Bulletin Board

Who is the perfect silencer owner?

We look at the silencer owner in 2022 and what they look like now. This is a interesting subject that shows the variety of people that have learned how beneficial a silencer is and that we can all benefit from the use of silencers on our favorite firearm.

The group of people that use firearm silencers are as varied as the types of firearms that they use them on. We have the obvious tactical guy and the not-so-obvious girly girl, both benefitting from silencer use. Let’s take a look at the most common types I have observed:

Tactical training AR15 guy: You know the guy, he shows up to the range with a really nice carbine and a top tier suppressor on it, shoots Mozambique drills for an hour then packs up and goes home. These guys may seem like a bunch of posers to some, but what they really are is interested young people that want to enjoy the freedoms afforded to them by their fore fathers. I am glad to see them on the range. I hope that they continue to goto the range and practice, it may come in handy one day, you never know.

22 Timmy/ 22 Lily: these people love coming to the range with dad so they can shoot the 22 rifle with the Regulator Ti silencer on it. This has to be the highlight of the week! The steels at 50 yards never stood a chance! These will be our countries leaders in 25 years so it is important that they understand what the Constitution is and how we can participate in the process and knowing civics is a good part of that. This is part of that process.

556 rifle silencer on a bulpup carbine

The soccer mom: This segment is the sleeper cell of the gun community, you never expect this one as they dont normally look like the type that would enjoy coming to the range. When you see them step up to the line though, you know they are all business and love to shoot the Glock custom with the Centurion on it (and they like it even more if it has a little oil in it to help reduce first round pop). We are seeing an increasing amount of “mom” shooters who want a suppressor to make their favorite gun more fun to shoot.

The newly minted gun owner: These people are the 21 and 22 years olds who have just come of age and are well versed with the internet and have found that they can have a silencer because of youtube and the long list of companies making high quality silencers for them now. These are the next leaders of this country and we are glad to see them taking to this part of their birthright like they should. These people pick the multi caliber suppressor as their first foray into NFA as they are being frugal and this allows the most versatility for the cost involved. The Mystic X seems to be their silencer of choice and for good reason.

22lr silencer for pistol or rifle use.

The grand dad of the newly minted gun owner: These are typically people who were born in the 70s, these people were accustomed to guns being fairly easy to get and have, but never really thought about owning silencers as no one really knew who to get them from. Plus add to this the problem of there being very few makers at the time as well and this just compounded the problem. With the machine-gun ban of 1986 still in their minds, they love having freedom and these silencers, which were reserved for the elite few that knew where to get them, are grabbing them up now to protect what little hearing they have left.

The immigrant: These people came into the country mostly after the iron curtain fell in the 90s and have lived under communist rule. They know full well how the world works when the populace is disarmed and do not have the ability to defend themselves from evil people intent on committing evil acts against them. They love the freedom that comes from living in the USA and want to participate in all of it. These people are awesome and I take my hat off to them.

liberty suppressors rifle silencer

Last but not least, a silencer is sometimes found on the gun of a veteran. These people know the price of freedom as they have seen it first hand. The cost is high and they don’t want to just toss it aside like some discarded piece of clothing. They also understand that governments can go bad and that it is up to the people to make course corrections when this happens and that the three boxes of liberty have to be cared for. They train, but hope they never need it. These people are the ones that will be there when you need them most.

This is my thoughts on what I have seen at the range in the past couple of years and the people I have observed using a silencer. I may be way off base, but that is what it looks like to me. Thank you for your time.

David Saylors

Bulletin Board, Newsletter

Silencer !?! – When is the best time to buy a new silencer?

The short answer for your first silencer…a year ago.

The long answer is that a silencer takes about a year to clear ATF paperwork and if you wanted it before that time, it takes a very understanding gun dealer to work with you. The process is pretty straight forward these days with the indivual purchasing the silencer from the dealer, then the dealer prepares the ATF Form 4 paperwork for the purchaser, who will in turn, will also have to do some steps to the forms before submitting them to the ATF NFA branch for processing.

You see, gun silencer purchases are regulated by the NFA branch of the ATF. The National Firearms Act branch regulates many specialty firearms such as machine-guns and sawed off shotguns. This list even includes the silencer as well even though it is treated as a firearm yet is in no way able to act as a firearm at all… But I digress…

The Liberty Sovereign makes a great hunting silencer.

A silencer that is purchased by an individual will need to be taxed before the individual can legally posses it. You see, it is really about the money and not about regulating the silencer. As long as the tax is paid, the ATF really doesnt care about the suppressor, only that it is possessed by the person who paid the tax on it. That is all… It is kinda strange when you submit your paperwork in that you would think that it shouldn’t take very long to do a back ground check and then put your name in the registry by your serial number and be done with it, but it isnt that simple. It seems that the office where the paperwork is done is staffed with between 10 and 20 people usually and the number of forms submitted is well north of 1/2 million annually. This means that each person is processing thousands of applications each year and each one of the applications has several steps that must be done internally.

On top of all that , there is the 200$ tax associated with the transfer and this tax is due on every silencer that is submitted. Additionally, the tax is due every time the silencer changes ownership too, so if you sell it to your neighbor, that same suppressor you paid 200$ to register in your name, will now be taxed at 200$ again to be registered in the neighbor’s name. Every time it changes ownership, it is taxed. Now dealers have special rules associated with them doing business, but if it is on a Form 4 and it goes to a dealer, it is a taxed transfer to goto the dealer! The only action that is not taxed, is the destruction of the item, they do not tax this action for some reason. So if you get tired of owning a silencer and want rid of it but nobody will buy it or even take it, even for the tax owed on the transfer, then you can legally destroy the silencer and let the ATF know that is has been destroyed and they will make it destroyed in the NFRTR and you are good to go…as long as you actually destroyed it.

When you should get your silencer for your hobby?

Now with all this out of the way, there are times of the year when it is good to get your silencer depending on what you plan to do with it. Summertime is good if you want to get it in time for the spring competition season, the silencer should clear ATF by then and you are good to go. If you want it by hunting season, then no later than December or January would be my target window so you will have it by opening day. If you want some time to work up handholds to use with your new silencer before hunting season starts then you will probably want to submit forms in July, this should get it out of transfer in the May or June time frame, giving you time to develop your load before you need it in hunting season.

Basically the best time to get your silencer is one year ago, but if that isnt possible, then right now is the next best time followed by the suggestions above for when you plan to use it, pretty much plan for a year to get everything cleared and in your possession. Sometimes this isnt even enough time, but that seems to be the exception and not the rule lately. If the e-Forms system ever gets going like it should, these time will be dramatically reduced, we can only hope…

Until next time, keep your powder dry.

Bulletin Board, Newsletter

Multi Caliber Suppressor Perfection

OK, we all know about the Mystic X multi caliber suppressor and how it has the prestige of being the from the first true multi caliber suppressor, the Mystic. We have never stopped improving on this concept either. The next logical evolution in this genre is the Cosmic which turns out, is a really good multi caliber suppressor too. The Cosmic silencer was designed so that it maximized the pistol calibers for suppression and minimized weight by excluding the heavy rifle calibers from the caliber list. This is not a problem for most people though as it will still cover many rifle calibers on normal barrel lengths (read that as longer barrels) so the pressures wont damage the core in the Cosmic silencer. Seems that there was still a “hole” in the multi purpose suppressor lineup though so we started looking at customer feedback and came to realize that what people wanted was the Infiniti X silencer.

multi caliber suppressor

The Infiniti X is literally a Mystic X made of solid titanium…sans tube retaining ring… which brought the weight down to a feather like 7.7 ounces! It is so light that you literally dont know it is on the barrel. The magic here is that since it is titanium the heat is mitigated really well too, it cools down really fast and has a great tone as well. This is something that is often overlooked when people are shopping for suppressors…tone. The tone of the silencer will make the who system sound either sharp or dull, or if the tone is deep, it can measure higher on the sound meter, but will be perceived as quieter as low tones are felt by humans as quieter.

