When looking for the best multi caliber suppressor, some features come to mind but a couple are often overlooked. Let’s take a look at these overlooked features of what we think is the best multi caliber suppressor.
First off, the obvious thing that separates these kinds of silencers is the caliber list. We all know a multi purpose suppressor needs to cover many calibers, but some cover even more such as the Mystic X and the Infiniti X silencers. Well now that we know that, what do people overlook? Things like size and weight are big factors and tone over a spectrum of cailbers.

The topic of weight sometimes comes up for us, but it is surprising how many people dont put a lot of thought into this aspect. The weight of the best multi caliber suppressor should be almost zero and this is where the Infiniti X silencer shines. It weighs less than most pistol silencers and is rated to 300 WIN MAG. This is an insane amount of versatility that should not be overlooked. We also made the Mystic X silencer incredibly light for what it is made of and even with the 17-4PH stainless steel core in it, we still have an incredibly light weight silencer that can also handle 300 WIN MAG.

Diameter is the main thing that people overlook though. For some reason, when people are looking for the best multi caliber suppressor, they get hung up on the largest caliber it will carry and that seems to be it. Most modern multi purpose silencers seem to be wandering towards the 1 3/4″ diameter realm these day for some reason. We can speculate as to why, but we really dont know what the designers over at other places are influenced with to make choices like this. When we launched the original Mystic, we found lots of people wanted to recess the silencer under the hand guard of their carbine. So when the Mystic X was developed, we made sure to improve the diameter specification to make it no more than 1 3/8″ Max out side diameter to get it under the most hand guards as possible. This we feel is a critical aspect of the best multi caliber suppressor ideology and work on improving it daily. his philosophy also translated to the Infiniti X suppressor as well so it also has this feature and these two units seem to be in a very elite community of suppressors able to accomplish this feat.

The next thing no one talks about is tone. The tone can make or break the deal for a silencer and this is because we humans perceive the tone to relate directly to quieter for some reason. A lower tone is perceived to be quieter and since this is the case a silencer that meters poorly to the instrument can be perceived to be great due to the tone of the suppressor. So we work to improve tone as well as dB measurements and this shows with the Infiniti X in particular. We used titanium for two reasons in the Infiniti X. The first reason was the weight savings versus the strength and the second reason is that it is a special material. Being a special material gives the Infiniti X a niche status in that it is not as readily available on the street, so people tend to want things that they dont see every day and this fills that need. So there you have it, several more things to consider when you are choosing the best multi caliber suppressor for your needs. Until next time, keep your powder dry!