When people start looking for a silencer, they will inevitably run across silencershop.com and a few other websites that will stock a plethora of silencers to choose from. The problem with these kinds of sites is that they are not all inclusive but rather they are fairly selective in what they offer, excluding some brands completely or only offering certain models from a maker. Not all places on the web do this, but most do.

Take silencershop for instance, they dont offer our suppressors even though they offer our brand name on one of their pages. This is why it is important to look past the first two or three hits on a google search before just clicking on the top result. Sometimes there are wonderful gems right there to be had for the taking right under these top results. You see, these juggernauts work tirelessly to improve their search ranking till it is at the top or very close to it. This is actually very smart for them as it taps into the part of human nature we all like…lazy. You see we are in a hurry most of the time and want to get the answer the easiest way possible so we simply click on the first result we find that looks relevant…I am guilty of this too. So you get what they offer and nothing else. Why bother right? They have plenty to choose from…

Well, this actually stifles innovation as you are corralled into an area where you can choose from a selectively curated list of makers of their choosing and all the startup companies that are doing the real innovation are now pushed out by these “big box stores” of sorts. Allow more people to play the game and the next real breakthrough has a much greater potential to happen. 3D printed silencers seems to be the way of the future…for now, what comes next though? Well, if you ask places like silencershop, it will come from one of the brands they offer on their page… or not at all.

If you goto their page and search our company, you will find our name and a ton of linked models on that page (albeit a quite dated description but it is there none the less), but there is a pseudo bait and switch it seems. When you click on the links it simply takes you back to the page of silencers that they currently sell, none of which are our silencers. It is like the links I have placed above of their name that links directly to our silencers webstore page. It says one thing on the name and takes you somewhere else. This will put it into the mind of the buyer that we as a company, are either out of business or our models are sold out so they simply choose something else from the list instead, this is powerful marketing that works. We know this because people have told us they though we were no longer in business just for this reason.

So in closing, if you want stuff that places like silencershop offer, then they are a great resource, but if you want to get a clearer picture of what is out there, look a little deeper then the big online retailers and you will find a whole other world of options out there. Go luck in your search and remember we are just a phone call or email away to answer your questions.

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