So now your asking yourself, “Which multi caliber suppressor is right for me?” The answer is not really simple either, you have to figure out what features are the most important for you and these include things like:

a. Sound
b. Weight
c. Cost
d. Tone
e. Versatility
f. Heat Dissipation
g. Size
h. Support

Let’s dive into these a little more…

a. Sound – This is obvious but it is the reason you are buying a silencer to start with. If you are not picking it for sound, then why get one at all? It should sound good on the calibers you plan to use it on with a pleasing tone.

b. Weight – This is sometimes a factor that is given up when choosing a multi caliber suppressor as it needs to withstand the punishment of the larger calibers, so this is another reason we feel the Mystic X is a great choice as it comes in at a great weight while still handling 95% of the calibers you will come in contact with.

c. Cost – This is one that gets most people. Silencers can get expensive, being made with costly materials and carrying tons of engineering costs to develop high sound suppression in a efficient package, combined with a small market makes them seem really costly. This is where we have to explain that the reason they cost som much in the USA is the NFA, if the feds were not involved, there would be disposable silencers that would be REALLY cheap all over the place. The fact that they are regulated so heavily has forced makers to spend significant resources on developing silencers that will last a lifetime in the harshest environment known to mankind, thereby making them practical to own.

mystic multi caliber suppressor

d. Tone – This is one of those areas where a lot of people dont put much thought when choosing a silencer. The tone of the suppressor will determine whether it seems loud or not to the end user. A nice deep tone is the goal with all silencer makers and some designs work better than others. For instance, the Mystic X has a deeper tone than the Infiniti X due to the use of the stainless steel in the core material. This metal is less prone to ringing than the titanium used in the Infiniti X. So it sounds better even though they meter almost identical.

e. Versatility – When choosing a multi caliber suppressor, one must consider the options of mounting solutions. We here at Liberty have seen just about everything and have adapters to fit almost all of those options in stock. We stock so many choices for our multi caliber suppressors that sometimes it overwhelms the end user from all the choices. What we try to do it build out the user with a kit of mounts that is minimal in nature but still covers all the guns the end user wants to suppress. Sometimes we end up making custom mounts to fill in the holes, but that is what we are here for…

f. Heat Dissipation – This really only becomes a factor for a limited segment of the shooting community. The long range shooters and the hunters where there is significant round counts being fired. The silencer gets very hot during use and this heat has to go somewhere. It normally bleeds off into the atmosphere and then once cool, the shooter can see the sights once again to get an accurate shot. The heat that comes off the barrel will produce mirage and this mirage makes follow up shots more difficult and less accurate ,this is why we have thermal covers for our silencers, to prevent this problem for most shooters.

g. Size – The size comes in for many people but what makes a difference to most people is two pronged. Aesthetics and practicality. The aesthetic portion is for people that want the system to look a certain way, this is fine and we like this kind of thing ourselves, like our MP5 has a Centurion because it is cool. The other gourd is the hunter group where they want it to be compact or lightweight for a field carry. You know the saying… ounces equal pounds…

centurion 9mm silencer

h. Support – This is where we feel the game ends. If you cant pick up the phone and talk to a human on the other end who can get you the answer you need, then what good is the product? Email is great too, because it is simple to use, but you need quality customer support that is here to help you if you have a problem and need assistance in solving it. We have always felt this is a priority with us and will continue to provide this to our users as long as we can. It isnt much good to have a can and no way to get information about it that isnt on the website in a pinch… We are here for you.

This is what we consider when choosing a multi caliber suppressor, what do you place priority on when choosing your silencers? We are curious to know…

Keep your powder dry.

Bulletin Board

What is the perfect pistol silencer?

The answer is … it depends. The perfect pistol silencer doesn’t currently exist to be honest. This is because there are many different jobs that a good pistol silencer would have to do well and there is no such thing as a one size fits all…

The closest thing we can think of though, is the Centurion pistol silencer. With this comes some positives as well as some negatives, but the positives are overwhelmingly more common.

We will start with weight. The Centurion pistol silencer is built to handle submachine gun use therefore the durability and weight have to compliment each other, make it too light and it will fail on PCC (pistol caliber carbines) make it too heavy and it will not work well on handguns due to recoil dampening. So we struck a balance where it can withstand a great deal of sub gun use and is still light enough for pistols too. The weight came out to 7.9 ounces with the 17-4PH stainless steel core and titanium tube. The weight goes up a little when you add a booster, but not a great deal. Booster installed weight is 12.5 ounces as our booster has a stainless steel body for long life as well…

Centurion 9mm pistol silencer
Dakota Tactical D54 with Centurion

The net thing you will notice is how small it is for what a pistol silencer like this can do. It is a mere 6.5″ overall length and just a paltry 5.3″ without the booster installed, like when you run it on that PCC…

We also wanted to look at some other options though for a perfect pistol silencer, so we grabbed the Infiniti X and the Cosmic as well to see how they could stack up against this can. Albiet longer by a full 3 inches, the Infiniti X using the titanium core is 7.7 ounces!!! Literally .2 ounces lighter! Now that is amazing for a pistol silencer! The magic comes in when you hear it though, it is insanely quiet with 9mm subsonic ammunition. This suppressor has to be heard in person to understand how good it sounds, it is next level. So comparing the Infiniti X to the Centurion on sound suppression would not really be fair, the Infiniti X will win that contest every time. But you have to remember that if you plan to make this a night stand rig, you probably want it to be smaller so the Centurion will be the better choice for this fact alone. A pistol silencer needs to be quiet enough to preserve your hearing during intense events, but a few decibels one way or the other wont make a huge difference here.

Now up to this point, there has only been 9mm cans in the race, so what happens when you bring in a 45 ACP silencer like the Cosmic? We get more caliber versatility of course, so now we can include the capability of a 10mm suppressor and a 45 ACP suppressor to the mix. Neither of the previous suppressors can do this at all. The Cosmic pistol silencer will be noisier than the others on 9mm calibers too since the bore is so much larger, but this is offset by the expanded caliber list it can use. Since the Cosmic also has a stainless steel core, it weighs in at 9.5ounces so it is somewhat heavier than it’s siblings here, but not by a significant amount. It is still 3″ longer than the Centurion and this might be your determining factor over caliber versatility. These are some of the considerations when choosing a pistol silencer for personal or range use. So now that you all this to chew on go on over to the website to see more about all of these suppressors and to pick one for yourself!

Until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

What is a “Neilson Device” or “Booster” needed for?

silencer booster assembly
A parade of silencer boosters showing the various revisions over the years.

The Neilson device has several names in the silencer industry. They go by Neilson device, for the person who invented it, they are also known as “Boosters”, Linear Decouplers, or LIDs (Linear Inertia Device), but the most common name by far is booster. Now we need to clarify something here too. These devices do not add recoil back to the system as the name implies. It is actually quite the opposite and I hope to explain that here.

Cutaway booster assembly
Cut-away view of a booster assembly showing how the internal parts are located.

The point of the booster is to allow the host firearm to work properly with the additional mass of the silencer to be on the end of the barrel. The pistol is not engineered with the mass in place so we have to figure out how to get it to work with the existing engineering. The early days solved this problem with silencers that were super lightweight. and then the gun was modified with extra lightweight springs to allow for cyclic operation even with the reduced recoil of the host weapon with the silencer attached. You see almost all pistol caliber handguns made in the modern era are made from what is known at the “Browning” design where the barrel moves back and down to unlock from the slide so the gun can self load the next round in the magazine.

pistol silencer booster
Here is the barrel is “locked” with the slide on the pistol creating a locked breech.

The problem with silencers is that they reduce the amount of recoil the pistol sees and most of the time will reduce it to the point that the pistol will not function properly on its own. The solution is two pronged, one is to not use a silencer, the other is to decouple the silencer somehow to allow the pistol to function properly. Option one is not great as the point is to have the silencer… So how do we solve this? Add a recoil “booster” to the equation.

pistol booster silencer barrel unlocked
Once the barrel moves back under recoil about 1/8″ with the slide, the barrel is moved down like this, unlocking the system.

What the silencer booster actually does is really quite simple when you see it. It momentarily decouples the mass of the suppressor from the gun to allow the gun to operate as it should during he firing cycle. Imagine the magician doing the trick with the table cloth on the dinner table covered in dishes and he pulls it off the table while leaving the dishes behind. This is the same principle that the booster operates at. The gun fires, the barrel/slide combo start to move back as they should and this pulls on the booster piston which compresses the spring. Once the barrel has moved back enough to unlock, the booster will start to reset via the booster spring and this prepares the silencer for the next shot.

