The web is filled with things to capture your attention these days and finding the information you need is getting harder and harder. So how do you navigate this mine field? Goto the source. for suppressor needs, you have come to the right place.

A suppressor is a very specific thing that most people need and just dont know it. With 100 million gun owners in the US now (estimated) the need for firearm suppressors has never been greater. We have realized this almost 20 years ago and have been supplying high quality suppressors for the industry and have also been constantly innovating on those designs as we go as well.
The need to innovate has driven us to create many class leading designs over the years in the suppressor world. To name a few, we would look to the Regulator rimfire suppressor that has some of the best suppression in the industry even though it is a monolithic core design.
Another design that leads in the industry is the Leonidas 300 Blackout integral suppressor. This integral was class leading in the original iteration and has been improved significantly with the release of the generation 2 variant. The world of integral suppressor design has always intrigued us here at Liberty Suppressors and we feel every gun should come with a silencer as standard equipment. Integrals are a natural evolution of this concept.
When you decide to add a quality silencer to your host weapons ,we are here to help with that. The process can seem burdensome to some, but in reality it really isnt. There is an extra form or two to fill and and an extra fee to pay one time, so it isnt that bad. We can explain it in detail when you call. If you are a first time owner, we have a couple other blog posts as to what we would recommend, but suffice it to say, the Mystic X usually gets the nod as it gives you the most bang for the buck…or is it the least bang… LOL
If you need to to talk to us about owning a silencer, just give us a call at 706-661-6911 or shoot us an email to and we will get you the information you need.
Well, until next time, keep your powder dry!