreme temps but is designed to reduce heat mirage for follow up shots in a hunting situation. Those applications are different from the purpose of this one. So at the end of the day, this cover works perfectly for hunters and recreational target shooters or even entry teams that fire minimal amount of rounds on an entry. Another benefit from the cover is that since it is not metal, when it rubs on a limb in the woods, it will have a much more subdued sound opposed to the high pitched sound of titanium tubing rubbing on a branch in the forest.
Armageddon Gear suppressor covers just keep giving…
Another benefit from using a suppressor cover is that it breaks up the color pattern of the black part on the end of the barrel. It basically camouflages the firearm somewhat by adding the color to the end. Then finally there is one last benefit of using a suppressor cover…it helps you not to get burned! Yep, it will reduce the chances of getting burned from a hot suppressor. LOL I had to throw that in just for fun. Anyway, these are just some of the benefits of using the Armageddon Gear suppressor cover. Until next time, keep your powder dry.