It is clearly visible under high speed cameras where you see the silencer booster piston leaping to the rear with the barrel and the silencer module sitting almost perfectly still for a moment (during the pistol cycle). The reason we moved to this design of coupling over the earlier idea is that this requires no modifications to the host weapon other than adding a threaded barrel if it doesn’t already have on. It is simpler and it can be applied to almost any firearm. To use a booster, it is really simple too, just get the booster with the thread pitch that fits your host weapon, screw the silencer module on the side that fits the booster threads and screw the barrel onto the side where the pistol barrel threads fit the pistol silencer booster module. It is also recommended to oil your booster somewhat as you use it at the range, we oil our booster about every 50 rounds or so with a few drops of gun oil on the spring. Basically just remove the retainer cap and squirt in a few drops of oil on the spring so the parts are not dry and screw the cap back into place hand tight. It couldn’t be simpler.

The caveat of adding the booster is that it adds several high precision parts to the system and these are also wear parts that have to be replaced from time to time. This is because of the carbon and soot from the firing of cartridges wears the mating surfaces down over time making the part fitment loose. So don’t think on a booster as a once and done purchase but rather something that wears over time between the host weapon and the silencer that is easily replaced when worn out. We have done several things to our pistol silencer booster design over the years to make it last as long as possible for the end user though and we feel this makes our booster the best choice in the industry because of these features. Some of the things our current boosters use are a stainless steel nitrided housing to resist linear wear. A stainless steel piston that resists corrosion from the moisture in the booster from firing. Chemical resistant o-ring in the retaining cap to reduce damage from the gasses produced from the gunpowder. and so fourth.

If you have any questions about your host firearm and whether you need a booster or not with it, just give us a call and we will be happy to assist you in getting the answers you need. We can be found at 706-661-6911 or at support@libertycans.net

So until next time, keep your powder dry!

Bulletin Board

9mm Silencer Consideration in 2022

Today we are talking about the world of 9mm silencer considerations and how they apply to the end user. Well… the top five considerations at least…lol. There are a lot more but for the sanctity of keeping this blog to reasonable in length, we will just do five for now.

9mm multipurpose silencer suppressor 7.62 suppressor 9mm silencer
Mystic X 9mm silencer outfitted with adapters to couple it to a Krebs AK-47 variant.

The 9mm silencer is one of the most common silencers on the market and as such can be used for many things and come in many configurations.

Top five 9mm Silencer Considerations

The list of things that we look for in a 9mm silencer are as follows:

  1. Sound Suppression – This seems obvious, but not everyone looks at this metric first. We want the best performance for our purchase dollar and to be honest… Isnt this the reason for getting a silencer to start with? Our Mystic X and Infiniti X silencers are some of the best performing 9mm silencers available and when combined with quality sub-sonic ammunition, the performance is stellar!
  2. Weight – The next thing we look at here is weight. Nobody wants a brick screwed onto the end of their rifle, so when we design a 9mm silencer like the Mystic X we look at the cost in weight to add features versus the sound performance added. this is where solid models in CAD software save tons of time and expense, we model them up and run evaluations on them then cut out the top designs for head to head real world silencer comparison testing. No amount of simulation software can compete with the perception of the human ear. So we look at the weight during the design phase and work the designs based on the metals we choose.
  3. Material – Since I just mentioned it in #2, let’s go ahead and talk about the material next. We have used all sorts of metal in the past to make our suppressors with, but over time we have slowly settled on just a few materials because of cost versus performance of each of the metals we use now. Titanium is our most costly metal we use at this time.,,well by volume at least. It is super strong, super rigid and super light weight. It doesn’t hold up to ablative abrasion as good as some others though. 17-4 PH Stainless Steel is the next metal and it takes weight for cost with titanium. more cost effective, but heavier is the biggest problem we are looking at most of time in the lab. The next metal is 300 series stainless steel, this choice is great where cost is a problem but it trades cost for weight AND strength, so if the solution doesnt require a light weight super strong design, this one is a great choice. Lots of silencers on the market are made from this grade of stainless steel. Next is aluminum alloys, these alloys are almost universally used in rimfire silencers and pistol caliber silencers as the pressures are low enough to not cause material failure in the aluminum. This metal is not really suitable for rifle use in the United States since the cost in money and time is so great here. There are other metals, but these are the most common for us.
  4. Multi-role use – The 9mm silencer of today needs to be able to fill roles other than its namesake. Our Mystic X family of silencers are all rated for many calibers other than the native markings on the suppressor. This gives the end user the most diverse option list possible when it comes to platforms that the silencer is effective on. This metric is why we recommend people get one the Mystic X suppressors for their first silencer as it allows them to try it out on lots of host weapons for the cost of one unit. Then once they find a specific use case that rises to the top, so to speak, then we can work with the user in choosing a role specific model for that one job freeing up the Mystic X for other tasks.
  5. Cost – We all know that silencers in the USA are costly to get in the form of time, money and peace of mind. These three factors contribute greatly to the decision on which suppressor to choose for the first one or even 2nd or 3rd addition at some point… So this is balanced with our cans by having the same model available in more than one metal choice. Like the Mystic X and the Infiniti X are essentially identical other than metal choice. This gives the user the choice of lighter weight at great monetary cost or heavier and less monetary expenditure.
mystic x 9mm silencer
The 9mm silencer of today is adaptable to many calibers and firearms.

As you can see, the thinking behind making a 9mm silencer is not so cut and dried. If you have a favorite host firearm like a Sig P226 or a 9mm AR1-15 Carbine or even a 357 lever gun, then give us a call we are here to help you keep those guns quiet!

If you want to know more, email us at support@libertycans.net or call us at 706-661-6911 and until next time, keep your powder dry…

Bulletin Board

The Regulator Ti is the worlds best 22LR Rimfire Silencer.

regulator silencer on rimfire pistol
Regulator Ti silencer mounted on a Ruger 22/45 rimfire pistol.

When you are looking for a the pinnacle in rimfire suppressors, the only place to look is Liberty Suppressors and the Regulator Ti. The reason for this is simple, we have almost 20 years in the silencer trade and rimfire suppressors are a specialty of ours. We started out with some early designs that most people dont even know we made, such as the Sparrow silencer (yes, we made one before another company came out with the same model on their design). Then we made a new design and called it the Sparrowhawk rimfire suppressor.

kodiak tl rimfire silencer core
The Kodiak TL predecessor rimfire silencer.

Next came the Kodiak and Kodiak TL rimfire silencers with several advantages of each one, and from these came the Essence. The Essence was our first all titanium rimfire suppressor and gave us much of the inspiration for the Regulator Ti. We drew inspiration for the baffle design as well as the material choice and this made the Regulator Ti one of the lightest AND quietest rimfire silencers ever made.

The regulator Ti is one of the lightest rimfire silencers on the market today.

To understand how good the Regulator Ti sounds you honestly have to hear it in person, but to give you an idea… The Regulator Ti resembles what a small pneumatic staple gun sounds like when fired on a rimfire pistol like the Ruger MK IV series of firearms. This is the best description I have been able to come up with over the years. It is surprising when people fire it, especially if they have never fired a rimfire pistol with a silencer like the Regulator Ti suppressor installed. The usual reaction is snickering or chuckles followed up with a request to shoot it some more. Once you have had the pleasure of shooting subsonic, suppressed 22LR firearms, you will not want to shoot without a suppressor installed ever again. The design of the baffles is such that the gasses are forced to recirculate and the heat in the gas column is bled off through the tube wall as well as the volume allows for reduction in gass pressure to combine together for the perfect trifecta of rimfire silencer perfection.

If you want more information about the Regulator Ti, Regulator or Vector rimfire silencers just click on one of the photos above of the Regulator Ti to be taken to the webpage and you can navigate around from there easily. To talk to us about getting one of your own, just give us a call or shoot us an email to support@libertycans.net or 706-661-6911.

Of course, this is our opinion so take it for what it is worth, till next time, keep your powder dry…

Bulletin Board

Cosmic silencer is the ultimate PCC suppressor!

The Cosmic silencer by Liberty Suppressors is a 45 caliber pistol silencer.
The Cosmic is a 45 caliber silencer that works well on many calibers.

When you go to choose a silencer for a pistol caliber carbine there are many you can choose from. What we have found is the best is choice, from our experience, is a silencer capable of at least one caliber bigger than what you plan to use it on. This does several things to help you at once. It will lower back pressure in the system. making the gun cycle more naturally and cause less cycling issues, it will also reduce fouling that is blown back into the action of the firearm also aiding in proper operation of the carbine. The Cosmic silencer fits this role perfectly.

