When choosing a 9mm suppressor, there is a few things to consider whether you’re a first time buyer or a seasoned owner. So let’s get into this and see what works for you from what we have seen.

The first thing to do is determine if you are looking to dip your toe into silencers or if you have already gotten one or two and are now looking for something specific. If it is a first timer, then we always recommend something like the Mystic X over a dedicated 9mm design more like the Centurion. The reason for this is that most people want to see how a silencer sounds on lots of guns when they get into the game and this allows them do it if the silencer is a multi caliber silencer.
So what people normally do is get a multi caliber silencer first then once they have one of these, they will normally get a more specialized suppressor next. This way they can cover lots of guns to start with then they can get one for their favorite gun and leave that as a set.Now the veteran suppressor owner will normally want something more specialized. This is where custom built integrals normally come into play as well. We see this in our office pretty regularly. A custom 9mm integral bolt rifle or lever gun is usually something chosen after they have a good multi caliber suppressor.
The best multi caliber suppressor in our opinion is the Infiniti X and for many good reasons. This mainly has to do with two things though, the material of choice and the design of the baffles. The baffle structure is such that it will suppress many calibers effectively and really well on a large percentage of them. The material is almost entirely titanium so it is super strong and also super light. This combination makes it arguably the best multi caliber suppressor ever made.

Now, when people move away from a multi cal silencer the idea of integrals really comes to the front just as we mentioned earlier. There is a another camp of owners that we have not mentioned yet. The camp that wants a dedicated suppressor for every gun they have.
These people will normally not care about ATF wait times or the cost of tax stamps, as they literally will buy a silencer every month or two and “always have something in transfer” so they seemingly dont have a long wait time between purchases. They people are the most awesome as they have learned how to game a system that is burdened with a ton of red tape. So which are you? Give us a call and talk to us about your next 9mm suppressor at 706-661-6911 and until next time, keep your powder dry!