This is due to the fact that there is less back pressure in the system as the over bored suppressors is allowing more gas to flow forward during firing. The down side is that the silencer is slightly louder than a caliber specific design would be but not by much. To us here at Liberty Suppressors, the amount of suppression is negligible. Pistol Caliber Carbines like the 10mm Banshee from CMMG also dont have many options out there for a suppressor since they are larger than the typical 9mm bore that most silencers are made to fit.

IF you have questions about the Cosmic silencer or any of our pistol suppressors, just give us a call at 706-661-6911 or shoot us an email at support@libertycans.net (you can ask about rifle silencers too if you want)

Liberty Suppressors is a Georgia-based company with family values and a warm charm that makes some of the best silencers for guns on earth! When you purchase a Liberty silencer or silencer kit, you are joining a family of firearms enthusiasts that take great pride in owning and using high-quality Made in USA/ USA products. Here at Liberty, we offer the most cost effective silencers with many different payment options for our dealers and retail customers to choose from!

For our retail customers, Liberty has basically set up endless payment options for you! Our customers are only required to pay 50% down when purchasing a silencer. You can order online, over the phone, via email, or even sign up for our layaway program! Liberty Suppressor’s top tier customer service is here to help you whether this is your first or tenth time purchasing a silencer!

 The silencers are some of the best on earth, American made, from premium materials to exacting standards, you will love our silencers…

Bulletin Board

Fixed Barrel Adapters or Boosters

One question we often get asked is how are you supposed to use our line of Fixed Barrel adapters and Mounts to get the most out of your 9mm Silencer, like the Mystic X or the Infiniti X or our .45 ACP Silencer the Cosmic? 

Liberty Suppressor 3 lug mount
The Liberty Suppressor 3 lug silencer mount is designed for suppressors like the Mystic X, Infiniti X, Cosmic and Centurion.

It all comes down to barrel threading and making sure you know what thread your barrel is threaded to and double checking that against the standard list of caliber threadings that exist on the internet. As well as knowing the caliber and barrel ratings of your individual suppressor. The list of standard caliber threadings can be found here.

You can find the barrel and caliber ratings on your individual suppressor on the Liberty Suppressors silencer product webpage at Liberty Suppressor Silencers. I’ll focus in on the most popular calibers and suppressors here and discuss some ways that they can be mounted to your host firearm to give you an idea of how it works. The calibers discussed will be:


22 LR



.300 blk

.45 acp

These calibers will cover most everything from plinking to defensive and hunting applications and are great choices for beginner shooters to get into recreational target shooting.

If you are the proud of owner of a Liberty Suppressors 9mm multi caliber silencer like the Mystic X or the Infiniti X or our .45 acp multi caliber silencer the Cosmic, congrats! You will be able to shoot every caliber listed above through your Suppressor/firearm combo and much, much more.

Starting with the 9mm Suppressor varieties, it’s fairly simple to run those on the host firearm of your choice. Most all of the standard .22 lr and 9mm host thread will be running in 1/x28. It’s important to do your homework on 9mm, though. the ones that are produced in Europe might come in a non standard metric threading, such as 13.5×1 LH. It’s important to know the threading BEFORE you order your Booster Assembly or Fixed Barrel Adapter.

Infiniti X multipurpose lightweight silencer
Infinti X Multipurpose Silencer

If you’re running your 9mm multi caliber suppressor on a handgun that is also chambered in 9mm, you would need the 1/2×28 Booster Assembly. That is our version of the Nielsen device that allows modern duty type pistols to be able to cycle when they’re running suppressed. The Piston inside the Booster Assembly can be changed out with one of a different threading and that allows you to be able to run the same Booster Assembly housing on a pistol that’s threaded and chambered in a different caliber. For instance, .45 acp can be had in a .578×28 variety. Depending entirely on the threads that are on your host barrel.

If you’re running your multi caliber 9mm suppressor on a selection of pistol caliber carbines and rifle caliber carbines you’ll want to pick the matching Fixed Barrel Adapter. Again, the .22 lr and 9mm varieties will be in 1/2×28 Fixed Barrel Adapters, for the most part, but 9mm is still tricky here, as well, so be sure of the correct threading BEFORE you order.

Both .308 and .300 blk will be standardized on 5/8×24 Fixed Barrel Adapters. Luckily, there’s much less chance that these would be found in an odd metric threading than on some of the other calibers so you’ll be in pretty good shape with a 5/8×24 Fixed Barrel Adapter but, here, it’s important to pay attention to your caliber and barrel length rating that your can is rated for.

Lastly, we’ll cover the .45 acp multi caliber Silencer, the Cosmic. All the same methods of attachment hold true here, as well but the Cosmic comes with a .45 acp bore diameter that will allow you to run both .45 acp and .40 S&W, as well as some 45/70 rifle rounds and more. You won’t be able to shoot .45 acp through the Mystic X multi caliber suppressor because the bore diameter there is bored for 9mm and equivalent bullet diameters.

We here at Liberty Suppressors realize that this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface on the information that’s really out there when it comes to firearms, suppression and ballistics. We hope this you a good idea of how the basic Fixed Barrel Adapters interface with your multi caliber silencers and if were wondering about anything else that didn’t get talked about here, you can always call or shoot us an email and our knowledgeable Customer Service Team will be happy to help you out. 

Keep your powder dry…

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The modern technological age has shifted how we order things from retailers…

Liberty Suppressors silencer company making quality sound suppressors for 2 decades
We are here to get your needs sorted out as fast as possible.

We have noticed things about how to order something over the last few decades that intrigues us here at Liberty Suppressors.

The modern ordering experience is easy and enjoyable as compared to when some of were kids, before the age of the internet. You can order on our website @ libertycans.net , where you can shop whenever you like, day or night, for as long as you like. You can also shoot us an email, as many of our customers do, to purchase a silencer or silencer accessories quickly and efficiently. Also the good ‘ol way of just calling us and actually speaking to someone is another viable option for ordering. This is a great way to get help when you have questions or are not quite sure which silencer you need. The luxury now is that with a lifetime warranty on our outstanding silencers, you can’t go wrong, but you still have to order.

We always answer the phone during office hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, this is a remnant of days gone by as back in the old days, you could call and get a human on the phone, that is something we still hold on to around here as well.. Lot’s of places today dont even have phones and you can only email them, this baffles me as it is cutting off a communications stream that some people still hold on to.

You will have peace of mind that you have chosen the right silencer for your gun when you talk to us here as we have a knowledgeable staff that will be with you till the end. You can pay on the website when you place your order, you can call us and we can send you a click-to-pay invoice, or we can take your information over the phone and finish processing your order within minutes. You can even still come by and pay with cash in person or mail us a check if you want, whatever is easiest for you. We also have a layaway plan if you choose to pay for your silencer in payments. No matter how you order, we strive to be the best silencer company on the market through excellent silencers, silencer accessories, and hands on customer service.

All of this to say, that going back merely 20 years and there was no ordering a silencer by email, you couldn’t log into a website at 2AM and get the Zulu integral 556 suppressor ordered, nor could you call us and have a click-to-pay invoice generated and emailed to you so you could complete the transaction in minutes. It just wasn’t that simple then, and now it is the norm for everyday purchases. It blows our minds how things have evolved in such a short span of time.

If you are interested in getting something headed your way, just give us a shout or email us at the link below:

Liberty Suppressors Contact Info

Keep your powder dry…

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Which rimfire suppressor is right for me?

The Vector rimfire suppressor is perfect for a 22LR pistol.

Today we look at which rimfire suppressor we recommend for the 22 LR enthusiast.

When you go down the rabbit hole of 22LR rimfire suppressors, it is important to figure out what your personal needs are when it comes to this amazing firearm caliber.

Do you want the absolute quietest platform available?

Do you want to use your silencer and not have to worry about cleaning it very often?

Do you need several different configurations to work on many platforms?

These are just a few of the questions that many rimfire silencer owners end up asking themselves when they choose a rimfire suppressor. Some of these questions ask the new, or even seasoned NFA owner, to take a hard look at themselves and see what is a real need in their mind as opposed to what they think they want based on marketing hype or peer pressure.

Once the end user has found what really matters to them, it really boils down to just one question. Do I want the Regulator rimfire suppressor or the Vector rimfire suppressor? Let’s take a short look at the differences and what this means for the end user.

Regulator Rimfire Suppressor

The Regulator rimfire suppressor is designed for flat out performance. The absolute quietest silencer money can buy…bar none. If having the literal “staple gun” quiet 22 silencer is your goal, then the Regulator is for you.

Regulator Rimfire suppressor

The only drawback (if you can call it that), that we can come up with, is that to maintain this level of performance, the silencer needs to be cleaned regularly, on the order of every 500 rounds or so. This doesn’t sound like many, but if you look at most rimfire firearms, they normally need cleaning in the same sort of time frame as well. The Regulator can go a bit longer but the silencer will be harder to dismantle the longer you wait. Once again, for most people, this isnt an issue.

Vector Rimfire Suppressor

The Vector silencer does things differently. It is designed from the outset for the person who wants the maintenance of their silencer to be easy even after several thousand rounds of use. We went into the project with this in mind along with simple design so it is easy to assemble and modular so it can be configured to fit the users needs when it comes to a rimfire suppressor. We have tested the Vector on a Ruger 22/45 rimfire pistol and after more than 2500 continuous rounds of fire, the silencer came apart with minimal effort. We even have a video of this process that can be viewed here!

Vector Rimfire Suppressor

All of this is a moot point though, if you do not have quality subsonic 22LR ammunition. For this we chose to use CCI Standard Velocity ammunition. This ammunition is subsonic naturally and is also VERY consistent over all for a bulk available ammo. If you are looking for our recommendation for a 22LR rimfire cartridge, this is it.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

David Saylors

Liberty Suppressors

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Upgrade Options, which is right for you?

Among the best features of the Liberty Suppressors product line is the fact that many older suppressors in our multi-caliber series can be upgraded to the most current version, and in some cases even other versions. In this post I explain what the upgrade is, how it works both physically and legally, which silencers can and cannot be upgraded to new models, and the differences in capabilities between them to help you decide which path is best for your needs.

What is an upgrade?

An upgrade is essentially a re-core of an existing silencer that has been purchased and transferred to the end user. When we receive a suppressor for upgrade we disassemble it, discard any parts that are to be replaced, and replace them with the new or different versions. We also will clean out the tube, and repaint everything so the user gets back what is essentially a brand new can for roughly half the cost of a new suppressor.

You do not need to fill out any ATF paperwork when doing an upgrade. We will never replace the tube, or modify the information on it. In fact, you can mail it directly to us and we can mail it directly back to you without any need for an FFL / SOT or any federal wait time. If you’re sending in an older Mystic or Infiniti (pre “Mystic X” generations) then we’ll slightly shorten the tube and add the wave lock feature as well, but the silencer’s overall length remains unchanged. All upgrades will look identical to the current generation version of that silencer, including the low profile lock ring and back front cap.

Which silencers can be upgraded?

Not all silencers are capable of being upgraded. The main one that can’t is the Cosmic. The reason for this has nothing to do with the physical limits of the suppressor itself, but rather ATF regulations. We engrave the Cosmic tube with the caliber mark “45 ACP”, and therefore must always be able to fire that caliber safely. All available upgrade paths other than the Cosmic upgrade are 9mm bore cores, and if we were to install one into a Cosmic then that suppressor would be in violation of ATF policy and illegal. Fortunately, the list of suppressors that we can upgrade is far more comprehensive. The Mystic, Infiniti, Mystic X, and Infiniti X are all eligible for the standard upgrade paths. Standard paths are upgrading to the Mystic X, Cosmic, or Infiniti X.

Which upgrade path is right for you?

Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are better suited for rifles, and some for pistols. We recommend that you decide what you want your silecer to be designed to do, and choose the upgrade that matches that best.

Mystic X

The most popular option is the Mystic X upgrade. As previously stated, we can upgrade several suppressors to the Mystic X style core, including the Mystic X. This may seem circular, so allow me to explain. Over the course of producing the Mystic X we found that if we were to rearrange our supporting structure inside the core and use a higher-grade stainless steel, we could support more rifle calibers and shorter barrels on existing calibers. We implemented this in all Mystic X silencers starting with serial number MX2600 and above at no additional cost to the end user. However, for the hundreds already out there we offered the upgrade program. This allows them to get those same caliber ratings in their suppressors. Compared to the other upgrade paths, the Mystic X gives you the maximum amount of rifle calibers, including 300 Win Mag and 5.56 down to 11.5” barrels.


The Cosmic upgrade is another popular path. This gives your suppressor the ability to shoot larger bore rounds, such as the .45 ACP, 10mm, and many others. Although the bore is now much larger in comparison to a 9mm can like the Mystic X or Infiniti X, it still suppresses the 9mm rounds quite well. The main limitation of the Cosmic style core is in regards to rifle rounds. This design only has about 6 baffles, and they’re designed to support low-pressure rounds. As opposed to the Mystic X style core that we gave about three times the baffles and is designed for higher-pressure rounds. The Cosmic upgrade is a fantastic option that is intended for pistol calibers, but can still handle many rifle rounds with some caveats.

Infiniti X

The final option, and my personal favorite, is the Infiniti X upgrade. This gives all of the capabilities of the Mystic X, while being significantly lighter due to its titanium core. All around a good choice, this option is geared towards rifles and can handle a lot more pressure than the Cosmic, but is not rated for anything larger than 9mm in diameter.

Of course, it’s ultimately up to the end user to decide which path is best for you. Once a can has been upgraded it can be upgraded again if you so choose, so you aren’t tied to any particular type. As always, if you have any questions or need any more information you can reach out to the sales team at support@libertycans.net or call us at (706) 661-6911 and we will do our best to help you.

About the author: Noah has worked at Liberty Suppressors since early 2012, starting out working production on the shop floor and has been working in the R&D and tech departments since late 2015.

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Liberty Suppressors Agent 556 Silencer has arrived!

The Agent is our latest dedicated 556 silencer and it has all the features you cold ever want in a detachable silencer design. The silencer is made from titanium and inconel (blast baffle) for long life and a light weight feel. When we designed this silencer, we wanted something that was not already available in this space. The reason was that we wanted to serve the people looking for a lightweight, severe duty 556 silencer that could be configured in any way the user needed it.

How we did this was to add a 1-3/8×24 socket to the back of the silencer so that we could install a plurality of mounting solutions. These include direct thread adapters from us or anyone in the industry that makes a quality adapter, or even something like the Dead Air Keymo mounting scheme as well. We actually offer the Agent 556 Silencer as packages with either the end cap only, nothing at all or the “full monty” of the end cap for direct thead use as well as the Dead Air Keymo mount and brake. This thought process leaves the choice to the end user as to which system of attachment is best for them.

Agent with the Dead Air Keymo Mount installed.

Another thing we did with the Agent that we have not traditionally done in the past is make a baffle design specific for this the 556 round and not compromise it with some other caliber to give it a multi-caliber option. This is because the Agent 556 silencer is designed from the outset for the 5.56 NATO cartridge and is truly optimized for it. As I was doing various tests on the prototypes, I would personally make minor adjustments to the baffle design to improve things like back pressure mitigation and tone and well as over all signature and flash reduction. We have done long term testing on this 556 silencer to see how it would handle things like rain where it would get water in it during use. This can be a problems as well, since adding water to a rifle silencer can make for a high pressure steam failure if the system is not designed to handle it. (As an aside, it worked flawlessly during these tests too, just producing glorious clouds of steam in the process.)

Something that is overlooked in many silencer designs is the back pressure generated in rifle silencers like the Agent. 556 silencers are especially susceptible to back pressure and the AR15 platform is greatly affected by the extra gas in the system as well. Ever since the introduction of our Zulu integral 556 silencer with the pressure vents on the front cap, we have incorporated this philosophy into our other rifle silencers we develop. The agent front cap has a plurality of tiny slots that line up with the joint between the tube and core where there is a high pressure low, low flow rate interface. This allows us to vent pressure from the silencer under very controlled conditions preventing secondary combustion, making the silencer even quieter.

9 radial ports in the front cap help vent high pressures away from the operator.

Finally, to top it all off, we added some more convenient features for the end user to benefit from this wonderful new 556 silencer. We made the front cap replaceable so in the unlikely event of a end cap strike, we dont have to mail the whole silencer back and forth across the country risking loss on every trip. It simply screws out and the new one screws in, easy as that. The other is the use of Type C Cerakote as it is almost indestructible and wont burn off during use. The front cap and thread adapter are done in black nitride so they dont need Cerakote light the titanium body does. So it is basically indestructible, for the most part and should easily last several lifetimes versus the rifle it is mounted to.

I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the new Agent 556 silencer with me and come back for more info on here as we add more articles over time.

Thank you,

David Saylors

Liberty Suppressors

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Zulu & Whitetail are here!

We are pleased to announce the release of our latest silencer designs, the Zulu and the Whitetail!

The Zulu is an integral build on a purpose built AR15 upper assembly that uses Aero Precision upper and rail parts and an Odin Works custom barrel. These part are combined with our purpose built suppressor, to produce a system that is simply amazing!

The Whitetail is an integral designed for the hunter. It is built on a Ruger American rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor and is absolutely amazing to hear. The design is such that we are only 2″ longer than the unsuppressed rifle and virtually the same weight so the gun feels just like an un-suppressed rifle. You won’t even know you have a silencer…till you shoot it.

Check out both of these on our webpage for more info!

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Upgrades are here!

Did you know that we offer a slew of upgrade paths for existing suppressor owners? Did you know that there is no need for a new tax stamp or the long wait with an upgrade? We have upgrades for many of the suppressors we have made in the past including:

Out with the old mystic

Out with the old mystic

Mystic X from older Mystic models

Chaotic TI from Chaotic

Regulator style internals in your Kodiak TL

and much more!

Just goto our web store and look for the section with all the upgrade options and as always, we are here to discuss what you are looking for whether it be an upgrade, special project or one of our current production silencers!


Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Christmas time is here!

With Christmas right around the corner, you know what makes a great gift idea…c’mon, you know what I am going to say… a t-shirt from our web store!!! (You thought I was going to say silencer, didn’t you?) We have a plethora of t-shirts to choose from and they will be in your mailbox in time for the big day if you order now…

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Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

We have noticed that people start getting into the hunting mood right before Thanksgiving and start getting in the woods more and more. You should pay attention to your gear when you do this as it can get wet causing guns to rust and things you never worry about (like your hunting knife) to lock up from corrosion. More than once have I seen friends with mildew on their cloth gear because it was stowed damp. Take care of your gear and it will take care of you. Fortunately our silencers need little to no maintenance and make things simpler for you guys because of this. Still, it is a good idea to dry them off when not in use, it will make things work better the next time you go into the field.

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What is happening for the FALL 2018?

Hello Everybody,

WE are busy getting ready for the fall season here at Liberty and have some interesting things to share with you!

First, we have released our 4oz. Heavy Buffer for the AR15 rifle platform, this buffer is designed to soften recoil and add some additional mass to aid in correcting ejection issues and assist in loading rounds from the magazine. These are made from stainless steel and are available in the web store for immediate access!

Follow this link to see it for yourself… AR15 Heavy Buffer

We are also now offering our LoPro FBA Mystic X mounts as a custom thread pitch option. This was previously not available due to production of the mounts, now we have ran a batch of blanks for you guys and gals that need a special thread pitch here and there. Follow the link below to find it in the drop down menu.

Custom LoPro FBA

Be on the lookout for other items coming up in the near future! We have a lot of things in the pipe that we think you will love!!!

Thank you and keep the guns quiet.

Bulletin Board

We have new stuff!!!!

Since last month we have released two silencers and have several new adapters on the site. We have launched the 762HR which is a hunting rifle silencer and is VERY affordable. We also brought the Triumph back for a limited time due to requests for them. Click on the silencer below to see more about it. The 762HR is built on the Chaotic chassis and shares several aspects with it, mainly we reconfigured the internals to save several machine operations as well as lower the parts count to get the price down for the sportsman that doesnt shoot his silencer on machine-guns and short barreled rifles. 
Both of these can be found on the website.

As you know the Triumph is a phenomenal 556 suppressor that is all titanium and contains inconel in the blast chamber to provide long life on even short barreled guns. Click on the silencer below to see more about the Triumph, We also have brought out several new adapters lately too, such as…

The FBA Blast Diffuser… Protect your FBA threads as well as provide some muzzle braking at the same time. We also have a special package price on it and a LoPro FBA right now as well if you click here.


and the Self Tightening Flash hider/muzzle brake! This brake is made of 416 stainless steel and is black nitride treated for long life as well as good looks. It also comes predrilled for a blind pin so those pesky 14.5″ barrels can be brought to a little over 16″ as well!

Check them out!


Than you for taking the time to read our blog!!!


David Saylors





Bulletin Board

Have you seen the Chaotic TI?

We have had this gem for quite some time, it is an evolution of the original Chaotic with a titanium core instead of stainless steel. Retaining the inconel blast baffle, this reduces the weight significantly as well as heat dissipation. The Chaotic was made with one thing in mind; 300 Blackout. This suppressor was designed in cooperation with end users and compliments this cartridge perfectly. The Chaotic Ti is rated for any jacketed round from 300 Winchester Magnum and down. At 6” in length and a 2” diameter, this can sits nicely at the end of a hand guard of your favorite AR15 platform and helps maintain overall firearm balance. While designed for the AR platform is also works equally well if not better on bolt action rifle applications. This is basically the perfect hunting rifle silencer…

Linky to Chaotic TI page


Shoot us an email if you have questions and we will be happy to answer them!

Linky to Contact us page

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Krebs AC15 / Liberty Combo

Liberty Suppressors & Krebs Custom bring you the . . . 

 Liberty Suppressors has teamed up with Krebs Custom to bring you the ultimate in AK Suppressed shooting, The A-Kaotic. If Mikhail Kalashnikov is the father of the AK, Marc Krebs is the Godfather. Krebs Custom has been providing high end, accurate AKs since the mid-80s and continues to allow US residents the opportunity to own the finest, Russian made, AKs with the highest overall quality and attention to detail available. With this pedigree, the Krebs AC-15 is the perfect match to the new Liberty A-Kaotic. From its Titanium tube to its Stainless Steel core with Inconel blast baffle, the reliability of the Chaotic has always been the ideal suppressor partner for the AK platform. The A-Kaotic takes this heritage and builds on it with its custom designed quick-detach mount built specifically to work with the Krebs Interchangable Muzzle System. The A-Kaotic is available in limited quantities as a stand alone suppressor or as a Liberty Suppressors and Krebs Custom A-Kaotic/AC-15 package.


Caliber: 7.62 x 39 mm
Length: 7″
Diameter: 2”
Material: Titanium tube / Stainless steel core
Weight: 27 oz
Approx. dB Overall: 138.9 (including First Round Pop)
Approx. dB Reduction: 25.5 dB

Mounting Type: Krebs I.M.S. (Interchangeable Muzzle System)

A-Kaotic and Krebs AC-15 Package MSRP ….. $2800.00

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Cleaning kits for your cans (they work on the guns too)

We have put together a kit to help you maintain your suppressor in the form of the Liberty Cleaning Kit. This kit is comprised of a cleaning mat, M16 style cleaning brush, a bottle of fire clean, and a silicone coated cloth to finish off the system. Fireclean has a reputation of being an excellent cleaner and we have seen it here as well. You can find our cleaning kit at this link


Suppressor Cleaning Kit

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Did you get a FBA Thread Protector yet?

FBA Thread Preotector for the Mystic X Silencer
FBA Thread Preotector

This is the thread protector designed for the Fixed Barrel Adapters that are used with the Liberty Mystic X suppressor. Should you choose to leave the mount on your rifle, now there is a thread protector to cover the threads while the suppressor is not deployed on the mount. This device is backwards compatible with the Mystic and Infiniti silencers as well. Back by popular demand, we have  made them to where they give your carbine a cool look as well as protecting the threads! Get yours today!

FBA Thread Protector Link to Page

The special thing about this Mystic X silencer FBA thread protector is that it will also create a blast projector out of a full size FBA as well, this by default creates two devices out of one and gives you more versatility as well. These do a phenomenal job of their original purpose of protecting the threads on your Mystic X suppressor Fixed Barrel Adapter threads when the silencer is not mounted to the carbine. A lot of people have found that it is easier to leave the mount on the host weapon and simply move the suppressor module from one to the other host and then the Mystic X simply screws on to the adapter on each one. This gives a nice light weight appeal as well as dependable repeatability when the Mystic X silencer is removed and then reinstalled on the host, minimizing the shift in zero.

The FBA thread protector is made from high quality aluminum and is anodized for a long lasting finish as well. They are made in such a way as to prevent them from hanging up on things like car seat belts and backpacks as well. It also projects the sound forward so the weapon operator does feel quite as much sound energy as well. This is a huge benefit when the suppressor is not in use nor is it always appropriate to use it. Just some food for thought.

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Liberty Cleaning Kits are a thing!

We have had these for a while, but a lot of people don’t know that we have a cleaning kit for our take apart silencers. We put this kit together with suppressor cleaning in mind and it has all the cleaning supplies one would need to clean a dingy old 22 can with. Complete with a counter mat, a bottle of fire clean, a “M16” style brush, and a silicone impregnated cleaning cloth, this kit has it all. You can find them on our website here.


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New Videos are on the way!

We have talked to David and he agrees that we need more video content for you guys. We went to the main questions we get on the telephone and email and compiled a list of subjects based on these questions. We are starting with the mount series explaining the mounts and how to use them. Next will be content explaining and demonstrating many of our suppressors to show what all they are capable of. Stay tuned for more videos!!! They are mainly on youtube, but as we get time, we will upload them to FB as well.

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Blacklist Industries Barrels: A Match Made in Heaven


So, being a suppressor company, we here at Liberty are always on the lookout for quality silencer accessories. One of the first things purchased after a suppressor is almost always a threaded barrel. We’ve tried barrels from all sorts of aftermarket manufacturers, as well as OEM threaded options, but we’re always looking for the best thing out there. Enter the Blacklist Industries Ultra Match Glock Barrels. We like these things so much we’ve added them to our web store! They’re made from certified 416R Stainless Steel, and have all the boxes ticked when it comes to stats. Threaded, fluted, recessed crowned, match fit, thread protector included. There is just tons to like about this. Even the packaging is sharp with the barrels coming in a Blacklist branded plastic clamshell case, laser cut foam, and PVC patch and some stickers. If you’re looking to add a threaded barrel to your arsenal, we just can’t recommend these barrels from Blacklist Industries enough. Oh yeah, did I mention that they also do M&P threaded and non threaded barrels and a ton of other cool accessories as well?

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Liberty Suppressors Centurion


The  Centurion is everything you want in a compact 9×19 pistol suppressor. It is designed to provide excellent suppression on 9mm handguns dry or wet. We designed it to be take apart since 9mm tends to run a little dirty, and this by default makes it suitable for 22LR as well. If there was ever a suppressor that is perfect for the nightstand, the Centurion would be it. The length added to the host firearm is only about 6″ allowing it to balance nicely with virtually any 9mm threaded handgun on the market today. We made this suppressor 34% shorter than the Mystic X by reducing the footprint a full 3 inches, making an extremely compact platform that handles well. This suppressor also performs very well on rimfire calibers as well as 300 Blackout carbines. Short, light and handy, this suppressor works well in many different roles.

centurion 9mm silencer

We made the Centurion silencer out of stainless steel and a titanium tube to make it lightweight yet durable at the same time. We also incorporated the wave-lok feature into the tube and core allowing for it to be tightened by gripping the silencer body instead of the just the mount at the back. We also protect the outside of the suppressor module with type C Cerakote to make for a durable finish as well as giving it good looks at the same time. IT is everything you could want in a compact 9mm handgun silencer.

We love using the Centurion pistol silencer on our HK VP9 Tactical as well as our Sig Sauer P226 pistol as well, both of these are excellent handguns that pair well with a small 9mm suppressor like the Centurion and will make for a wonderful system when you goto the range or just want something for what goes bump in the night. Lowering the sound signature is paramount to us and we want to make the experience the best that it possibly can be… If you want to learn more about the Centurion just give us a call or shoot us an email, we will glad to help!

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An ounce of prevention . . .

IMG_8048Nobody likes cleaning take apart cans, especially us! It doesn’t take much shooting at all, especially 22 or 9mm, to get a suppressor so gunked up you can barely get it apart, let alone all the scrubbing and scraping to get it back to some semblance of clean. It’s one of those tasks that is definitely worth it, but never quite as satisfying as breaking down and cleaning your favorite firearm. When thinking about cleaning a take apart silencer, the old adage is ever true, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or, in our case, a few drops of CLP are worth an hour of scrubbing! When you get that new Centurion (or any other take apart can), take a few minutes to “clean” it first. Since it’s brand new, there isn’t any actual cleaning to be done, but getting a good, thin layer of quality CLP before the first shot will go a long way to cut down on carbon and lead buildup. We’re fond of Rand CLP around here and find it works well for this and many other daily functions. Starting out with a little CLP on the surfaces of the core and inner surface of the tube is no cleaning “magic bullet”, but it will help. And any time saved in cleaning is always a welcome surprise!

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Shore up your long range game with Cole-Tac Boss Bags.

Cole Tac Boss Bag

Any accuracy in shooting relies on a stable platform, be it your skeletal frame or a shooting bench. For years, shooters have relied on shooting bags to help create that solid platform in the field. The Boss Bag from Cole-Tac is one of the best such bags in the business, and we at Liberty Suppressors are proud to be carrying them in our web store. Whether using it under the fore end on a varied surface like rocks, or using it as a rear bag on a bench, this bag has all the features you need and none of the gimmicks you don’t. The Boss Bags are hand made using 1000 denier Cordura and come filled with a non-absorbing polymer. The hardware is extremely durable and the adjustable strap is placed perfectly for tightening to make an easy to grasp shape while leaving the maximum amount of adjustment. If you’re in the market for a solid shooting bag, give the Boss Bag by Cole-Tac a shot.

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Mystic X to Cosmic Upgrade, aka The Classic – Hot Rodded

If  you’ve already purchased a Mystic or Mystic X, first off, we want to say Thanks! We hope  you like it as much as we do and we’re truly honored that you’ve trusted us with your hearing, your time, and your hard earned money. As much as we love the Mystic line of cans, our R&D team has worked their juju-magic and made it possible for you to upgrade your Mystic or Mystic X to the new Cosmic 45! You’ll have all the versatility of the suppressor  you’ve come to love, while adding all the new calibers of the Cosmic – up to 45ACP. The tube will be modified slightly to conform to the Cosmic specs but the model name and serial number will not be altered. By doing this, we’ve eliminated the need for another stamp! You can purchase this upgrade on our Web Store HERE. Once purchased, simply print your receipt, put it in the box with your can and send it straight to us. No need to go through your Class III dealer. The turn around time on this is currently sitting at around three weeks or less, and we’ll have your baby safely back in your arms! Just one more way we’re looking to add value for our Liberty Family!cosmic

Bulletin Board

Indexing Your Suppressor Booster

So you just got your new Cosmic Suppressor (or Mystic X or Centurion) and you’re pumped. Trust us, we know the feeling! You head to the nearest range to try this bad boy out, but something is off. You know your pistol is dead on at 15 yards, but when you screw on your new can, you’re shooting low and right about 1″, pretty consistently. What’s the deal?

Point of impact (POI) shift is a standard phenomena that occurs when shooting with a suppressor. The baffles inside a suppressor are designed, essentially, to cause turbulence in the gasses leaving the barrel of the firearm when a round is fired. This turbulence is what causes the gasses to slow down and cool slightly before leaving the end of the suppressor, thus reducing the sound of the muzzle blast. Some of these turbulent gasses can push the bullet slightly, causing a POI shift. Barring anything out of the ordinary, like a baffle strike or unstable round, this POI shift should be consistent and repeatable.

Fig 1 Suppressor booster compressed

The suppressor or silencer booster is in the ready to use position

A great trick with the suppressor booster assembly, is the ability to index the suppressor, or rotate it while mounted, to be able to adjust the POI slightly. This can be done by simply utilizing the way the booster assembly and how it is actually made. First, visually and physically verify the firearm is cleared of any ammunition and the safety is on. Second, make sure the suppressor is not hot to the touch. Grasp the firearm with your dominant hand, remembering rule four of firearm safety by keeping your finger out of the trigger guard. {Fig. 1} Grasp the suppressor firmly with your support hand and pull it out, in a straight line, away from the firearm, compressing the booster assembly spring. {Fig. 2} You can then rotate the suppressor and allow the piston to drop back into any of the 10 slots in the housing.

Fig 2 - Suppressor booster extended to allow indexing to next detent position.

Silencer or suppressor booster assembly extended by hand for indexing.

For example, if you find that with your suppressor, you are shooting low and right (4 o’clock), most shooters will index the silencer counter clockwise 3-4 positions to move the POI to directly above center (12 o’clock). This allows the shooter to know exactly where to aim when shooting targets.

We hope you found this information helpful and make sure to check back on the bulletin board for more tips and tricks to come. As always, if you have any questions about this or anything else, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or shoot an email. Thanks and safe shooting. If you want to interact with us on social media, just click the link and be transported magically to our FB page!

Bulletin Board

The Cosmic – The Most Versatile 45 Can Available

We at Liberty have designed the most versatile 45 ACP pistol suppressor available. This unit can be used on several different calibers which include all the ones that the Mystic X is rated for as well as the list shown below. The Cosmic is also backwards compatible with all the mounting solutions we already have in place. Give your dealer a call today to get yours! By using our new bi-directional baffle technology, this suppressor is able to use a stainless steel core and be lighter in weight at the same time.


1911cosmic web

Bulletin Board

Leonidas Titanium Core Saves Almost 1/2 Pound of Muzzle Weight for Only $280 More!

1/2 pound might not sound like much but add that to the end of your barrel and try to hit a small target at 100 yards and see what a difference it can make!

Now Liberty Suppressors offers our Leonidas line of suppressors in Titanium. By requesting a Titanium core in your Leonidas when you place your initial order, the total cost only increases by $280.

Visit the Leonidas TI Page here to check it out and give us a call to order yours today!

leo titanium

Bulletin Board

New and Improved Booster Design and Finish

Our Research and Design Department have been at it again! This time the Recoil Booster comes away with a new look.











A new design in Melonite treated Stainless Steel for long life! What is Melonite? It’s a chemical process to the metal, not a coating. This treatment helps the piston function better by giving it less resistance inside the housing. It also keeps the booster looking newer longer due to a more resilient finish. Stop by the Web Store today and check it out!

Bulletin Board

3 Lug Mount Suppressor Adapter for the Mystic X, Cosmic, Infiniti X and Centurion Silencers


The Liberty 3 lug mount adapter is made entirely of stainless steel for long life and durability. We designed this mount specifically for the H&K MP5 (9MM) family of guns. The surface of all parts is treated with a black nitride coating to provide excellent wear resistance as well as give the device a nice appearance. This device is backwards compatible with the original Mystic and the Infiniti as well. Adding just over an inch to the system this is also one of the shortest 3 lug mounts available.

Liberty Suppressor 3 lug mount
The Liberty Suppressor 3 lug silencer mount is designed for suppressors like the Mystic X, Infiniti X, Cosmic and Centurion.

Length Added: 1.050″
Diameter: 1.375″
Weight: 5 ounces
Material: Stainless Steel
Finish: Black Nitride
MSRP: $165

Visit the General Web Store Here

IF you have a HK MP5 or any of it’s derivatives, then this is the device for you that allows attachment of the Liberty Suppressors Mystic X, Infiniti X, Cosmic or even the Centurion silencer to your carbine. This is not a high pressure rifle mount system though and as such is not designed for the pressure levels of that a rifle silencer will experience in use, care should be taken to not mix this mount with 556 carbines as damage and possible bodily harm could occur. Stay safe out there !

Bulletin Board

Are you shooting your silencer loose?

A Silencer (or suppressor) is sometimes prone to loosening due to thermal expansion.

It is important to check the suppressor after firing 5 or 6 rounds to ensure it is not “shooting loose”. If it is loose, retighten and continue use. This should do it in most cases, but with some extreme firing schedule and rifle / silencer combinations, it is possible that it could work loose again. It should be checked again periodically, to make certain things are staying tight. CAUTION: The suppressor can get very hot during use, when checking to see if the silencer is tight on the firearm make sure to protect yourself from this heat.

With the explosive growth in the industry of ownership in silencers, a lot of people are coming into the community and have no idea of some of the nuances that surround suppressor use and care. We are trying to help bridge this gap in knowledge by writing about in these blog posts and sharing them with the community. 

556 Silencer Use…

A silencer like the Constitution 2 – a 556 hard use suppressor, can work loose due to several factors like the barrel threads could be slightly out of spec or the suppressor heats up more rapidly than the host weapon (this is actually the most common reason) and makes the silencer loose. Now keep in mind that if you tighten the suppressor while the system is hot, then when it cools, everything will get exponentially tighter. This can make it impossible to remove the suppressor after the session if you let the system cool first, sometimes it is easier to loosen the silencer prior to it being completely cool first. You will have to just work with it on an individual basis till you figure out what works for you.

constitution 2 556 hard use silencer

When you are shooting at the range, just remember to make sure you dont let your silencer shoot loose… Hope this helps with your experience and stay safe!

Bulletin Board

Kodiak TL to Regulator Upgrade

Check out this video about upgrading your Kodiak TL silencer to the all new Regulator!

When you see the difference in the Kodiak TL and the Regulator, it is easy to understand why you would want to do the upgrade. The Kodiak TL while being David’s personal favorite can of all time, has it’s short comings. The first silencer shortcoming is that the rear cap gages off of the rear of the tube. Should the tube become dented for any reason on this surface the silencer will not gage true and you are prone to get baffle strikes from this issue. So great care must be taken to insure the tube doesn’t get damaged. The second thing the Regulator does better is that is it just plain quieter.

You heard that right, the Regulator is just plain quieter than the Kodiak TL even though it has borrowed it’s suppression technology from the older generation, there is significant design improvements in this silencer to make it better.

The last thing that the Regulator upgrade gives the Kodiak TL suppressor is we add the wavelike feature eliminating the need to tighten the silencer really tight to prevent tube spin. This was one of the things we aspired to eliminate when we designed the Regulator and we deliberately started with a Kodiak TL tube to develop it with so that we knew it would be able to be upgraded if people wanted to do that. This is just another way we here at Liberty Suppressors are always looking to provide more value to our silencer owners.

If you want to get your Kodiak TL upgraded to the Regulator design, just give us a call and we can get that done for you. 706-661-6911 dials right to the peeps you need to talk to about your silencer!

Bulletin Board

Inconel Blast Baffles

Liberty Suppressors uses 718 Inconel blast baffles in several rifle can (except the Constitution 2 and Amendment of course). This extends suppressor life to many thousands of rounds! Silencers are designed to live in a VERY harsh environment. In fact, it is one of the harshest environments I can think of to be honest about it. Extreme pressure events where the internal pressure spikes to crazy high levels. Then there is the particle impact damage from unburnt propellant particles and finally there is the heat…

Why do we use Inconel blast baffles?

The use of Inconel 718 in our hard use rifle cans is done for a plurality of reasons. In the below photo we see several different blast baffles designed to do different jobs. The main job is to absorb the abuse of the main blast of energy from the fired cartridge. This metal is VERY durable and has an incredible melting point lending itself to use in this application. There are other metals that do this job better, but they are expensive and even more difficult to work than Inconel 718.

We use Inconel 718 in both the Leonidas Gen 2 300 BLK integral upper as well as the Zulu 556 integral upper assembly. We also use it in our Agent 556 silencer too. In the past we have used it in many models like the Chaotic and the Torch also had Inconel 718 blast baffles. All of these suppressors were designed to be punished in their respective environs from high volume rifle fire. Also we get the question on occasion about why dont we just make the whole silencer out of it…? Well, to be honest, the suppressor would weigh a ton and would be insanely expensive and it would just be a waste of Inconel to be honest. There really is no benefit to using it past the first and maybe the second baffle. As the wear past this area is minimal and high grade stainless steel or titanium can handle this just fine.

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The Liberty Leonidas Lower

The Liberty Leonidas 300BLK AR15 Lower half is the next part for your carbine build. Made from billet 7075 aluminum alloy and Type 3 hard coat anodized for strength and durability. Accepts all conventional AR15 parts.


Enhanced Billet Lower Assemblies finally available in limited quantities in the webstore.

Left side view of lower half of an r15

The Liberty Leonidas 300BLK AR15 Lower half is the next part for your carbine build. Made from billet 7075 aluminum alloy and Type 3 hard coat anodized for strength and durability. Accepts all conventional AR15 parts.

1 2 3

Firearm Type


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